Newmemba ago

stupid ignorant post

Laserchalk ago

Baphomet is definately a Jewish thing. You can blame Muslims for many things but this isn't one of them.

Mogumbo ago

Muhammad = child MOLESTER


Because OP is a lazy faggot:

Baphomet is a deity, demon and/or symbolic icon which originated in the 14th century as a supposed figure of worship of the Knights Templar. In those accounts, Baphomet was described as an inscribed head or human skull. The name "Baphomet" originally was a deformation of the name of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam. Claims that the Templars were worshipping "Baphomet" meant, in fact, that they were secret Muslims. Medieval European folklore did not recognize that Islam was a monotheistic faith, and imagined instead that Muslims prayed and sacrificed to a number of terrifying and evil imaginary deities.

fhaqyu ago

I'm pretty sure that Judaesim is the Satan's church. But hey, let's blame everyone else but them right. The have already suffered 6,000,000,000,000 tragic deaths since 2011.

con77 ago

The Antichrist will be moslem

obsecro-morietur ago

He will be. But for what reason?

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

diversity hire.