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EyeOfHorus ago

This if fucking gay. @uk_bloke_awoke replied to himself instead of the OP and he's a shill? His replied don't even make since in the context of being a shill. @Rotteuxx is a faggot

VicariousJambi ago

tbh I think he might have meant to edit his post to look like this instead.


Your Projection

Rotteuxx ago

This is the best explanation he could come up with by PM :

Well there were lots of comments being posted, and I find it hard to work out which one relates to which..

I wanted my replies to show in the one place, under that one guy’s comments, and I thought that nesting them like that would keep them visible together..

Sorry but anybody spewing that SBBH bullshit and claiming to be new around so they don't know how things work is full of it.

thisistotallynotme ago

(Rotteuxx is an owner of v/SBBH)

At least you ladies realize you're a damaged brand now.

Rotteuxx ago

Yawn... another nonsensical reply.

thisistotallynotme ago

So, you're not an owner of SBBH?

And this isn't a thread where you're throwing SBBH under the bus?

Rotteuxx ago

Holy fuck you're stupid...

Seriously, you're a fucking moron.

Explain to me how i'm throwing SBBH under the bus in this thread ?

By pointing out how @uk_bloke_awoke claims to be new around here but throws the 'ol "SBBH antics" strawman around ?

Shizy ago

Funny thing.... in that same thread that you use to show him replying to himself, ukbloke was called out for editing his comment after triggly replied. This is the same bullshit gaslighting tactic that this homo thisistotallynotme uses. Makes you go hmmmmm?!?

srayzie ago

He thinks SBBH people are British Intelligence 😂

Rotteuxx ago

@heygeorge is a red coat ? God damn !

heygeorge ago

Anyone who thinks SBBH is “intelligence” is completely missing the point. @srayzie (No offense intended or implied to @crensch.)

srayzie ago

HeyGeorge go back to your moms basement. 😂

What do you mean? Where did @Crensch enter this picture? Haven’t you heard that it’s dangerous to ping that asshole? 😂

@HeyGeorge @Rotteuxx

heygeorge ago

@Crensch recently referred to us sbbh folks as rather smart people.

srayzie ago

Oh haha. When it comes to you, maybe he meant “special”. 🤔🤪

srayzie ago

@HeyGeorge go back to your moms basement. 😂

What do you mean? Where did @Crensch enter this picture? Haven’t you heard that it’s dangerous to ping that asshole? 😂

thisistotallynotme ago

> SBBH owner denigrates SBBH because brand is dying.
> Called on both.
> Replies that post is nonsensical.
> called on bullshit again.
> Replies that person is an idiot.

You're fun.

Rotteuxx ago

You're cognitively dissonant

thisistotallynotme ago

A psychiatry degree appears!

I was waiting for you to resort to this. Rule #1: Any shill called on his bullshit immediately gains a psychiatry degree.

Rotteuxx ago

Funny you mentioned that, I was raised by a psychologist and had a wonderful library to read from growing up.

But that's besides the point...

You can use all the tactics you want in your playbook but you'll always fail because you lack the ability to be tactful in their execution. You push too hard too fast and totally ignore the merit of counterpoints being brought forward.

You reveal yourself at every attempt.

thisistotallynotme ago

I stopped reading at "I was raised by a psychologist".

Thanks for the laugh, Philippa.

Rotteuxx ago

That's right little one, go try your tricks on someone else.

thisistotallynotme ago

I mean, it's the first time I've seen someone double-down on Rule #1 like that. I'm honestly impressed. Kudos to you for getting a legitimate guffaw out of me.

Rotteuxx ago


thisistotallynotme ago

and here comes the "Is anyone else feeling sleepy? I'm going to turn in, guys" copypasta.

That'll make people stop paying attention to you being full of shit, won't it?

Rotteuxx ago

When did i reply with a simple "yawn" & nothing else in this thread ?

thisistotallynotme ago

I didn't make this post, goyim.

I thought gaslighting was a liberal tactic. Oh well, a bot's a bot.

Rotteuxx ago

Learn to read moron.

a simple "yawn" & nothing else

thisistotallynotme ago

ignore the entire thread, goyim!
boring semantics mean I win!

I guess we're done here? you're resorting to games now.

Rotteuxx ago

You mean this wasn't a game from the beginning ?

thisistotallynotme ago

Definitely done. I'll let you have the last word, greyskin.