If people really cared about voting machines being unreliable or hackable, they'd still be making a fuss now, after the election, instead of waiting 2 more years to bitch and moan. (whatever)
submitted 6.1 years ago by totes_magotes
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Atko 6.1 years ago
Majority does not care. People just want to be free, and left alone. Democracy is a cool concept, but gated communities/cities seem to be the future of mankind. I hope I'm wrong, but only time will tell.
Mylon 6.1 years ago
Holy shit, Atko is back!
DiscontentedMajority 6.1 years ago
He never actually left.
zyklon_b 6.1 years ago
"be very very quiet im hunting wabbits -elmer fudd-
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Atko ago
Majority does not care. People just want to be free, and left alone. Democracy is a cool concept, but gated communities/cities seem to be the future of mankind. I hope I'm wrong, but only time will tell.
Mylon ago
Holy shit, Atko is back!
DiscontentedMajority ago
He never actually left.
Atko ago
zyklon_b ago
"be very very quiet im hunting wabbits -elmer fudd-