Obergruppenkraken ago

I don't understand who thought letting property into combat was a good idea. Really, a poor investment choice for men everywhere.

PureChicago ago

The sand nigger is our friend.

LetItBurn ago

This is a weird post the convo below is awesome. People die in combat zones whether they sit behind a gun or are blown up shopping doesn't matter to the dead. At least behind a gun you can inflict some pain on the other side.

shadow332 ago

I didn't think people would get so bent out of shape about it. I was just shitposting tbh.

LetItBurn ago

You did well.

Merchant_Menace ago

Why the fuck are people so inexplicably pro kurd? Man, fuck the Kurds I resent them for being an excuse to drag us into middle eastern wars. Their shit is not our problem.

boekanier ago

Women are generally cautious beings, they are genetically manufactured that way. Don't they know that playing soldier is dangerous?

fluhthreeex ago

Well, they're US/ZOG puppets so sure the Western media will love them. We're told to love everyone we shouldn't. They're fighting as US puppets to topple Assad along with other rebel forces in Syria. People claim they fight ISIS, but in many parts of Syria you can find Kurds and ISIS members working together; it's as if they'd rather have each other than Assad. It's been shown that both the Kurds and ISIS/Rebel forces are working for and with the US and Israel, so we know they're terrorists working with terrorists--an invading and uninvited force that wants to replace the countries leader with a puppet government, all for Greater Israel, region, and resource control: the USA. Trying to do just as its done in so many other countries in that region. Fortunately Russia is there, as is Iran and China as well. It's not happening

Examples of collaboration:

  • ISIS backs up against Israeli "territory" (Israeli occupied Syrian, actually) whenever the Syrian army is about to defeat them and Israel attacks the Syrian forces.

  • The Rebels/White Helmets stage false flags which the US have responded to without investigation. After the fact they were exposed as false flags (though that's what they obviously were at the time)

  • The Kurds together with the US forces have given passage to pockets of ISIS and have directly transported some high-level commanders to other hot-spots where the Syrian army was struggling so they could better coordinate and strengthen the fight against Assad.

  • There are videos of Kurds and ISIS fighters associating openly. I wouldn't say it's in all of Syria, but from what I've seen in some part you'll find them doing that. They'll sit on opposite sides of a bridge for example: one might come across and ask the other for a cigarette, a lighter, or some tea (this was in NE Syria, IIRC. Around the more intense fighting where things are currently it may be very, very different, as many fighters have put down their weapons and signed Assad's forgiveness pact: that they will go back to their lives and families and not take up arms against him again. In return he won't retaliate).

J_Darnley ago

How I wish I could read the dates in this POS image.

looking4truth ago

Hello Mohammed, I see you're celebrating the death of a soldier who killed a lot of your fellow goat fuckers. Aren't you that person who posts a lots of pro Muslim shit? Yeah fucker we see you.

shadow332 ago

boring, very boring.

looking4truth ago

Low effort and stupid. 0/10

shadow332 ago

Blocked. Bye.

looking4truth ago

Lmao what a gay response.

slope ago

nigger faggots

shadow332 ago

Thank you, @slope, you are the one of the few here using correct terminology.

shadow332 ago

Cherry picking one from thousands upon thousands. Very convincing.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

This has triggered a bizarre memory of mine - I had a childhood friend from a strange family - the father was small, five foot three, and skinny, the mother was huge, well over six feet. They had six children, three boys and three girls. The girls were all huge Nordic beasts and they all joined the army. The boys were all small and skinny like their father. On weekends the sisters would come home and kick the crap out of their brothers. Huge fights that the brothers always lost:)

Mike_1990_tx ago

So let me see if I get this. You're celebrating the death of female who died fighting ISIS/ISIL or whatever hat they wear these days, for nothing more than the fact you don't think women should serve in combat? Im a vet, couple tours army infantry, I don't think women belong in combat either. But to seriously mock a person who died fighting because , "huh me so alpha dumb girl died hahaha" you truly are a shitty human being. Good luck shitting on my account age.

looking4truth ago

It's not op's first time posting garbage like this. He posts a lot of subtle pro Muslim propaganda.

shadow332 ago

TL;DR I'm honestly not reading the garbage in this thread anymore.

So let me see if I get this. You're celebrating the death of female who died fighting ISIS/ISIL

Keep crying. The amount of butthurt in this thread is amazing

Mike_1990_tx ago

Not but hurt I just wanted to be clear that you're a failure as a human

shadow332 ago


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xenoPsychologist ago

the shills are alive with the sound of unwarranted downvotes. good thing they dont usually have enough numbers for anything severe. they still have to go back, though.

Amphiprion ago

Good for them. They should fight a few wars for a change.

PeopleAreReading ago

Kurds need to go as well. North Iraq belongs to the Assyrians.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

The only reason the US allows females in combat units is for the real soldiers to have some r & r with all the bj's...

shadow332 ago

Just for those looking here from my link: this guy here is a real account.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Lol, thanks I guess. Most folks just check the user info for how long someone has been around. Btw, I went down the list and voated accordingly...

shadow332 ago

No problem. Just me and some other real users here noticed the strange behaviour in this thread. The legitimate accounts are pretty easy to spot next to these reddit-y type ones, not only by the age but by how the account is commenting. (I've also seen you around before).

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

I usually go with the 3 month rule, but alot of these new boomer qtard idiots are closing in on that. May need to adjust that soon.

This isnt my first account either, i've been around since everyone thought all the newcomers were Amelek alts... I miss the good ol days...

HateCumbuckets ago

What the fuck is going on in here? Thankyou u/shadow332. Going to dig around myself now.

GumbyTM ago

The Kurds are surrounded and outnumbered. They don't have the luxury of treating their women like a civilized country. They are trying not to be exterminated.

Maybe you should put away the "Look how alpha I am virtue signaling" on this one, seeing as how this woman probably did more more to rid the world of barbarians than you ever will.

Obergruppenkraken ago

Former serviceman, 1x deployment.

Fuck that dumb bitch and her shitty communism.

Go suck a dick, white knight faggot.

keksupreme ago

the jews support kurdish independence...so...israel loves the kurds

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Doesn't mean we have to put up with pro females in combat propaganda all the time like that first photo. Just because some barbs got their back to the wall doesn't mean I want my woman getting uppity.

Trousersnake1488 ago

She didnt do more than I did, shes dead tho so I don't know how effective your white knighti ng is gonna be here

GumbyTM ago

Mocking you is not white knighting imbecile.

Also, everyone totally believes you. I'm sure you breezed through BUDS which is why you are so desperate to prove you're a tough guy on the internet.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Hahahah. Thanks. The green weenie has blessed me with confidence not deserved.

Merchant_Menace ago

Fuck the Kurds. Fuck you for insinuating any of this is our problem.

fluhthreeex ago

They're under no threat of extermination from Assad. They are the ones who took up arms against him with the US to replace him for Greater Israel thinking "maybe they'll give us good goyim a Kurdistan!". Assad has many times in the past taken rebel fighters back under forgiveness programs telling them that if they give up their arms, give up the fight, and go back to their lives that they will not be in trouble for what they have done. Thousands have done it. I'm sure he would do the same for the Kurds.

ThyCultOfQ ago

Well said... OP is a cuck obsessed with account age and post history in an effort to be supreme cuck of cuckistan

GasTheFeminists ago

1 day keeps the kikes away. Fuck off

ThyCultOfQ ago

Gotta make a new account everyday when you question the old timer cucks on here

kneo24 ago

Wanna know how I know you're a lefty sent here on a mission to try and infiltrate? You keep using terminology incorrectly, trying to appear as if you fit in.

ThyCultOfQ ago

And infiltrate what... this forums open you brain dead faggot

kneo24 ago

It appears your handlers didn't teach you much. Is this your first day on the job?

Food_Stamp ago

Jidf must be working the retards tonight

ThyCultOfQ ago

Fuck off you autistic cunt... not everyone who doesn't agree with you is paid too... disliking delusional autistic traitors like you is free

ThyCultOfQ ago

I called him a cuck earlier... he's some fat incapable retard posting a picture of a woman who died fighting ISIS and bragging that her death is good because women shouldn't fight.

He's only saying it to make himself feel like a warrior when he is not... his replies show his insecurity... call me a leftie all you want I'm an ethno nationalist and all you shitting on this woman who died fighting Islamic State are truly misguided scum.

badruns ago

I believe they said something along the lines that they are fighting so that perhaps their daughters will not have to fight. Sad really.

shadow332 ago

Maybe you should fuck off and realize this is a bantz post, asshole.

usernameisnotthis ago

rip.. brave one

koduu ago

I dont get it, are you happy that:

1) Female soldier died

2) Kurd got killed by ISIS

3) Selfie taker got karma

Like this is some leftie levels of bitterness, "Ha he is a man, good that he died, even though kurds are one of the few sides in middle east that actually like the west and its values and they fight against the turks, russians and some islamic terrorists ..."

Obergruppenkraken ago

1) Female soldier died

2) Kurd got killed by ISIS

3) Selfie taker got karma

All to yes. Lol

keksupreme ago

they fight against russia and for israel.

and russians are more european than the satanic trashbags in israel will ever be

keksupreme ago

"they fight against the russians"

you mean they fight for israel and the jews and against the actual west, ie europeans.

Food_Stamp ago

Sorry faggot, some people still laugh when retards do retarded shit that they should have known better.

lissencarak ago

All of the above.

MelatoninDreams ago

The Kurds are Marxists. That's why they're so popular in the West.

ThyCultOfQ ago

I didn't get it either... OP is expressing his cuckedness in weird ways

shadow332 ago

Member for 23 hours

Kill yourselves, you cunts.

ThyCultOfQ ago

So you've been on here for longer and are still cucked? Shameful...

shadow332 ago

Fuck you, go back to your shithole plebbit

Trash_Panda ago

I think it's more just like "women shouldn't be in combat roles"


Dark-Star ago

More specifically women should not be on the front lines.

koduu ago

Yeah, i support that. However the kurds are actually fighting for their survival, so everything goes by their book. Being a shooter in ZSU-23-2 doesent require a lot tho, the ones doing the lifting are the reloaders, when putting in more ammo, mounting and dismounting the gun on vehicles and exchanging the barrels.

And to be completely honest they will not win this, the turks will conquer northen syria and will just keep it to themselves, genocide the kurds like they did to armenians and aint NATO or anyone else gonna do shit to stop them.

fluhthreeex ago

The Kurds started fighting to displace Assad thinking the US was on their side 100%, which they basically are, but they are a means to an end. The goal is Assad out, puppet in, Greater Israel.

Trash_Panda ago

Why isn't Russia stepping in and unfucking Syria? In terms of Turkish fuckery.

acheron2012 ago

Because fucking NATO! George Washington: Beware foreign entanglements!

The THOR IRBM could not reach Moscow from West Germany. So the US let Turkey join NATO. Now if the Russians were to clean up the Islamic terror cell that is Turkey the US and 2 other nuclear powers would be treaty bound to go to war with them.

For reference see World War I. A retarted political pissing contest no one wanted over a tin hat not even dictator — that ended up killing people in numbers that respectably rivaled The Plague!

shadow332 ago

Exactly. But these people are from the Zognald and Conspiratard, what do you expect? Look at the new accounts here too. Wtf...

Trash_Panda ago

Yea that is kinda fucking weird. This guy has been a member for 3.4 years, 9 contribution points and 200 comment karma? Huh. Honestly I usually call bullshit when people start crying about Shariablue but the way you got bombarded and this suspicious stupid fuck gets top comment along with the brand new accounts kinda makes me do a double take.

koduu ago

:) bro, im top comment because most ppl voted for me, if u dont like democracy go cry in reddit. I am not really much of a writer tho, so yeah, i dont have all that many posts. Silence is gold and all that shit, you know?

shadow332 ago

bro, off yourself, bro

shadow332 ago

Sleeper account. Look at the rest of the accounts in this thread. I called out each one by how old it is. Someone posted about this happening a lot on v/whatever recently.

This is just a regular bantz post, no need for people to be getting so upset and hurt about it with stupid fucking comments like "this is real life, war isn't funny", I mean, come on... What made me most suspicious is that the "top commenter" is accusing me of being a leftist.

I bet this is going to be happening more and more, like it did on plebbit.

shadow332 ago

Wow so edgy, so serious. You must be fun at parties and get laid a lot.

TrumpTheGodEmperor ago

Reddit shit tier comeback, kill yourself

shadow332 ago

Wow, amazing.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

This isn't a party

Life isn't a party

shadow332 ago

Wow, so reddit.

Chimaira92 ago

These meme formats are usually used to deceive, same women in both pics?

deadalus ago

Apparently, Ghazishami was a redditor and this is real. I mean they are not the same woman but the interaction is real and the second woman is dead.


shadow332 ago

Thanks for the info @deadalus. By the way, look at all the plebbitors who came storming in here because of this post. Is there a new wave of them or something?

shadow332 ago

Good question, you're right. I am going to go hunt for these... I will come back with an edited reply.

Chimaira92 ago

Good work mate, I checked for the second one on the wayback machine but no archive was made. That link in the pic's account has been suspended and deleted too.

shadow332 ago

Same, I couldn't find a trace of the second account anymore.

GoBackToReddit ago

2018: proving "it's on the internet forever" 1995 wrong again.

shadow332 ago

Haha true

TheTrigger ago

Has any good ever come from taking a selfie?

I know, it's rhetorical.

CowWithBeef ago

A guy proved his ex was lying and avoided a 99 year rape sentence. The selfie proved he was somewhere else. She won't serve any time.

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

True, but a lack of evil is not a good.

Hand_of_Node ago

There was that one guy who caught his assassin as he fired.

jollux ago

Well that's sad.