Brainthinkies ago

Apocalypse Meow!

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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BoraxTheFungarian ago

They think we care about fake points when it is actually content that really affects our approach in accepting or rejecting a comment or submission.

xenoPsychologist ago

maybe the shills realized porn wasnt all that effective here for sliding/distracting. so they switched to meowcats.

retardicus ago

Ya. Maybe. No. Voat patrons are beyond distraction. Good shills would know that. Something is going on and we won't figure it out until it's too late.

xenoPsychologist ago

goats get distracted, sure. but the old 4chan and reddit go-to of porn doesnt go over as well here.

i_scream_trucks ago

Because a fucking idiot was having a cry that things he doesn't like keep coming up so.he is spamming multiple subverses with cat pics and faggot porn to try and get people to block the subs.

think- ago

Meanwhile every second time I go to hit 'next' on the mobile i hit 'random nsfw subverse' instead which almost always ends up with fucken degenerate child porn cartoons on my phone at work.

the fact it's a cartoon 12 year old getting fucked in the ass doesn't make it less cp

@PuttItOut @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter

retardicus ago

Now this... This is at least an answer that is coherent. I've been arguing with sock puppets on this shit all day. Thanks.

Areuyiddingme ago

Ccp manipulation

fuckmyreddit ago

Downvote those fuckers. Just do it!

HateCumbuckets ago

Or maybe some of us just like fucking around with friends. There has been a spike since some dude complained about it though. A lot of the pics are just trolling.

retardicus ago

I don't know what that means.

matthew-- ago

Farming for upvotes.

retardicus ago

Wtf? That's it? That's your answer?

draaaak ago

That's the answer, take it or leave it.

heygeorge ago

You, @matthew—, @fuckmyreddit, and @Areuyidding me seem like you’re being needlessly thick. @retardicus, you may not be able to actually help yourself. But you could very well learn to be quiet when the big boys are talking and to listen more.

Let ol’ george here tell you a story:

A local faggot was/is spamming v/aww. Some kind shitposters are cleaning the place up. Then, the shitposters discovered postig cute animals annoyed and caused grievous butthrt to parts of Voat because some people are fucking stupid. Of course, this only encourages a quality submitter to post more cute animals.

TL;DR: Y’all are butthrt

draaaak ago

I'm not butthurt. I like cute animals.

heygeorge ago

Apology accepted. ;D

retardicus ago

What, you guys down in the basement together? Y'all on a team? What is this?

draaaak ago

It's not me who's on a team, it's the fags spamming v/aww so they can farm upvoats. This isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened around here.

retardicus ago

This doesn't make sense. Number one, who really gives a shit about upvotes ? Maybe people care and I just don't know it. Number two, if aww is a place for animal pics, then I guess that's where the animal pics belong. Maybe I'm misusing this site. I see 'front'. That's all I do. I don't subscribe to anything. So the aww pics are all over front. It's weird... Anyway, I'm kind of a dick. I apologise.

draaaak ago

I'll try to explain the point and process of voat farming for the purposes of shilling of the joint...

Accounts with high CCP are taken more seriously than accounts with low or negative CCP, and are useful tools for engineering consensus by controlling what information makes it to the front page, and which comments make it to the top of a post's comment section. Shills like having high-upvoat accounts as it gives them an air of credibility, which helps them in their shilling efforts. If they have over 100CCP, they are able downvoat other users' posts and comments, which they do to silence their opposition.

Basically, people voatfarm by posting stuff that normal non-shill users will upvoat reflexively, like cute stuff, which is easy to like, or anti-nigger/jew stuff, which blends in nicely on voat. If the shills are working as a team, they also circlejerk-upvoat eachother's posts and comments to further boost their CCP. If they have enough accounts with over 20CCP they can upvoat brigade their buddies' posts and comments to no end, sending them to the front page, and enabling them to manipulate and control the "narrative" that other voat users see when they use the site. When they have over 100CCP, they can downvoat brigade non-shill posts and comments, effectively burying news and information they don't want people to see. It's all about control of information.

You are auto-subscribed to a set of general subverses when you make an account, I suggest looking around a bit to find other subverses that may interest you. There's a lot of good content on voat that you won't see if you don't subscribe to non-general subverses. If you click on the "subscriptions" link in the upper left corner of your screen and then click on "discover" you can find a list of more subverses.

You're no more of a dick than many of us here. I didn't even notice.

retardicus ago

Thanks for taking the time. I have to really think about this. So what tho, it's like a big sweat shop of users in Israel somewhere? Or like antifa dudes in a basement? How organized are they? And why attack voat? It's like setting rat traps in a dumpster.

draaaak ago

Voat is the only freespeech forum of it's kind left on the internet. This is an enormous threat to their power, which depends entirely on censorship. And yes, the Jews are very organized in their efforts.

retardicus ago

I dunno man. Sometimes it seems like a Honeypot. Or a quarantine. I feel like if it was a genuine threat, it wouldn't exist. Maybe it's years of info gathering for new legislation regarding anti semitism. There is a hive mind here, a lingo. For each intelligent free thinker, there's at least ten posers. It's going to be a rico case. There's a thousand year plan to do us in. Shit. We're fucked.

draaaak ago

Voat is hardly a hivemind.

Hand_of_Node ago

Number one, who really gives a shit about upvotes ?

People who want to create fully functional accounts. And I doubt it's a thing here yet, but search: how much is my reddit account worth

retardicus ago

No. I want to know what's with all the goddamn cats. You're leading me down a long windy road with a dead end.

Hand_of_Node ago

I don't know about the cats. I don't think I've even seen one. It's kind of like the porn people complain about, but I haven't seen porn on voat in 3.4 years. I sometimes do v/all, lately, but usually just refresh my front page. I don't know where you guys are finding this stuff.

matthew-- ago

@draaaak already explained it to you, why do you keep asking the same question?

Hand_of_Node ago

What about the damn CATS?

First time I asked... You probably meant that for retardicus?

matthew-- ago

Well this is strange. Yours was not the comment I thought I was replying to.

Then again, I AM on my phone, the keyboard takes all the space, so highly likely it was my bad.

But I agree with ya, I haven't seen many cats nor any "I can has cheeseburger" type shit on voat. Lots of general shit abOut the (((Jews))), and the elections, not that many cats.

TurnerDiaries ago

They're trying to manipulate people with cats. They don't think we wake up every day to a rigged election and communists beating people and attacking people every rally etc. Hillary killing a new set of people every week.

HateCumbuckets ago

So Voat should be nothing but serious then?

retardicus ago

Eh... Maybe. I feel some type of manipulation behind it, but it can't be that simple. They wouldn't dive head first into this snake pit armed with pictures of cats. It's weak. There's something more subtle, more nuanced behind it.

i_scream_trucks ago

The dude was posting about it this morning. It's a Reddit fag.

15114670? ago

Conspiracy to turn goats back into owlcats.

think- ago


HateCumbuckets ago

How funny is this. Running into a girl like you in a thread like this.

Do you come here often...?

15120868? ago

Only every day.