Dudley_Doright ago

Sex with children of three years of age is another "thing they do": http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Judaism/talmud_child_sex.htm

JopharVorin ago

Oy vey the Qoomers are not going to like this!

VitGet ago

Why does this end with a question mark?

Walk1 ago

Jews are the biggest hypocrites ever. I think when Israel is destroyed, the new state that replaces it should celebrate Vespasian's march into Jerusalem and his conquest of the Israelites.

englishwebster ago

never forget : the middle east is the birthplace of christianity and was chased out completely by the muslims.

same now in europe

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

shitty desert shanty


riffwraff ago

Jews always bring about their own misfortune. That's the problem with multigenerational goals and inbreeding. You get arrogant and stupid and forget sonething important.

SayTan ago

Doesn't work as a meme. The ashkenazi zionist jews that founded Israel are descended from the khazars, a mongol tribe. They have not one drop of blood from the levant.

Them claiming israel as anscestral is like if japan was claiming Hawaii as their anscestral homeland.

Genetically bullshit.

muffalettadiver ago

European white people are the real jews...

Crackrocknigga ago

You're highly confused. The Ashkenazi jews we know and love have absolutely no genetic connection to ancient Judea. They are actually descended from Turks who inhabited the caucuses, in the Khazarian empire. DNA testing proves this. If one compares a European Jew's DNA to that of an actual israelite, there will be no similarities.

JopharVorin ago

Love?? Most of the world hates them

King_Leopold_II ago

Love?? Most of the world hates us

There I fixed it for you.

JopharVorin ago

Happy Hanukah!

King_Leopold_II ago


You stupid kike, you spelled it earlier Chanukah but here differently. No white person does that, with a c, in fact most of us here don't give two fucks how its spelled. It's a dirty holiday.

For anyone else reading that is unaware, please note how this jew engaged in pilpul on multiple occasions in this thread.

Fuck you kike, gas yourself.

JopharVorin ago

I misspell it because it makes jews mad! ah ah ah

You keep using the word "pilpul" like Ben Shapiro but I dont think you know what that word actually means. Happy Hanika

King_Leopold_II ago


Love?? Most of the world hates them

We all, already know this is a statement kike.

Regarding sarcasm

How did you not detect mine?

Let's see maybe because in the aforementioned STATEMENT, there was none to be had.

Happy Chanukah

Kike way of spelling this shit. Not to mention your first reaction to someone telling you to kill yourself is To try and paint them as a jewrat.

Why the butthurt? are you jewish? or a cuck? I dont get it

Why are you asking me if I'm gay three times. Stop projecting faggot.

lol qoomer

Another quality comment of yours.

Happy Hanukah!

Oy vey, you spelled it like a goyim this time while trying to paint me as a kike. Trying to coverup your (((freudian))) slip, from when you spelled it with a c?

You keep using the word "pilpul" like Ben Shapiro but I dont think you know what that word actually means

Oh no, you've tried to lump me in with the jewrats again, all the while trying to make look like an illiterate fuck.

Happy Hanika

Oh hey guys, this dudes ok, he's spelling some shitty time of year wrong after being called out on it only to piss off the jew.

JopharVorin ago

You're mad ah ah ah

Happy Chanuka

@KosherHiveKicker looks like I smoked out yet another jew

King_Leopold_II ago

You're mad ah ah ah

Why because I breakdown comments?

Happy Chanuka

Hey look guys I'm doing it again.

KosherHiveKicker looks like I smoked out yet another jew

Gabara get the ovens fired up

If those guys believe you're not jewish this site is fucked.

JopharVorin ago

You--->act like Nazi. Try and go after "real Nazi". Post gif of Robert Redford nodding. Then try and discredit "real Nazi". Then go on your jewy way. I've seen it all before, kike. OVEN

Happy Hunakah, 5 day old fagit

King_Leopold_II ago

You--->act like Nazi. Try and go after "real Nazi".

Why did you say "real nazi"? Also why are you using a slur against the NSDAP?

Then try and discredit "real Nazi".

Again, the quotes and slur, why?

Then go on your jewy way. I've seen it all before, kike. OVEN

Workin overtime for those shekels aren't you?

Happy Hunakah,

Hey guys I'm trying to look like I'm pissing off the jews after being called out on it.

5 day old fagit

Hey you're new you can't detect pilpul, or use voat in the manner that you're doing so. Also it's faggot, but English is your second language so you make errors like that.

JopharVorin ago

You are recoiling back. You've been found out.

King_Leopold_II ago

Thanks kike I'm done.

JopharVorin ago

Toodles. Or in your hebrew tongue, it would be: הֱיה שלום

Crackrocknigga ago

Seeing as this is voat you should have realized the sarcasm

JopharVorin ago

How did you not detect mine?

Crackrocknigga ago

Kill yourself

JopharVorin ago

Happy Chanukah

Crackrocknigga ago

I don't celebrate that you JIDF shit stain

King_Leopold_II ago


How did you not detect mine?

You stupid kike, you can't be serious. There was no sarcasm in your first comment.

JopharVorin ago

It was more of a statement. Why the butthurt? are you jewish? or a cuck? I dont get it

King_Leopold_II ago

Thanks for the English lesson

You don't know with whom you are messin

It's easy to tell you're a low iq nigger

To make you bite the curb I am so eager

You're trained in the art of pilpul

Executing it though you're not skillful

You love sucking on the cock

Next time you should try a 9mm glock

I really enjoy calling you guys a stupid kike

An activity I perform frequently that I like

JopharVorin ago

lol qoomer

StoneAgeTribeman ago

It doesn't matter, really. It's their religion and mythology that makes them the way they are. If you remove the Judaism from a Jew you get a soyboy numale. Jews had ancestors before Judaism, regardless of whether they were Khazar or Semitic or whatever, so deep down they're just normal human beings that have been brainwashed into a cult. Judaism is just a very powerful meme.

All religions are powerful memes and they are usually helpful to humankind because they impose norms and morals, to be honest, but some religions are not as destructive. Religions are just evolutionary strategies. Believe you're God-chosen, act like it, brainwash the rest of the population to believe that you're God-chosen and voila - you really become God-chosen. Of course, you are not God-chosen as there is no such concept in Reality, regardless of how much Jewish mysticism tries to push this, regardless of all the gematria on the Torah, regardless of all the rabbis that repeat this constantly.

So Judaism is just a big myth that a certain set of people found helpful to the propagation of their genes. It works from them. The problem is they want to ruin other people's evolutionary strategies. Patriarchy, morals, etc - all the stuff the Western world has used for centuries to preserve its genetic code. They want to remove it. Why? Because it hinders and endangers their own strategy.

Crackrocknigga ago

It's not simply a religion, it's racial and tribal. They wouldn't have laws otherwise forbidding mixing with outsiders. I also disagree heavily that race doesn't matter. Jews love to propogate the myth that they're of "the lost tribes" or " the people of Jesus" in order to gain financial support from Christians. It's a costly lie and at the forefront of their existence. They have no ties at all to the people whom Christ visited and are of the cursed synagogue of satan. One day, they will be destroyed

StoneAgeTribeman ago

Well yes, you're correct that Judaism is an ethno-religion, similar to Zoroastrianism (in fact I suspect that Judaism borrowed much from Zoroastrianism). However, for all the laws forbidding mixing with outsiders, Jews are quite mixed. They have different ethnic groups within Judaism, including black Jews.

But after all, even with all these laws, Jews are still human, they still share the same ancestors as us. They are not some God-chosen alien race.

I also disagree heavily that race doesn't matter

Race matters of course, but it's Judaism that smashes things. Notice how the guy mentions that the nation-states, races, boundaries. are not "real" (well Israel is "real", the rest are not). They don't believe in other "gods" than their own and that's why they want to destroy other people's "idols". Judaism teaches them that. I am surprised however that this guy, for all his intelligence, doesn't allow the possibility that it's Judaism that isn't real.

Killer_Werewolf ago

Judaism is an ethno-religion, similar to Zoroastrianism (in fact I suspect that Judaism borrowed much from Zoroastrianism

Angels appeared in Zoroastrianism before they appeared in the Abrahamic religions.

This is from Wikipedia

An angel is generally a supernatural being found in various religions and mythologies. In Abrahamic religions and Zoroastrianism, angels are often depicted as benevolent celestial beings who act as intermediaries between God or Heaven and humanity.

Omnidempotent ago

Those who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie.

Crackrocknigga ago

The synagogue of satan

Dudley_Doright ago

The followers of the vile talmud. They'll burn in hell.

Shekelstein6M ago

Kikes haven't been doing much race mixing until very recently, and the race mixing kikes don't have bellow replacement fertility levels.

Reminder that kikes are one of the most inbred group of people in the world.

Omnidempotent ago

That's why 1 in 27 ashkenazi jews carry the genes for tay sachs syndrome. I like to think this is one of god's ways of punishing them.