GhostSkin ago


GhostSkin ago

50 cent

GhostSkin ago

You WILL be my lover one day.

GhostSkin ago

Anal accuator

GhostSkin ago

Front page my penis in your mouth and your pinky finger in my ASS.

Dean_Wilhelm_Hawkins ago

Bye Amalek

GhostSkin ago

Bye but not amalek. Look into @TheAmerican ;)

sguevar ago

And we should care because?

The level of ego and arrogance from some amazes me sometimes (G.G)'''

GhostSkin ago

If people like you keep acting like a jerk I will leave for good so think hard before you reply.

sguevar ago

Weren't you leaving yesterday?

Something makes me think that this behavior of yours is like the @TrueAmerican user.

Is an anonymous internet forum, is your arrogance that big that you think you leaving will make a difference to us? New shill accounts, drama queens, trolls will come to voat to try to discredit this community.

I care not what you do. But if you say you are going to do something, then do it. Man up and do it.

GhostSkin ago

You mean @TheAmerican?

sguevar ago

Thanks for the correction, yes that one.

GhostSkin ago

Ya, thats me. I admitted that like a month ago. PENIS SNATCHERS.

sguevar ago

Thanks for the confirmation.

thelma ago

Groundhog day, again?

GhostSkin ago

Apple bottom day

draaaak ago

Don't forget to gas yourself on your way out.

GhostSkin ago

Shut up or i will suck your dick.

Not_a_redfugee ago

Lol good night to you too. See you tomorrow.

GhostSkin ago

Good morning apple bottom

Not_a_redfugee ago

Lol mornin

15234619? ago


seattlethrowaway ago

u mad?

GhostSkin ago


AEndtoThemForever ago

That's hot Ghost. See you tomorrow. I'll bring coffee.

GhostSkin ago

Where's my coffee?

AEndtoThemForever ago

Drank it after I rubbed one out in your boots 😁

GhostSkin ago

Is that why they were so warm?

AEndtoThemForever ago


L3D ago

Oh no, shitposter #2834792 how will we ever manage without you

GhostSkin ago

Only because you asked I decided to stay

L3D ago

Flip flopper

GhostSkin ago

Lets flop each other?

Kleyno ago

You already said this 4 days ago.

GhostSkin ago


Kleyno ago

Smell your bullshit right here, faggot.

GhostSkin ago

I eat faggots for breakfast

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Sucks to be so butthurt.

GhostSkin ago

Anal sex does that to a person

bman0321 ago

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

GhostSkin ago

Ppeenniiss iinn yyoouurr aassssss