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Astonisher667 ago

So OP, how many accounts have you used today to downvoat everyone who thinks you're a complete screaming retard?


I've been working all day, so I barely even looked at my inbox TBH. I just downvoted the obvious "WELL NO YOU'RE JUST DUMB TRUST THE PLAN" comments.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

LMAO! You're such a politician, OP.


I try real hard. Copy/pasted a post put together by some good people elsewhere, took the whole effort to change image links from imgur, then watched all day while I just made money. I'm reading over the comments now, thoroughly enjoying myself.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You're patting yourself on the back for others' work. Yep. Politician. And not good people, just some pissed off libtards. With money to burn.


Rather, I'm enjoying the warmth of a burn from proper tinder.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Your nigger.kike ass steals everyone's money. And you will burn. Keep the tinder close. Oh so close. When you go up in flames for the burning you've done, the same is given to you 1000 fold.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Astonisher667 ago



Hahahaha, what a fucking weirdo!

Astonisher667 ago

Tinder? Enjoying warmth? Mocking someone for lack of money? Wow you're a parasite AND a weirdo.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Says the nigger kike who's been desperate to divide people since racism isn't working anymore. Yeah you go and be a "normie" motherfucker. Here's another clue in, you won't steal anymore elections when the hammer comes down! Your queen Clinton is going down. It's just a matter of timing.


I agree!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Do you really want her to get hers? What's with your username? Why does it spell out the name of an ancient deity (a not so nice one) and what's with the sudden Q hate? Hillary is who will be propped up again to run in 2020 if something isn't done before then.

friendshipistragic ago



Yes, it's a puzzle, never didn't think Q was gay.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Odd. Singular. Not plural. Not a single entity. Only where the "we" is concerned.

Think of it as a subgenius thing, as a "Bob" thing. It's still all of us.


Why are you even trying? You could have debunked my post for all of Voat, you're useless.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

What am I trying, asshole? You can't break me so you call me useless? That's your spiel. You've been debunked by several others here already. I hardly had to say a thing but you are obsessed with me. So wanna try dodging the question again? What's with the username "Dankghidorah"? Aka Dahak, aka Dinhidkagorah, and so on...


"You're gonna burn 1000 times more than us."

"You're an asshole."

Get necked.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I tell it like I see it. Neck yourself. There's a noose over there.




Debunk this:

By the way, I'm actually impressed you're bothering with the username. There is word play in there, you're the first to actually give it a shot, so kudos. You're still off, but you're getting sort of warm.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

OH a nice little fake news site. No thanks and now I know you're a shill!


Good, you can finally fuck off then :D

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I won't be fucking off, you will be fucking off. Right off the cliff you go. Meep meep!


Thank god.


I can say you're wrong, but I already proved Q was wrong and you're kvetching. Keep that hamster wheel spinning, though. Nobody debunked anything. You can't even link to the "debunks" you're just wasting so much time.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You didn't prove a goddamned thing. That's just the point! You proved that you have a severe lack of reading comprehension and the ability to discern and understand OR you're literally trying to infiltrate the Q movement. Which is waaay worse than anything some anons might conjure up.


Q is gay and sucks my dick every day. You do, as well, by proxy. Keep coming back for more loads.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

LMAO in your dreams.

Astonisher667 ago

Wow you really think with all that goobeldygook bunch of words that you actually think you've not been debunked? Nice try but you're the one whose useless and you haven't debunked shit. All you do is proclaim some victory that just isn't there.


Link one debunking comment. You can't.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I can link plenty but I'm not your fucking nigger.

Astonisher667 ago

Yeah he's also got other accounts just down voting everyone who argues with him. Nobody cares enough about his shit to go to that kind of trouble, but just like the dems do, just cheat. Fucking Sorass sucker.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Yeah it becomes very obvious real fast. He's targeting us, and the number of downvoats for a single reply to just him, and it's obvious.

Astonisher667 ago

You worried that I won't like your shit? I'm laughing at you as you downvoat everything anyone says that go against you. I won't like your stuff. I can't because I have a brain and it's not controlled by you although you're really trying hard to control what others think. THAT is only thing you've proven here. But go ahead and down this reply too. It's the only power you'll ever have.