xenoPsychologist ago

suffering huh? man, its just so hard. the struggle (to get into a pair of pants) is real.

CriticalCore ago

Qtard believes these Voat changes are "part of the plan"


EnterTheUnKnown ago

Seriously, if you are dumb enough to look at anuthing even remotely offensive at work or on company bandwidth, you are a fucking retard and deserve to lose your job.

DeadFox ago

Why? Why is "offensive" stuff bad but shitty Reddit filth is A ok?

EnterTheUnKnown ago

I never said Reddit filth was OK?

CriticalCore ago

Some more comments that bring up points against these changes to Voat:


haveyoursafespace1 ago

Told you faggots a long long time ago @puttitout is an unprincipled prick with no integrity whatsoever.

Deaf ear cocksuckers abound.

obsecro-morietur ago

What do they think it is?

What do you think it is?

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

Might as well be browsing Daily Stormer at work...

CriticalCore ago

Voat shouldn't have to change itself just so you can distract yourself at work.

obsecro-morietur ago

Putt was responding two users - they’re the ones that complained, not the fact it’s at work? I agree it shouldn’t be browsed at work

FuckYesJefferson ago

Shawn is a kike