thisistotallynotme ago

If I wasn't able to put a thumb in the wife's butthole every night, I don't think she'd want to stick around.

This dude was stretching his butthole like a tijuana performance artist. It hardly compares to when the average person puts it in their wife's butt.

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Soyboy69 ago

Nice to know your wife is a filthy sodomite. In terms of width a thumb is nearly as large as a penis, it isn't like you're fucking her with something very small either.

thisistotallynotme ago

so triggered.

Good luck with your boring vanilla sex. I'm sure your wife won't cheat on you.

Soyboy69 ago

Jokes on you, I'm a virgin and can't get a woman to save my life so I don't have to worry about my wife cheating on my because I don't have one.

thisistotallynotme ago

Didn't click context, but have an upvoat for stark, unsweetened truth. At least you're comfortable with where you're at.

bfriend13 ago

I'm so glad the man escaped the gay lifestyle.

Hydrocephalus ago

Just finished reading the whole thing. Goddamn that is crazy. I'm not surprised but it is definitely very bad stuff.

hangry ago

Sick faggots put their cock in shit, nobody else.

Here_Comma_Suk_Dd ago

The rambling is the worst part of this. Couldn't make it through the first paragraphs.

Lal ago

I admit it’s hard to read. But remember this is a man who has come to full redpill truth of all the fucked up shit he has done, it’s bound to make him a bit incoherent.

Hydrocephalus ago

If you skip a bunch of the article, you can get the gross parts. I mean really he doesn't get to the health effects until basically the last few paragraphs, but it is really fucking gross.