bakindabacon ago

To be totally fair, wouldn’t you be calling for the same punishments if this class was kikelings waving israeli flags or trannies and nig panthers broadcasting their degeneracy?

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Oy veeeeeeeeeeeey!

crazy_eyes ago

Strange how thos people didn't have a problem with this

Doglegwarrior ago

Im 6 foot 2 inches. I played college basketball divison 2... 3 and d 2 gaurd. I weighed about 190 as my playing weight so 205 is not great but im not a ham as you described lol. This is me at 25 weighing about 190.. first off no homo i worked on houses so this was me beating up brick steps with a sledge hammer back in the day.

madmardigan ago

Shouldn't receive scholarships...they are white pay for others scholarships already.

culofiesta ago

It always surprises me how much women really put before their children.

chryseos-geckota ago

It's almost like people like to push boundaries and the more taboo something is the funnier it is.

thisistotallynotme ago

Jesus fucking christ the moustache on that catfish-looking faggot.

Trousersnake1488 ago

How could this have happened???

Turd_Coat ago

Sieg heil* which is german for Hail Victory! (Literally: victory hail)

EyeOfHorus ago

Yet nobody noticed the white power sign LOL!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

You need hollakwast re-education there goy.

XSS1337 ago

So lets make a law that says telling the truth is treason. Hate speech only exists when the Jews are being attacked for all their manipulation , deception, murder and perversions.... I'd take a Muslim over a Jew any day.

mightnotbearobot ago

Those four people really speak for everybody.

HulkInformation ago

"I'm liberal and I think the authorities are good now as long as they work towards ridding the world of my knee jerk emotions."

peacegnome ago

Communism is a-ok though.

ForTheUltimate ago

Even with all the dumbass economic policies I would feel safer if a national socialist party was in charge today. I hope a lot more people feel the same soon.

Merchant_Menace ago

Funny, they can call for violence and nobody bats an eye...

worlddownunder682 ago

Anyone threatening those kids over twitter should be thrown in prison for harassment. Then executed for being a gross cunt

Cat-hax ago

The thing is they would actually do it to

TomTheGeek ago

I think this is working better than "It's ok to be white"

It's just some kids pushing buttons and they're all going apeshit.

Raxotic ago

Yeah, leftists are full of shit. Reminds me of that Indian guy who was a fascist and was wearing a swastika armband under his work clothes. Wasn't bothering anyone and they descended on his ass and got him fired.


I heard the photographer told them all to do it to like get them loosened up and stufd, you know uow they do that. The kids were just following instructions. it wasnt like some kid spontaneously shouted "hey lets show our support for adolf hitler" and they all said "Yeah!" and the photographer was forced to take the picture.

gabara ago

The Rich are Jews

LettItBurn ago

"They should all be put to death. If there's one thing we can't stand, it's intolerance." - The Communist Kikes

AlphabeticalAnon ago


King_Aquaman ago

"Everone I don't like is a NAZI!!1! The jew Ben Shapiro, the homo Milo, the feminist Christine Summers, my dad when he tells me to quit masturbating to My Little Pony, NAZI, NAZI, NAZI!!"

"Oh no, why do people think that Nazis are a joke?"

RicardoBronson ago

Am I the only one who gets their joke? They noticed they were all white and they're poking fun at it. FFS. People are sure paranoid about an uprising

peacegnome ago

One person's paranoia is another's hope.

SparklingWiggle ago

The correct answer is: Because the holohoax is a joke and they are making fun of it. Also, they are likely sick of niggers and jews fucking everything up.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

I know I am.

bfriend13 ago

Don't forget no college or job prospects either. If (((they))) had the power they would give these young men all a bullet.

operation_wetvac ago

A bunch of young white guys? They didn't have a fucking chance to begin with!

Triple_Agent ago

The key difference is: on Voat, 'helicopter ride' or 'rope' will posted as solutions, but we have the emotional maturity to separate talk vs action.

They mean what they say. The SJW want their hired goons (police) to go crack skulls in the name of Progressivism.

captainstrange ago

This to me is the most dire, the most vile, and the most anger-inducing reality.

The gall of these fucking communist scum.

wallandstreet ago

Back in my day -- if you got someone to look at the inverted 3 you got to punch them in the arm. Idk.

Suzyboots ago

WHAT??? They are products of a failed public school system.

We need patriots to start running for school boards and get rid of the liberal snowflakes...

PaleSnake ago


psimonster ago

If all of these Twitter zombies can get a life and mind their own business that would be great.

LostandFound ago

The guy up the front giving the ok pepe symbol should get double

DeltaBravoTango ago

That's not the OK symbol, that is from a game where is you get someone to look at it below your waist, you get to punch them. There was a whole episode of Malcolm in the middle about it.

ChiComs ago

I cannot vouch for history of the OK hand sign and its innocent majority meaning, but on US soil the salute they used is NOT a NAZI salute and the press needs to quit making up smears.

FUCKING LIES!, its NOT the NAZI salute!

Proof : Its the US Government official Bellamy salute

Look at the photos of AMERICAN patriotic kids giving the USA Belamy Salute.

Look at them.

From 1892 to early 1940s it was how US Schoolkids did pledges of allegiance.

Here is a crowd of patriotic Americans celebrating their nation at school in May 1942 (yes Nineteen Forty Two) ! :

Hitler liked it, and coopted the USA flag salute.

I still do the Bellamy salute whenever I see the US flag go by in a Marching Parade, with such pride of the USA in my heart!

I am so proud of the patriotism displayed by the 50 High School kids. Its hard to find such patriotic kids that love the USA so much they are using the official salute to our american nation from 1892 to 1942 : FIVE GODDAMNED FULL DECADES of tradition and patriotism to our nation!

Good patriotic lads, even the laughing half obstructed negro on the far right side of photo in uncropped versions.

jollux ago

In 1942 the pledge of allegiance also had no mention of god.

Arrvee ago

Come on, what do you believe teenagers are thinking?

  1. Let's throw the Nazi salute, it'll be funny! LOL!

  2. Let's throw the Francis Bellamy salute, it'll be funny! LOL!


The teenagers didnt do it on their own, the photographer told them to do it so they did. The photographer was a former history teacher too so it isn't crazy to think the history teacher knew of the bellamy salute.

Btw you're a moron for implying that teenagers think before they do things.

ChiComs ago

Is that true that the photographer was a former history teacher? If so, then he knows the USA famous Bellamy salute predates appropriation by nazis.


I'm not making it up but I dont remember where I read it. Photographer was a retired history teacher. Shouldnt be hard to find if you care enough to track it down.

aLegoInYourShoe ago

"I'd break my kids arm if he did that"

No you wouldn't, because an average nine year old boy is strong enough to overpower and kill your average fully grown woman.

Facts are facts.

NoisyCricket ago

WTF dude? Vaginas take a hell of a pounding on a regular basis. I've pounded my share of vagina and it's true, they just keep taking it. How do you not understand that women are super human because they have a vagina? Vagina dude! VAGINA!


Vagina make babby, therefore gril bodies are UHMAZING

WD_Pelley ago

Yassss Queen, SLAY!

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

80lb 3rd grader vs 230lb women.

Doglegwarrior ago

He wouls have a problem with ronda rousy but if i saw her beating him up being an out of shape 43 year old 205 pound man i would get here pick her up and slam her jewjitsu ass head first into the ground. Had some idiots tell me she would beat me in a fight they have no clue id cursh her 130 pounds in 15 seconds.

SheWasAHoowa ago

15 seconds is too long

My-Name-is-Mud ago

He's talking about crushing her puss

VoatsNewfag ago

But hollywood told me that women are just as strong as fully grown men, if not stronger. So...

Grunge ago

yes, I see all the time in TV and movies a women who just started training in martial arts kick the shit out of men who train their whole lives in martial arts. Womyn can beat up menz!!

Its_over_9000 ago

"I'm virtuous so I would punish them."

"No I'M virtuous I would punish them even more."


RageAgainstTheAmish ago

my virtue signal is so bright that Batman is now getting jealous and coming after me!

Plant_Boy ago

And nobody asks why

Whitworth ago

“I’m so virtuous I say we install an authoritarian government and forcibly wipe out their entire race! That’ll teach them to comically reference a political party so long extinct that less that 5% of the living population even remembers a time when they existed.”

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You win the thread!

HappyMealBullshit ago

Their argument is that moving your arm to a particular direction and angle in a joke is worthy of violence and imprisonment. The sick part is these people think THEY are on the sane, logical and moral side.

BadGoy1488 ago

But doing that arm gesture makes them complicit in the deaths of the 600 trillion. As does you defending them, goy.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Then so be it! Arm thing. I'm waiting to see that 600 trillion die. Will it be soon?

BurqaFart ago

There are rules.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

That should be in the archive under Rules of Everywhere Else Except Voat.

OneUnderNone ago

Damn that's comical

badruns ago

No see their right because the Jews say they're right. Get it? You bigot.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Wisconsin looks like a nice place to live.

VapidGopher ago

This is my generation. We're not like the millenials. We don't want our country to turn into a soy fed tranny victimhood mentality society that we're on track for. Most of us hear our teachers liberal shit and just laugh it off. If you try to standup to it in class you'll get punished on your grades. The teachers think they're winning, but they're just turning us against liberals faster than they realize.

UberAngler ago

You are giving me some hope.

thisistotallynotme ago

Good for you!

Now hear me out: What if the last few generations of human history have been controlled to the point that they could engineer a reaction such as your generation's in order to get a population to accept fascism by default, so that the changes to come are more acceptable to the majority of the population (which you will be by the time you're 30)?

Not saying the above is good or bad, just asking you to consider it.

talmoridor-x ago

That's exactly the case - hegelian dialectic. Gen Z is docile as fuck. I've observed it.

DawnPendraig ago

My thinking exactly. Worse even to make us react to all the white hate and especiallu straight white male hate by turning into a race war and the bad whites being put down and rounded up. They told us we are evil racists and then it would be "proven".

My-Name-is-Mud ago

Fuck your grades. They dont mean shit.

If I could go back to high school I would be a raging asshole to my pinko teachers.

Chad88 ago

I won’t say grades are everything but they keep your options open. Just prioritize math and you’ll be ok.

derrudolphhess ago

Best advice here.

EyeOfHorus ago

My children are teenagers and fucking pissed. Their shit talk is refreshing. Of course, they've learned from the best.

Triple_Agent ago

Hell, yeah! The more they clamp down, the bigger the resistance will be.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Good to hear.

peacegnome ago

It might take a month or so, but I'm guessing that housing prices will increase there. It definitely put it on my map.

Kekalicious ago

Good luck with that. Circus was founded there. The homes are tin roof and the real estate market has 20,000 homes next to half million home. No buses no any of the schools. No budget for them either. Town is friendly enough as they come in Wisconsin.

jollux ago

No buses no any of the schools.

This is a positive.

the real estate market has 20,000 homes next to half million home.

With limited diversity, this is also a positive.


Stay away from Milwaukee and Madison and it probably is.

Atomized_Individual ago

Just lib shitposters. The mirror of what's here.

EIMR ago

Yep. If you had a penny every time someone called for jailing or killing Jews/blacks/cultural marxists/miscegenators/democrats/sluts/illegals or revoking women's votes here on Voat, you would be rich.

obsecro-morietur ago

So many shekels

Ocelot ago

Looks like kikes to me.

BadGoy1488 ago

Yeah, they all seem like cryptos, with their quirky non-names.

watts2db ago

still if the lib shitposters where on fire I would no longer feel the urge to spit on them

wwwwww ago

They who have not sinned cast the first stone. People are idiots.

MrDarkWater ago

It's not even a sin. That is just an expression of genZ not being controlled by the holohoax. The future is bright for these American heroes