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Whitworth ago

Fake or deleted. You got a link for us or are you hanging your name on some easily refuted shit, OP

ThePatriot ago

He deleted it but if you look now he has an apology up.

Check out @tomrousseyABC7’s Tweet:

something_went_wrong ago

For fuck's sake. Your links require javascript whitelisted on twitter to even view. Would you please screenshot or archive "tweets" from now on instead of just linking?

Running_Bear23 ago

So he manned up and fessed up? Fuck me, he's better than 99% of journalists anywhere.

watts2db ago

Fuck him and fuck his apology I would like see him dealt with in the most severe way possible, I have absolutely zero interest in being civil with the left.

progressbin ago

Agreed! Mea culpa, and half the comments here are "muh nothingburger". "Mea culpa" is mens rhea, bitches.

kenlane ago

That's not worth getting your panties up in a bunch about