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sguevar ago

And we should care because?

The level of ego and arrogance from some amazes me sometimes (G.G)'''

GhostSkin ago

If people like you keep acting like a jerk I will leave for good so think hard before you reply.

sguevar ago

Weren't you leaving yesterday?

Something makes me think that this behavior of yours is like the @TrueAmerican user.

Is an anonymous internet forum, is your arrogance that big that you think you leaving will make a difference to us? New shill accounts, drama queens, trolls will come to voat to try to discredit this community.

I care not what you do. But if you say you are going to do something, then do it. Man up and do it.

GhostSkin ago

You mean @TheAmerican?

sguevar ago

Thanks for the correction, yes that one.

GhostSkin ago

Ya, thats me. I admitted that like a month ago. PENIS SNATCHERS.

sguevar ago

Thanks for the confirmation.