shmuklidooha ago

Wtf does that mean

Neinlife ago

Hes a fucking fool and never was anything but controlled opposition to make everything he had to say look bad.

Conspirologist ago

Look up Gabai in jewish dictionary.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

I heard this was a coincidence like 2 years ago, Torba has definitely explained the similarity at one point, but he could be bullshitting since the trust factor has gone out the window after saying 'Make Speech Free Again' and then kicking Patrick off the platform.

dayofthehope ago

(((Patrick Little))) is a kike who's trying to make us look bad.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Because he doesn't adhere to optics? I'm still on the fence, is he controlled opp or not?

freedumbz ago

I was wondering when this crap would start. Damn fast.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

The rise of gab has been enormous, this Patrick debacle will probably not slow things down.

Niggertown ago

Patrick Little is a Jew. Gab is run by Jews. Zog cinema for the alt light.

voatwins ago

Torba is a cuck.

Omgaar ago

Few problems as a whole with gab's policies, and to a point the courts.

  1. Harassment is not allowed: What is harassment? It's a vague term SJWs will say refusing to call a man "she" is harassment. This can be used to banned anything, which is how it's used on most platforms. Are Ben Garrison comics considered harassment? They make fun of politicians.

2a. Per a recent appeal of a pre-trial motion to dismiss in Gersh v. Anglin, "exploiting the prejudices widely held among [a publisher's] readers to specifically target" private citizens is not protected by the First Amendment: What prejudices are not allowed to be exploited? Can prejudices against corruption not be exploited to prevent a corrupt political candidate from being elected? What about if a business owner scammed people out of money and got away with it, can prejudice against theft not be used to target any future business endeavors of his? At least public officials wouldn't be protected and possibly not entire businesses, however with them being people now maybe they are protected. This seems to just be a way of shielding certain people from criticism.

2b. Bit of info about that case. Ms. Gersh, a real estate agent, attempted to blackmail Richard Spencer's mother into selling a building she owns, donating to various charities, and publicly denouncing her son. So she became involved in politics then complained when people grabbed her public information from the internet and used it to complain. As I said, this ruling seems to just be a way to selectively shield some people from criticism.

  1. Threat of vandalism: There is talk that this may be what got him banned Frankly, if non-whites are allowed to openly discuss destroying our monuments and even do so then I am allowed to discuss destroying their monuments if I desire.

  2. Why did they not say explicitly what caused him to get banned? While I linked what people think got him banned, to my knowledge there is no confirmation so we can only guess. If they never specify why they ban someone then it's easy for them to just ban anyone and state something like "harassment."

I had some hopes for Gab, unsure now.

ChiComs ago

It is not a crime unless a specific subset of a class of targets in a group. All 68 holohoax targets is not a subset, nor even in one location. Also Little slyly deliberately skirted the SCOTUS ruling for free speech by avoiding the "imminent lawless action test" by including all 365 days of a year, not 364 or less.

Its almost as if Little was fucking with Gab 25 days ago, and Gab jewed out and violated Little's Constitutionally protected Free Speech !

first Gab claims DOXXING,,,, then Gab retreats into the spurious vandalism wish post. Hah!

USA SCOTUS ruling in 1973 that defines [imminent lawless action test] as less than one year.

SCOTUS Hess v. Indiana, 414 U.S. 105 (1973) [imminent lawless action test :]

and that SCOTUS speech protection case was for reasserting famous SCOTUS Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

I don't deny it. One summer in 08 I looked in my pantry at the number of beer bottles I had saved for molotov cocktails, and realized that wasn't going to cut it. Ended up with some good training and a small network of actual operators to link up with.

schmooble ago

For anyone looking, see what he got banned for at this places. Many thanks to 8chanon

ZardoZ2017 ago

So! He is coming to now ,right! or is it all just blah.blah.blah? If not! Fuck Him too!

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

We were in comm school together as 0651s.

rektumsempra ago

omg can someone link to the post ffs? everyone here is calling Gab a bunch of jews for banning a guy who hates jews, but doxxing is always illegal and bannable

common_sense ago

LOL. He's a fucking twat.

fuckmyreddit ago

Hey, Patrick. Come to Voat. I would love to argue with you.

You're one of those schlubs who thinks they know all about Jews just because they can spot a Jewish last name. Everything you know about Jews is from the internet but not from life.

I like your ideas, but I would love to point out the strengths and fallacies of your points so you can hone in on the right group. It might also help you stop sounding like an insurance salesman.

GhostCow ago

I submitted the same post to the same sub an hour earlier. I don't care about internet points but I wonder why this submission got all the upvotes

Locked_Account ago

I thing phrasing it as this post does, with "just", advertises timeliness- just happened, breaking.... Maybe. Piques interest,

sunshine702 ago

Saw that coming down the pipeline. Cantwell is still there promoting his new video game.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Angry goy 2 or something? Is that a Cantwell creation?

Doglegwarrior ago

Who are the 3 jdif fucking jew scum that downvoated this. Get the pitch forks!

Fetalpig ago

I doubt your sincerity gab.

cyclops1771 ago

Patrick Little was boring anyways.

All he did was spout "harvard!" and "Jews were slave traders!" ad nauseum.

I don't think he's very smart.


jews are slave traders babes... a long documented history... hows that mossad paycheck? you getting enough shekels?

cyclops1771 ago

So were Arabs, so were whites, so were blacks, so were anybody with a ship and wanted to make beaucoup bucks.

You're still an idiot.


irrelevant babes... jews owned the atlantic slave trades... arabs were as large in others regions... grow a brain babes...

you are a deepstate shill babes?.. defending jews on this comment and attacking them aggressively on other comments? babes you an actor babes?

cyclops1771 ago

Pointing out Patrick Little was boring doesn't make me hate (((you))) any less.


babes... you have a lot of emotions... be happys!

thisistotallynotme ago

Daily Reminder that GNU Social and Mastodon are fantastic for this. and there are free speech federated servers for both.

slickleg64 ago

Instead of just removing the comments. Gab suspends the account.

Yeah, gab is compromised

MrShekelstein ago

patrick little jew is a pretty obvious mossad agent.

he wants to stop funding israel in exchange for giving blacks reparations.

literally fixing one problem and creating another, and I guarantee the only thing he would do is give blacks reparations and keep funding israel.


only for the first 10 years. and that just to get black voters you dunce.

N3DM ago

Why even mention "hate speech" if it had nothing to do with how offensive he is?

oddlike777 ago

Just pointing out, (((gab))) recently acquired over $1 million.

Accepting International Investment

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

GABBAI = Controlled Opposition

timsindie ago

at least gab gives a well thought out reason

ChiComs ago

Nope they lied. Gab made up bullshit then now claims it was a threat of vandalism to jew memorials over the next 12 months from a preposterous list of all 68 targets inthe class target list.

  1. Arizona - Jewish History Museum/Holocaust History Museum (Tucson)
  2. Arizona - The Holocaust and Tolerance Museum (Chandler)
  3. California - Holocaust Center of Northern California (San Francisco)
  4. California - Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
  5. California - The Desert Holocaust Memorial (Palm Desert)
  6. California - The Holocaust Memorial at California Palace of the Legion of Honor, Lincoln Park (San Francisco)
  7. California - The Museum of Tolerance (Los Angeles)
  8. California - The Simon Wiesenthal Center (Los Angeles)
  9. California - The Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation atC University of Southern California (Los Angeles)
  10. Colorado - The Babi Yar Park (Denver)
  11. Florida - The Florida Holocaust Museum (St. Petersburg)
  12. Florida - The Frisch Family Holocaust Memorial Gallery (Jacksonville, Florida)
  13. Florida - The Holocaust Documentation & Education Center (Dania Beach)
  14. Florida - The Holocaust Memorial of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation (Miami Beach)
  15. Florida - The Holocaust Memorial Resource and Education Center of Florida (Maitland)
  16. Florida - The Holocaust Museum of Southwest Florida (Naples)
  17. Georgia - Six Million Hebrews monument in Evergreen Cemetery, Fitzgerald, Georgia
  18. Georgia - The Kennesaw State University Museum of History and Holocaust Education (Kennesaw)
  19. Georgia - The William Breman Jewish Heritage & Holocaust Museum (Atlanta)
  20. Illinois - Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center (Skokie)
  21. Indiana - CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center (Terre Haute)
  22. Louisiana - Alexandria Holocaust Memorial, Holocaust Memorial Park
  23. Louisiana - New Orleans Holocaust Memorial at Woldenberg Park,
  24. Maine - The Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine in Augusta
  25. Maryland - The Baltimore Holocaust Memorial
  26. Massachusetts - The New England Holocaust Memorial (Boston)
  27. Michigan - Holocaust Memorial, Oakview Cemetery, Royal Oak
  28. Michigan - The Holocaust Memorial Center (Farmington Hills)
  29. Michigan - University of Michigan Holocaust Memorial, Raoul Wallenberg Plaza, (Ann Arbor)
  30. Mississippi - Clarksdale, Holocaust Memorial, Clarksdale
  31. Mississippi - Hernando, Unknown Child Foundation Hernando
  32. Missouri - Holocaust Museum & Learning Center St Louis
  33. Nebraska - The Nebraska Holocaust Memorial (Lincoln)
  34. New Hampshire - New Hampshire Holocaust Memorial (Nashua, New Hampshire)
  35. New Jersey - Camden County Holocaust Memorial (Cherry Hill) dedicated June 7, 1981
  36. New Jersey - Liberation (Holocaust memorial), Liberty State Park (Jersey City)
  37. New Mexico - The New Mexico Holocaust & Intolerance Museum (Alburquerque)
  38. New York - Amud Aish Memorial Museum (Brooklyn)
  39. New York - Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County, Welwyn Preserve, (Glen Cove, Long Island)
  40. New York - Holocaust Memorial Park (Brooklyn)
  41. New York - Holocaust Memorial, City Hall Plaza (Long Beach)
  42. New York - Memorial to All Victims of the Holocaust: 1938-1945, Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court (Manhattan)
  43. New York - Museum of Jewish Heritage (Manhattan)
  44. New York - Stuart Elenko Holocaust Museum at the Bronx High School of Science; Bronx, NY
  45. New York - The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous (Manhattan)
  46. Ohio - Holocaust Memorial (Cleveland)
  47. Ohio - Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage (Beachwood)
  48. Ohio - Ohio Holocaust and Liberators Memorial at the Ohio Statehouse (Columbus)
  49. Ohio - The Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education, Cincinnati
  50. Oregon - Oregon Holocaust Memorial (Portland)
  51. Pennsylvania - Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh)
  52. Pennsylvania - Holocaust Memorial (Harrisburg)
  53. Pennsylvania - Philadelphia Holocaust Memorial at Benjamin Franklin Parkway - Memorial to the Six Million Jewish Martyrs
  54. Pennsylvania - The Holocaust Awareness Museum and Education Center (Philadelphia)
  55. Rhode Island - Rhode Island Holocaust Memorial Park
  56. Rhode Island - Sandra Bornstein Holocaust Education Center (Providence)
  57. South Carolina - Charleston Holocaust Memorial (Charleston)
  58. Tennessee - Nashville Holocaust Memorial (Nashville)
  59. Tennessee - The Children's Holocaust Memorial and Paper Clip Project at Whitwell Middle School (Whitwell)
  60. Texas - Holocaust Museum Houston
  61. Texas - The Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education & Tolerance
  62. Texas - The El Paso Holocaust Museum and Study Center
  63. Texas - The Holocaust History Project (San Antonio)
  64. Texas - The Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio
  65. Virginia - Emek Sholom Holocaust Memorial Cemetery (Henrico)
  66. Virginia - The Virginia Holocaust Museum (Richmond)
  67. Washington, D.C. - The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  68. Wisconsin - Holocaust Memorial (Milwaukee)

The US gov PROTECTS all speech that is not criminal, and protects it fully. Little comitted no crimes with his threats to vandalize because he did not name a subset of targets of the group class, nor did Little pick an imminent time less than 365 days. He impishly included day 365 on purpose. Both of those facts make it legal protected free speech in all 50 states.

SCOTUS Hess v. Indiana, 414 U.S. 105 (1973) [imminent lawless action test :]

and that SCOTUS speech protection case was for reasserting famous SCOTUS Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)

dax7410n2 ago

Gab has been COMPROMISED. My advice is abandon it asap.

15148150? ago

I deleted my account a few days ago.

Chimaira92 ago

Gabbai = A beadle or sexton, a person who assists in the running of synagogue services in some way.

The Jews love to throw the symbolism in our faces.

dax7410n2 ago

Missed that. Thanks! Good sleuthing.

petevoat ago

Would be great to know the context of this instead of tards shouting jews all the time ???

Who knows, this voat post may be a psyop. The gab post may be a psyop.

Context, you brain dead fags

PapShamir ago

This is why I never made an account there, but did with Anglin.

Little could face action, but not yet -- supreme Court hasn't heard that case they cite. Still (((Gab))) lawyers weren't totally off advising their client to preemptively act. Gab are still asses though for leading on this issue now.

speedisavirus ago

Sounds reasonable to me. He did exactly what is being claimed and those things aren't protected under free speech.

DryerBox ago

Do you have any evidence he did what was claimed?

speedisavirus ago

It was on his account? Why is this so hard to believe? He has posted numerous videos of him performing targeted harassment himself.

DryerBox ago

So in other words, no, you don't have evidence.

HulkInformation ago

It's not that I don't believe you just want to see it. Can't exactly do that with the account gone and all. None of the kike alarmists around here are going to shut up until proof is posted.

Mittermeyer ago

Someone posted it on his wall, not Patrick posting it himself.

kneo24 ago

Do you have a link to share?

Mittermeyer ago

Need to find an archive. Gab wiped everything on Patrick's page when they removed his account, and because of that there isn't even proof to their claim either.

B166-ER ago

Remember kids, freedom of speech and equality for all means that you can DOX and directly threaten Republicans and White Men, but the moment anything you say even hints at doing equally to Democrats or, good forbid, the Jews. You will find yourself banned for violating moral and ethical community guidelines.

Doesn't surprise me, GAB is interested in running a business and they can't do it if every Jew and their Goy pets is advocating to blacklist GAB from all financial institutions. Eventually you have to make a decision, good for them.

flaxom ago

I stopped using gab a year or so back after making a donation, which gave me some kind of 'pro' feature set for 6 months or so, and when I went to cancel the auto-renewal it was automatically set up for, it immediately cancelled all of the 'pro' features for the remaining few months of time. No skin off my teeth because I didn't care about the 'pro' shit at all, but just the pure kikery of that maneuver turned me away. Plus the site was about 100% faceboomers and ecelebs.

KosherHiveKicker ago

So ....

Telling the truth about Jewish subversion of The United States Government, corporate media, and public education is "A True Threat"?

fuckmyreddit ago

You sound like an insurance salesman. Same problem as Little. Overkill.

Voopin__Voopin ago

For a subject as sensitive as this, why are you complaining about too many sources?

Is it because you are jewish?

It'd be hard to break the brainwashing with only one or two examples.


I don't think he's complaining, just smearing.

Voopin__Voopin ago

If I'm not mistaken, that user is admittedly jewish.

I just wanted to confirm I had the right user, as well as ask their motives.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Overkill is needed imho.

The truth being spread to other Whites is EXACTLY what the Kikes fear most.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

You sound just like Patrick.

Schreiber ago

Nah, Patrick has the balls and bravery to not hide behind anonymity and tried to change things.

Unlike this coward who haven't done shit to fix his perceived problems.

Please don't put both on the same level.

Harsh truth.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Thank You!

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

You're welcome :3

one_dim_tim ago

On the bright side, Gab has been revealed for what it is.

On the downside, Voat is now the last centralized free speech platform.

jollux ago

Bitchute is still going strong

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Doxing on voat is a banable offense...

DryerBox ago

Do you have any evidence that Patrick Little was doxing people?

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

No. I don't use (((gab))), and am a huge fan of the fellow 0651. My comment was in reply to Voat being any different about doxing.

DryerBox ago

Difference being that Voat would only ban people that are actually doing it, rather than just using that as an excuse

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Use kike sites, get kike treatment.

Mittermeyer ago

Doxing other Goats. There is a clear line that way subs like Pizzagate and other investigative subs don't get banned.

BB-3 ago

Doxing other Goats.

Doxxing yourself is against the rules too, because how are we going to tell if you're you or just an impersonator?

JopharVorin ago

I knew those kikes at Gab wouldn't be able to stay incognito for much longer. Goys are not allowed to talk about the jews but they can trash us in all of their medias.

birds_sing ago

encouraging its followers to harass private citizens who were not the subject of any public controversy

So, you can't encourage others to harass someone. Ok, I understand that. But you CAN encourage others to harass someone who is "the subject of public controversy".

What exactly does that mean? What determines if someone is or isn't the "subject of public controversy"?

Is there an actual answer to this, or is this just another vague phrase that's used to censor who they don't like, while allowing others who they do like to do the exact same thing?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

So, you can't encourage others to harass someone. Ok, I understand that. But you CAN encourage others to harass someone who is "the subject of public controversy".

What exactly does that mean? What determines if someone is or isn't the "subject of public controversy"?

"subject of public controversy" means "someone Jews don't like".

Chimaira92 ago

So, you can't encourage others to harass someone.

So does that mean gab has censored a good majority of lefties since they call for harassing nazi's? Doubt it

Dark_Shroud ago

Hopefully he signs up at like many others have had to in the past.

And any future videos he wants to post should use BitChute, Dtube, or

DavidHogg ago

Did he post shit about doxing people or did someone comment doing it? I can see how gab would have reacted that way if he did. I would hope voat would react the same if people came out publicly wanting to dox us on this site.

thelma ago

So GAB is now the decider relating to free speech? Good to know.

Harassing people? That's free speech ! Idiots.

And you can harass public officials till the cows come home. I knock on public officials' doors. Won't return my phone call, eh? They always do after a 2am knocking.

I'm the opposite of free speech as Hitler was friends to (((them))).

Gas 'em .. gas 'em all.

wokeasfook ago

So he got suspended for what others wrote on his wall. Fuck sake thats worse than twitter. At least twitter only censor and ban you for what you say. How the fuck do you behave worse than twitter?

Never liked Gab anyway. I couldn't help but be suspicious of it. Suspicions confirmed. Fuck Gab

shmuklidooha ago

Are there any screenshots of this?

2Weird2Live ago

Free speech platform my ass.


I just wrote gab a few posts about being a pussy faggot who doesnt stand for anything.

when you take away someone right to free speech, how else do you get your message out, say you were banned on twitter, gab, tumblr, facebook, etc. how the fuck would you get a message across?

I think someone in Minecraft. should build a cool town hall looking building. then demand the media to come and put him on live tv country wide (to preach un-faggotry) or else he will use those red explody blocks on the town hall they jsut built, in minecraft. its just a game afterall right?

what are some ways to get a message across without using media that will ban you or land you in jail?

DryerBox ago

Yeah... do that... "in minecraft"...

crazy_eyes ago

I hope Patrick finds his way to VOAT

digitalentity1497 ago

GAB is not free speech.

the_magic_man ago

Ccp limits means he won't have free speech here either

ChiComs ago

some architecture tradeoffs in site design are to prevent rampant flooding by shareBlue bots and paid shareBlue shills

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

The QRV idiots have been trying to increase censorship here since the day they got here. Let's just hope voat can hold on.

tendiesonfloor ago

He's already here.

1mpatientPatient ago

What's his user name?

MadWorld ago

Ask him to confirm his Voat account! For all I know it could be another one of those (((freshmeat / sane))) accounts.

freshmeat ago

So now im patrick little?

SBBH needs to be gassed.

Omnidempotent ago

What is sbbh and why is it bad

freshmeat ago check our sidebar.

They are SRS, otherwise known as the cancer of the internet. They manipulated Reddit to a factor where even the admins became involved, now they do they same thing on Voat for 3 years....with Admin assistance.


You sound jealous.

freshmeat ago

Jealousy isn't a factor, the internet needs to be nationalized so people such as yourself and SBBH cant manipulate the public.


"We need regulation so people can be free."

heygeorge ago

Notice he admitted to be jealous, will only day it doesn’t factor into his opinion

gabara ago

@freshmeat eats his own farts. @ghostskin has photo evidense.

GhostSkin ago

Its true, ive tasted them.

gabara ago

wat flavour?

GhostSkin ago

Wet dog.

gabara ago


freshmeat ago

What you partake in isn't freedom, it's subversion through the illusion of freedom. It's literally a national security threat.

gabara ago




MadWorld ago

(((You))) have too many accounts Sane. I bet everyone of them hates SBBH guys.

freshmeat ago

Putt made a huge mistake by never doing anything about SBBH.

It's why i've been recommending Voaters give a chance because the owner there isn't a cuck and I can easily have SBBH doxxed and banned.

Le_Squish ago

Kiwifarms is full of pedos.

freshmeat ago

Kiwi farm doxxes pedos.

Le_Squish ago

So what you saying is that it's a good place to find your personal information?

freshmeat ago

its a good place to find information on lolcows and furries and pedos who are doing illegal activities that I'm sure you are familiar with

MadWorld ago

Putt made a huge mistake by never doing anything about SBBH.

It's why i've been recommending Voaters give a chance because the owner there isn't a cuck and I can easily have SBBH doxxed and banned.

Go back to gab sane. They have real free speech. Or in this case go back to kiwifrarms!

@Crensh hey look freshmeat / Sane would love to dox anyone that he thinks is a sbbh member!

@heygeorge @gabara

Crensch ago

He posts CP and bestiality.

He can't hack it on a real free speech site.

MadWorld ago

Re-ping @Crensch

freshmeat ago

I never used gabbai aka the jewish website. And yes, I support doxxing, especially when it's child raping furries and trannies and SBBH. If you are worried about being exposed then I'd stay away from kiwi.

MadWorld ago

...I can easily have SBBH doxxed and banned.

LOLs, "I support doxxing goyim..."

I support doxxing, especially when it's child raping furries and trannies and SBBH.

Says the psychotic tranny who is also into bestiality. How interesting...

freshmeat ago

So SBBH magically is against doxxing now? Lmfao you niggers are the biggest waste of time on the planet.

Says the psychotic tranny who is also into bestiality. How interesting...

Whatever you say Rabbi

MadWorld ago

Whatever you say (((freshmeat / sane))).

freshmeat ago

an archive of the current comment chain? Are you only pretending to be retarded?

MadWorld ago

Oh no... I am too afraid of been censored for anything not approved by master (((freshmeat / sane))) /s

JopharVorin ago

Yes. Indeed.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

O rly?

digitalentity1497 ago

Good to know!

FuckYesJefferson ago

Are you that gullible?

digitalentity1497 ago

While you were typing that, I contacted him:

FuckYesJefferson ago

I have his actual email address. Thanks though...

Mittermeyer ago

He did come here though. Kevin McDonald too, he even did an AMA.

fhaqyu ago


Are you guys starting to see the trend on how these (((GUYS))) work. Make the public view these pricks as if they are the underdog, fighting the system, yet Gab is promoting free speech? far from it, they are merely trying to shift the public to a new platform that they control because facebook and twitter are failing.

Think about this, if Trump used a real free speech platform, twitter would have died out just like facebook in 2016.

Keep waiting patriots! remember what the JDIF, err, I mean Q said.

the_magic_man ago

TIL Facebook died 2 years ago had a net income of $16 billion last year

fhaqyu ago

Ahhh did I trigger (((you)))

the_magic_man ago

No, just calling you out on your false information

fhaqyu ago

prove it then bitch.

  • how many (((FAKE))) accounts have they been deleting?
  • how much government subsidies go to them?

see, little bitches like you don't know how to actually look at things objectively. hrr drrr, facebook makes all this money!

lol, quite the opposite my jewish shill friend. the only reason they continue to exist is because they are nothing more than a government / israeli honeypot that steals your info and only sustains itself from taxpayer money.

But fhaqyu, what about their stock prices?! LOL, keep searching for an answer bitch, you mean the stock market that is literally fixed?

Do you know how many companies actually exist in the S&P 5000? under 3400 companies, so when you hear about the (((Market))) it's nothing more than smoke and mirrors to try and make it seem that these companies will make or break a country.

try pulling that yarmulke out of your ass and try what's called, critical thinking.

ChiComs ago

Bwaaah hah hahh hah ! The 25 day post excuse Gab FINALLY came up with show a time duration (12 months) that EXCEEDS the USA SCOTUS ruling in 1973 thyat defines [imminent lawless action test] as less than one year.

SCOTUS Hess v. Indiana, 414 U.S. 105 (1973) [imminent lawless action test :]

and that SCOTUS speech protection case was for reasserting famous SCOTUS Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)


Worse a threat such as the alleged crime of vandalism they are claiming is not VIOLENCE, nor is it imminent lawless action test because it is a CLASS OF OBJECTS not a specific identified target.

An arbitrary holohoax museum among many is not specific enough to be a coordinated action. It is not a crime, and is fully 100% protected by SCOTUS free speech.


They wanted to deflatform him for jew naming and came up with this lame old post that is 100% protected usa free speech.

Gab is proven to be a liar.

WhitePaladin ago

How much they made in that fund raising to open a new site?

15148032? ago

Three million I believe.

capnflummox ago

Sure it wasn't 6?...

15156709? ago

I saw that. Yes, over 6 million.

ArmedRevolutionTime ago

I should have smelled the Jew when they went IPO and started offering shares

Lazmat ago

i heard Gab the alt site for twitter fuckrberg, Gab was made by a Andrew israeli jew Torba; Ekrem kurish islamic Büyükkaya

Landwhaleonline ago

To know who rules over you...

OhRutherfordBehave ago

They cant let one of our guys have a social media platform when they decide to run for office, it's too dangerous for them.

usernameisnotthis ago

anyone know what it was he did exactly?

usernameisnotthis ago

ya that was unwise... he should have thought how much more satisfying it would be to have these memorials shut by the people...what a celebration that would be! but this would look like a nutcase and somewhat justifying of the term anti semetic imo

coinphrase ago

He explained in a video that he would make the monument himself.

tokui ago

Make it happen.

speedisavirus ago

Offered doxxing information of people for targeted harassment and it seems there might have been a call to action for people to commit vandalism. None of which is protected under the first amendment.

ChiComs ago


He did not commit a crime by typing words. Words are free speech unless CERTAIN SPECIFIC CONDITION are met.

1> the alleged 25 day old crime was NOT A SPECIFIC target or targets but a CLASS of targets, this is 100% protected free speech.

2> the 25 day post excuse Gab FINALLY came up with shows a time duration (12 months) that EXCEEDS the USA SCOTUS ruling in 1973 that defines [imminent lawless action test] as less than one year.

SCOTUS Hess v. Indiana, 414 U.S. 105 (1973) [imminent lawless action test :]

and that SCOTUS speech protection case was for reasserting famous SCOTUS Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)


It is not a crime any us state can act upon and is in fact protected free speech.

Little is free to type those lawful words on is not run by manipulative liar Jews, and also supports legal USA Free Speech. ALL LEGAL FREE SPEECH is allowed on voat.

speedisavirus ago

You can keep copy pasting this shit but you one, don't understand what you are posting and two, you are wrong.

ChiComs ago

Your lack of knowledge looks comical to people like me that can sense your under-education in the legal world.

usernameisnotthis ago

that may have been too far. we shouldn't reduce ourselves to antifa levels imo

LilBrattyMkr ago

Empty claim of Gab without the proof.

speedisavirus ago

Uh, the posts he made were the fucking proof.

MinorLeakage ago

And we can all verify and view this information where?

hang_em_high ago

You got a link? Not seeing them anywhere in here.

DryerBox ago


ImPhilippe ago

I would also like to know what posts he made got him banned. I doubt anyone here will post it, since they just go ((())) about shit without fact checks.

NSADid911 ago

He made (((certain individuals))) angry.

tendiesonfloor ago

He upset the jews.

rektumsempra ago

what a fucking savage. I hope his family has a massive life insurance policy on him, though.

Chimaira92 ago

Fucking California doesn't deserve someone like him.

lord_nougat ago

Bullshit. California desperately NEEDS someone like him!

Chimaira92 ago

California would need to become relatively "normal" first I would of thought.

I feel like his message would gather a bigger following in a state that actually shares his values. Which state would that be though?

lord_nougat ago

REAL California, without all the illegal aliens and feminists.

Chimaira92 ago

Is that somewhere between L.A and San Fran?

lord_nougat ago

Hell, I'd say it's most of it aside from SF - and who knows, without commie feminists and criminal aliens even that shithole town might turn red again!

Chimaira92 ago

without commie feminists and criminal aliens even that shithole town might turn red again!

The main problem being how to get rid of commie feminists and criminal aliens, if majority are already brainwashed/the political system is rigged.

lord_nougat ago

Yeah, that thought had kind of occurred to me as I was writing that comment. We need to come up with some kind of solution.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Fuck gab

Gorillion ago

Yep. Never bought the dog and pony show pushing these guys as the rebels in the free speech war over the past few weeks.
But everyone was so up their ass I just let the inevitable happen. And oh look, it did. They outed themselves.

PapShamir ago

I'm with you. They went out of their way to get banned by using the most trigger happy providers and, per their financial filings (contradicting their propaganda) they marketed their services to people likely to violate ToS. GoDaddy as their registrar and their hosting provider was a big red flag that they wanted to be stinky. I didn't bite.

Atomized_Individual ago

Again, they use deep state scripts