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EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Wisconsin looks like a nice place to live.

VapidGopher ago

This is my generation. We're not like the millenials. We don't want our country to turn into a soy fed tranny victimhood mentality society that we're on track for. Most of us hear our teachers liberal shit and just laugh it off. If you try to standup to it in class you'll get punished on your grades. The teachers think they're winning, but they're just turning us against liberals faster than they realize.

thisistotallynotme ago

Good for you!

Now hear me out: What if the last few generations of human history have been controlled to the point that they could engineer a reaction such as your generation's in order to get a population to accept fascism by default, so that the changes to come are more acceptable to the majority of the population (which you will be by the time you're 30)?

Not saying the above is good or bad, just asking you to consider it.

talmoridor-x ago

That's exactly the case - hegelian dialectic. Gen Z is docile as fuck. I've observed it.

DawnPendraig ago

My thinking exactly. Worse even to make us react to all the white hate and especiallu straight white male hate by turning into a race war and the bad whites being put down and rounded up. They told us we are evil racists and then it would be "proven".