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zyklon_b ago

Good work. I was raised by jew haters so our holidays are great

ThoseFeels ago

That's an interesting tid bit about you.

If only we were all so fortunate.

zyklon_b ago

raised in klan country, my dad used take us to klan rallys on town square in rural Arkansas. The klan rallys were like what I picture a county fair be like in other places.

bb22 ago

I was raised around "klan country" too and had some cousins in it, but all they did was have barbecues, fly rebel flags, and make racist jokes, as far as I know. We basically already live in a 95+% white ethnostate in the Appalachians. There is just little manufacturing in the mountains or anything like that obviously, but it kept the ghetto slums away too.

zyklon_b ago

mountain life is good life

NeoGoat ago

Depends on what you're mount'n.

zyklon_b ago

a tranny named christine

NeoGoat ago


zyklon_b ago

I went to fl to meet a girl and it was a tranny. I didn't know! his name is gothamgirl