Uxg ago

This is super low effort. You just posted saying people are arguing in a heavily shilled subverse. That's some logic there. If anything this post is indicative of proof that they get harassed really hard. You make a post about how badly they are under attack. Did you have a link? A quote? This is just FREE THINKERS OLD BAD UPVOT PLZ

LibertarianForChrist ago

It sucks. I came here from reddit when the bamhammer happened, dealt with the Voat immune system, and settled in to other subverses as well. But now you have people who are supposed to be united calling eachother shills and just random garbage that destroys a movement. Meanwhile the fucking French are the first ones to rebel, good intentions or not.

Nothing is happening, we are on Voat while the marxists have control of the media, governments, and education. And they bow down to their jew overlords cpntrollong the banks. And they have the audacity to say they are the ones #resist while on Facebook. We have a small window to fight back before demographic shifts destroy the west and we would need to pass on the mantle of humanity to the far east. That being said we are of Voat, no one outside of Voat gives a shit about Voat. Talking amongst eachother isn't solving shit. It sucks but there is the hard truth.

There is potential here and there is hope. Converting those from the Q movement into naming the jew should be the main goal of all of us that can. If the Q stuff actually happens then its all great too. This is our chance to become relevant again. It starts with a single step.

TheyLie ago

When great research is posted here, I save it and spread it to others. I'm leaking it out and taking to people about the issues we face. Many people know. We're not just in a feedback loop


I feel this too. Being on here and immersing oneself in all of it in a community that isnโ€™t fucked is great, and itโ€™s super fun to meme on these retards.

However, every day that passes I feel a greater and greater need to actually get together and do something about all the shit. Memeing and sharing shit will only go so far, we need real action and soon.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Food_Stamp ago

Hahaha, so now im freshmeat, because there is no possible way that more than one person is laughing at their jew larp.

Neinlife ago

Im starting to think half the people here are bots

JopharVorin ago

They get mad when one talks about Israel or jews in a truthful way. Then, many will admit to me that they are jewish.


I don't know what they think they're accomplishing in the first place. Even if q is real they're just sitting around circlejerking and solving his riddles, it's not as if they're helping or anything.

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

I'm just here after work to eat popcorn and watch the hammer come down on the liberals and I like keeping my self informed of the happenings around the world by reading.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Get in here @Tallest_Skil this your kinda shit. Let's chimp out together.

Tallest_Skil ago

I'm out of the loop; are they finally fucking eating each other?

Food_Stamp ago

Its definitely stepped up a notch since the last time ive check in on them. The posting gibberish thing is a completely new one to me.

Anson ago

you may want to look up the word "chimpout" you're definitely using it wrong

Anson ago

Some faggot qtard tried calling me out for some phrasing i used in a post talking about some twitter post made by someone no one's ever heard of like there's a grand conspiracy. lmao fucking morons.

i maintain that Q's blockbuster information was obtained from me personally from posts I made on this website and PMs I received from someone here

Hydrocephalus ago

Shit, now I have to go over to the q subs.

ObamasPinkSock ago

You should - it's a fascinating community of President Trump supporters who are interested saving western civilization from the Jew World Order and theorizing about who's names are on over 60,000 sealed criminal cases that have mysteriously been created over the past ten months... and lots of shills who attack President Trump, suck Jew cock and claim Q is fake without any proof.

It's heaps funny - my favorite thing is how often shills are caught agreeing with themselves because they forgot to swap alts.

So many Voat users join forces with Shareblue and Jew fake news to attack a community of President Trump supporters who hate kikes and sandniggers... all for a LARP...

Weird, huh?

Food_Stamp ago

Its a forum or boomer retards calling eachother shills while frantically screeching about nazis just like the dems were doing a couple years ago. Its funny and sad at the same time, just like you.

GutwormTheManEater ago

and lots of shills who attack President Trump, suck Jew cock and claim Q is fake

Trump sucks more jew cock than the shills could ever dream of. https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=tm5Je73bYOY

all for a LARP...

A psyop is not a larp. Have you seen whats going on in France? Trump and now Q have been tasked with pacifying the public and they're doing a wonderful job. His handlers don't care what concessions he needs to make as long as the money machine keeps printing and the kickbacks and aid money for Israel keep flowing.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Trump sucks more jew cock than the shills could ever dream of.

Have you considered teaming up with Jew fake news and Shareblue to spread your hatred of President Trump?

I mean, why not get paid if you're just giving it away?

Trump and now Q have been tasked with pacifying the public

Please substantiate your claim.

GutwormTheManEater ago

I don't hate Trump. He was definitely the better candidate and probably will be again in 2020 but even if all of the Q and Trump stuff is 100% true it won't solve the problem. The swamp isn't the root of the problem. The problem is the amount of power the federal government has. The same people would buy the new politicians.

He's already replaced half of the federal employees lost during the hiring freeze and government spending has steadily increased since before he took office. Essentially the government is growing and we're borrowing more money from the jews, and those two things are precisely how we got into the mess we're in.

ObamasPinkSock ago

even if all of the Q and Trump stuff is 100% true it won't solve the problem.

You don't know that.

Have you considered there's a good reason why President Trump is in the process of purging every Deep State operative in a position of power within the FBI?

You have ZERO idea about who's names are on those 60,000 sealed criminal cases...

...but don't you find it interesting?

We are witnessing events that have never happened before... so perhaps you should try to keep an open mind?

The Q community are just President Trump supporters with open minds who are interested in researching what is going on... and for some reason that causes some "people" to REEEEEEEEE.

GutwormTheManEater ago

You're thinking too short term. He's replacing everyone he fires. That power still exists to be abused, whether it's by Trumps guy or someone else down the line.

ObamasPinkSock ago

I think removing EVERY Jew World Order traitor in positions of power within the FBI was smart.

That power still exists to be abused

So you want no government and no laws then?

I only ask because I like child sex crime laws and consumer rights and aeronautical regulations.

GutwormTheManEater ago

I think removing EVERY Jew World Order traitor in positions of power within the FBI was smart.

That's quite the assumption.

So you want no government and no laws then?

No I want a federal government that only handles federal issues (small military, border, tariffs, immigration) and leaves everything else up to the states.

I only ask because I like child sex crime laws and consumer rights and aeronautical regulations.

Nice virtue signal.

Reverse-Flash ago

I'll race you there.

Fuster_Cluck ago

Just so you know, when you two get back you're getting hosed off and placed into 24 hour quarantine.

Phantom42 ago


facepaint ago

Did they finally figure out that they are being dupped?

ObamasPinkSock ago

How do you know Q is fake unless you've seen the names on all 60,000 sealed criminal cases?

There's no need to lie and there's no need to be so closed minded.

Food_Stamp ago

I never said it was fake, q is a real larp. Q is the realist of all real larps to ever really larp.

Food_Stamp ago

I think they're just now starting to realize it but still in denial at the same time.

Aldebaran7937 ago


Food_Stamp ago

True, unfortunately.

MrDarkWater ago

Yeah. So.
We can't give y'all assclowns the satisfaction.

JopharVorin ago

You just had to use the dark-skinned one, didn't ya?

MrDarkWater ago

Irony, right?

2Weird2Live ago

It's the grief cycle.

Gopherurself ago

Hahaa i wouldnt be suprised if theres some real suicides hahaahaabaabaabab

Retron ago

I've been seeing them say to each other and everyone "happy hannukah", trying to co-opt the Twitter call-out as an attack against people who criticise their glorious pied piper.

Food_Stamp ago

Its a complete shitfest.

Rotteuxx ago

I haven't seen many angry dowvoats in threads in a long time.

Food_Stamp ago

They wont post outside of the anon subs, only downvote. They're ashamed.

Rotteuxx ago

Most can't argue for shit either, that's why they don't engage.

Hopefully they lurk moar and stop being such faggots.

Food_Stamp ago

Thats an understatement. They're literally fucking retarded.

VandalayIndustries ago

Lol. Upvoted.....๐Ÿ˜‚

ArielQflip ago

^^^^ Umbrella Corp. T-virus. Careful not to mutate!

Food_Stamp ago

Lol wut?

MrDarkWater ago

I think it's a meme now but the "^^^" followed by gibberish is some nutcase qtard who has no ability to discuss anything, he only calls out shills, who are almost never shills

Food_Stamp ago

Oh yeah, ive seen them doing that. They're retardation just keeps on surprising me.

Inquisitioner ago

"User joined during the Q rush" We gave out little badges for that? They're like little dunce caps, this is amazing!

ArielQflip ago

The ability to respond as you do shows your biases. We all have them. Tell me something I do not know and if your so intelligent, do not insult me.

Rotteuxx ago

Well it just so happens that I'm intelligent enough to know how moronic your entire Q cult movement is and you all deserve to get insulted for being so stupidly gullible.

Also, you did not know that high amounts of graphite in cast iron makes it impossible to cut with a torch.