bagano1 ago

Reading posts on here, I'm utterly convinced the internet is the worst place to ever find job advice. There really is no job search advice that works, the best way to get a job is to know someone or happen to find an employer so desperate or new that they will take anyone and not discriminate over petty reasons. After working a good number of years, I've found that most bosses are absolutely retarded when it comes to hiring. Not just that, they are corrupt.

lord_nougat ago

OY VEY! They'll make you a member of the board of directors immediately when you do that!

thelma ago

Or stop looking to a jew for a job and make your own business.

22jam22 ago

native american will work wonders and you only need to be 1/2016th percent

Firevine ago

That's even less than Elizabeth Warren!

YugeDick ago

I don't often see "jew" as a ethnicity box you can check. Say white hispanic. It's a box you can check on every app. It almost worked for Beto, can't hurt.

signedup4thiscomment ago

how the fuck are you having trouble getting a job in this economy? Where do you live?

Firevine ago

About an hour south of Atlanta. If you're not a truck driver or a medical worker here GTFO unless you want to be in something dead end and mindless. I'm not going for some shitty schmuck job unless it's a last resort. I'm trying to get ahead not have some $9.00 factory job unless keeping our home depends on it.

signedup4thiscomment ago

Well there's your problem right there. That $9.00 per hour factor job is full of assholes who can barely read or can't bother to show up sober 5 whole days in a row. Take that job and keep showing up to work, and they will have no choice but to rapidly promote you. In a year you will be a supervisor. In five years you will be a manager. And in 20 years you will be rich. Unless you are a dumbass like the rest of them. It does kind of sound like you'd rather be on welfare than work.

Source: took a dead-end factory job 20 years ago.

Randomupvoat ago

Then quit bitching and get your CDL or medical certs.

freespeechwarrior ago

Don't be a cuck and make your own (((job))).

Randomupvoat ago

Warehouses and shiping hiring like crazy for the holiday season because Trump gave us more jobs. No, this isn't your ideal field, but it will b better than unemployed for the holidays. I read that a Best Buy distribution site, for example, is hiring 450 ppl for this season, and selecting fulltime employees from that pool. Btw, it's ok to be white. Be proud of who you are.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Machines work. If I did that it would decrease demand to intall the equipment I could be paid to maintain

jimibulgin ago

Exactly. 'Jewish' is more of a fraternity than a religion (which it also is) or race (which it isn't).

Hell, 90% of American men had their dicks mutilated at birth without their consent anyway, so it's almost impossible to prove otherwise!

jthun2 ago

No, some Jews are a well defined ethnic/racial group. That's why they have tay sachs disease, for instance. The Ashkenazi are quite well defined in that respect.

It is more accurate to say that Jews are a FAMILY of ethnic groups. The Ashkenazi are but one of the members of that family. Black Ethiopean Jews are another. However, it is a mistake to think that genetic lineage is not important. Judaism stresses lineage.

Rabbi_Goldberg ago

Become a Qtard, it's better than having a job, goy.

Tubesbestnoob ago

Trans black worked for Shaun King

captainstrange ago

If you want to fight back, a good way to do it is campaign fund raising over the telephone.

Takes no certifications, and most jobs will train you. Not glamorous work, and I have no love for telemarketers, but it does make a difference.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

Never seen Jew on the demographic, have you?

nan_ren ago

You could say 'two or more races'. Claim your mom is from Brazil or something.

Or even put 'hispanic'. You don't need to speak Spanish and again, just claim there's a lot of spic in your blood. These places don't ask for birth certificates.

Mr_Quagmire ago

Just say you're gay. HR laps that shit up and you'll be in a "protected class".

CaucasianSlavery ago

We’re nonpractising. Kind of guilty about it but we went to Israel last year.

TrollingForBasss ago

Expect to be asked what syangogue you attend. HR sum are all jewed up.

Trousersnake1488 ago

I put that I'm black and Hispanic and I got so many call backs for positions I was not qualified for

TheNerdyCowboy ago

I am going to try that. Send resumes to test companies so I know not to work for one that hurts the economy

bagano1 ago


Trousersnake1488 ago

What is bullshit, faggot?. Usajobs.. I applied with the exact same resume, just different name and different ethnicities.

Or are you shitskin who's IQ is too low to know that your kind is useless? Are you saying affirmative action isnt real?

bagano1 ago

Stop fucking lying.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Prove I'm lying, faggot. Try it yourself and tell me it's not true. Use logic or the scientific method, or are you too stupid to have studies anythi ng useful in college?

bagano1 ago

USAjobs, that is fucking hilarious.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Oh okay, good point.

FromBelowHaveIRisen ago

Did you end up taking a position offered to you bc of the ethnicity you put down?

Trousersnake1488 ago

No way.

wgib ago

Go get a skilled trade job

fortuitouslyunfallen ago

Well do you actually have any qualifications or skills?

Firevine ago

Yeah. I'm good with IT hardware, got some certs from the local tech school but not A+ due to the cost right now. I handled nearly everything other than paying the bills and advertising for my last job that recently closed. I've got plenty actually, but I interview like shit due to nerves.

Lanfear ago

or just say American. You can write in other lots of times

bagano1 ago

It is bad out there. Wouldn't really listen to people on the internet, many are probably kids TBH.

dirt_reynolds ago

Bad out there for who? You have to be useless or completely lazy to not get a job right now. I have recruiters contacting me daily.

bagano1 ago

Dude, you are so full of shit. If you are telling the truth and lucky, realize you are the exception to the norm and that the Great Depression times 5 could be here and you'd still find a job.

But that's if you're not totally full of shit, wearing sweatpants, posting on voat all day like many of the shitheads on here.

dirt_reynolds ago

Do you not have any job skills? I took a new job 2 months ago and pulled all my resumes from the job sites. I still get calls & emails from recruiters almost daily. Unemployment is like 5%, Hell even actual retards are getting jobs right now. If you want to work, there is plenty out there. I'm making more right now than I did at my last 2 jobs combined. Granted I did move to DC for this job but it's about as close as I will get to a dream job.

bagano1 ago

Dude, you probably are some douchebag on a pension talking shit on your computer.

dirt_reynolds ago

I wish. Jobs are practically thrown at you if you have a skill. You apparently have no skills.

bagano1 ago

Assuming you're not making this up, you talk shit now because you have a job. Then you'll get fired or laid off for some Paki, not be able to find another job and start whining "woe is me" about how awful the job market is and how unfair it is that no one will give you a chance.

When people slam their doors in your face after you beg them for help, hope you understand it was your awful, childish behavior while times were good that is the reason you strained all your relationships.

Something I've never understood about America is how some people actually kind of think it's like illegal or impossible to be poor. The funniest thing is that quite often, these people aren't even doing well themselves. It's so fucked up. This is just one reason why many foreigners who come to America despise the place. The people here are quite scary and brainwashed.

dirt_reynolds ago

Why would I care if some whiny bitch on the internet had a job or not?

bagano1 ago

You seem to by responding all the time, lol.

You're 400 pounds and live at home, quit lying, bitch.

dirt_reynolds ago

Stop projecting. I have a well paying job I actually like. Dude, get off the internet and go get a job. The quickie Mart I stop at hired an actual Downs retard. Are you saying a full on retard has better job skills than you do?

bagano1 ago

I actually used to work at a place that trained mentally disabled young adults to prepare them to get employment.

They don't hire them at convenience stores/quickie marts. I've also been to so many across the country on road trips. Never seen ONE doing a job like that. They simply can't handle it, especially if they have down syndrome.

What were you saying about being employed, by the way? LOL. You got caught up you lying ass motherfucker. Please, maybe you should take your own advice instead of lying to people with your bullshit on Voat all day.

Thanks. Better know your shit before fucking with people next time.

dirt_reynolds ago

My bad, it's a dollar store. You want a pic you lazy shit bag? You should be working on obtaining job not whining on the internet. I think I know what's going on, no one wants to hire a whiny, lazy fuck for menial labor when they can just plug in a random beaner instead. I'd be angry too if I had to work shit jobs illegals do.

bagano1 ago

Dude, you're still responding? I thought you were better than everyone else, working 24/7 so you can make the Forbes' richest

How's the Fortnite and Hot Pockets going?

dirt_reynolds ago

If you have a real job, there is no need to work that much. I have job skills that allow me to have a career that has perks like not working on weekends. You should try to better yourself to reach that level.

bagano1 ago

I've been talking to some asshole who's been a member for 22 days? WTF?

Wow, I really fell for your bullshit, you fucking troll! Go fuck yourself.

bagano1 ago

And blocked. I clearly am getting to you by the fact you can't help but respond. You need to follow your own advice. And perhaps seek mental help. You literally seem to think good jobs grow on trees, and it's sad.

dirt_reynolds ago

Lol. Take your ball and go home you lazy fuck.

bagano1 ago

You're a fat ass unemployed bitch who masturbates 5 times a day. Quit fucking with me. Make some friends offline for the love of God.

AlaricTheFirst ago

In today’s world if you feel like an attack helicopter then it’s true. Feelings are more important than biological facts.

Cat-hax ago

Learn a real skill, hvac, electrical, diesel, welding, machining, pest control, car mechanic is a good start but every one dose that, I'm in a nich as fuck field, only been doing it for 8 months and they already sent me out for training, i work on transport refrigeration

signedup4thiscomment ago

that shouldn't be niche, which is why it is so valuable. Supply and demand - most things in the grocery store got there via refrigerated truck. Someone has to keep them in good repair. And those skills can be transferred over to refrigerated warehouses.

Eualos ago

You can put Jewish, have you tried expanding your search a little bit

GutwormTheManEater ago

Go work for UPS as a seasonal temp. Bust your ass. Get hired on full time. Either keep the union job with a livable wage and benefits or take advantage of the money UPS will give you for education. Obviously for something useful in a growing sector.

Runwithscissors ago

Move to Texas.

Randomupvoat ago

No! Not until we find out more about him.

bakindabacon ago

It can’t hurt, it also deals a huge blow to their solidarity, you can only imagine the paranoia when they start to suspect every other jew they meet is just a larping goy

fellowwhiteperson ago

So you're saying their miscegenation with whites has created a weakness we can exploit?

bakindabacon ago

They fucked up when they decided to circumcize all the goyim

Justsomeone ago

I can feel my nose growing.


PuritySpiral ago

Which industry are you trying to get a job in?

Firevine ago

I've been trying to get an entry level IT gig to get that ball rolling, but since the place where I've been working for years closed down, I can't be too choosy.

redcandles ago

Learn how to weld and get a certificate - you'll have a job by the end of the week.

Whitemail ago

My biggest concern as far as welding is being around a bunch of assholes.

MaunaLoona ago

Sounds a lot like being on voat.

Whitemail ago

Nope. The Voat population is quite nice and intelligent. The welder population here is going to be blue-collar-type white guys that are assholes, nig nogs, and some Mexicans.

herbert_west ago

welding can be very unhealthy.

jthun2 ago

welders are constantly getting injuries, burns, etc.

1HepCat ago

Just make sure to always wear a respirator so you don't inhale vaporized heavy metals.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Or let machines do machines work by not providing the human labour for the market. Machines can do the work but it is quite a convienient spot to put a willing plebian to milk as a tax cattle

1HepCat ago

This will probably be more viable in the next decade or two as 3D 'printing' tech continues to advance. Until then, it's likely to remain a well-paying job that more or less requires humans who can see what they're working with and at least do the initial tack welding to hold custom/one-off parts together long enough for the machine to put down a more permanent bead. But yeah, high volume parts are already handled by machines and that's only likely to increase going forward.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Supply and demand. If unions and labourers are cheaper they will be used. I will not increase supply that decreases demand for the work I could be doing.

I would rather die free than live a slave

IDintDuNuthin2 ago

Why there are fume extractors and particulate masks. I worked at an FCA assembly plant, I wore a weld fume mask 11 hours a day, it would be notably dark after 24 hours. I was the only guy on 2nd shift in the whole plant who wore one, so I was "that guy."

TheNerdyCowboy ago

So because you are willing to risk exposure and used hopefully successful countermeasures everyone should?

It is a machines job anyway.

IDintDuNuthin2 ago

I supervised 15 trades/production workers manning 140 robots in my area of responsibility.

x13 ago

I like to stare into the pretty ultraviolet flames for hours with my eyes.

I now get to see pretty dots wherever I go now! My little pretty personal stars!

herbert_west ago

good for you. however, for people who don't want to be "that guy" welding is still unhealthy.

Tiptop88 ago

Our forefathers have endured worse to provide for a family. Our strength as white people is the ability to suffer so society can prosper.

bagano1 ago

The bullshit meter with this guy is ridiculously high.

If they were perfectly fine with this, why did they change so many laws to improve working conditions for the working class?

Tiptop88 ago

Because technology has allowed for it.

You weak faggot.

herbert_west ago

those were different times. now you ruin your lungs to build things for the Jews. They can do their own welding.

Tiptop88 ago

A jew do manual labor? 🤣 Oh my sides.

Gopherurself ago

We should make a cartoon lol of a jew droppin hammers on eachother and shit oy dat huurt

Crackrocknigga ago

Lol whiny bitch millennial. You'd rather be homeless and "healthy" than bust your ass to support yourself. Hitler would have put you in a work camp for sure.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Likely would have opportunities and not be homeless. There would be more opportunity to choose a job and less corrupt labour market manipulation forcing people to do things they did not choose

Crackrocknigga ago

You're missing the point

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Then enlighten me. Seems you want people to break their backs doing things they do not want to do and machines can do making people who do not care about them rich.

Let machines do machine work. Being a tax cow is pointless and that is all you do when you replace the maintaining equipment job with a person doing that work.

I'll bust my ass in combat or starve before doing work that takes the work I prefer doing away from me.

I will die free before I live a slave

Crackrocknigga ago

You sound like a the world's biggest pussy to be honest. Work is good for you, and good I hope you starve or die because you don't have what it takes to survive. I guarantee you have shit loads of college debt.

Fuck you and your family

TheNerdyCowboy ago

If you want to test your salt I have not been known to say no to a gypsy call out, can you get to the coldest city over a million?

Crackrocknigga ago

Pay my plane ticket and I'll bring the .45 Springfield

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Hahaha. I cannot afford a plans ticket

Crackrocknigga ago

Maybe you should take up welding I hear it pays well

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Saturated market here. I know too many welders out of work

Crackrocknigga ago

Surprising considering there's a national shortage and where I live welders are making on average $3500 a week

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Where is that? Some of my friends are likely willing to travel

Crackrocknigga ago


TheNerdyCowboy ago

Thank you! I will pass on the tip

Crackrocknigga ago

Pipeline construction is crazy right now dudes are making $200k + no joke

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Hahahhaa. I do work and hard but not at putting myself out of preffered work.

70 hrs a week was my favourite job. I only have 7000 in university debt. Biggest mistake of my life to trust the recruiters who redirected me from my prefered school.

If I were a pussy I would be dead already. If you think I sound like the worlds biggest you should have your head examined, but you do reak of a qult so that is likely the first thing you ahould get cleaned out

redcandles ago

less than being homeless and starving

TheNerdyCowboy ago

I would rather die free than live a slave.

herbert_west ago

he didn't say he was homeless or starving.

x13 ago

He will be, without a job and no parents to leach off of

Eualos ago

How much does that cost?

Hand_of_Node ago

Or you could put down that you're (((white))).

More realistically, mention how you've volunteered at [jewish organization or event]. That would be your subtle "I'm jewish" signal.


Yeah but he might not get hired. Who would want to hire a greedy jew?

Soyboy69 ago

One who doesn't want to be sued for their anti-semitism obviously!

Sparky159 ago

People who aren't redpilled, that's who

Companies are constantly frothing at the mouth to fill their (((diversity quotas))). If the kikes can shapeshift, why can't whites?


Does Jewish count on irl diversity quotas though? It might not count for whites, asians and jews, the 3 races that tend to have nice stuff that needs "equality" brought to it so that useless blacks, latinos and fresh off the boat indians can take it..

Anaximandel ago

Every white needs to do this. It causes more damage than you think.

Also works for Universities.

Jamvoat ago

I've thought about that as well. But I can't even seem to get a job that pays more than 11 an hour... So I doubt these low paying companies really care what race I am.

bagano1 ago

Wait a second, I thought finding a job was so easy like everyone on here says it is?

Oh, that's right, we're talking to high school kids and unemployed videogame nerds who lie on the internet because they can't bullshit people in real life.

Randomupvoat ago

Are you limiting yourself geographically to area around your mom's basement? If you want to be successful, you must be mobile. My area is paying warehouse people more than that. Obviously your area is supersaturated with IT geeks. Go somewhere else or try something different.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Machine work. If I do that it decreases the demand for the repair work I would be doing if less people and more machines were doing machines work.

bagano1 ago

Dude, shut the fuck up and quit lying. Faggot ass bullshitter.

I love this "Be mobile" bullshit. Worked in a restaurant after college for a little bit and it was some kid in college working under me that told me, "Just move" to find a job. Hmmm, in reality, that takes money and you run the risk you will end up in the same situation without any family close by to help you. You have to have rich parents paying your rent to do that. That's how people do that shit. They don't "just move."

Stop giving people shitty advice, thanks.

Sparky159 ago

What kind of certifications do you have?

TheNerdyCowboy ago

None. I do not believe in praticipating in the idoltry of supporting the current labour market monopoly. I would rather work my way up

Sparky159 ago

Well then you have nobody to blame but yourself. If you don't have any certifications (regardless of what they are), you're going to be very hard pressed to find a decently-paying job

TheNerdyCowboy ago

I have had decent paying jobs from companies that don't worship the false idol church of labour market monopoly known as the state.

The concept that a person should pay for their bosses training is perposterous. It is the sunk cost falacy and foolish to require or support.

It also gets in the way of getting the machines I could get paid to maintain installed since people who have machine's jobs decrease the demand. Since automation has the largest impact on productivity it hurts the economy.

The fewer people who play into thr hands of labour market monopoly the better.

Bonum virum natura, non ordo, facit.

I am not worshiping false idols. Beware false prophets who come to you in sheeps clothing. You are welcome to keep drinking your coolaide but I plan on living forever and the evolved strategies of success indicate contrary to your beliefs

Sparky159 ago

I never said anything about a degree, I'm talking about certifications. I have a couple of certifications that cost me maybe $800 total, and I'm getting paid way more than the degree-holders that work for me

We can agree that degrees are a waste of time and money, but if you don't focus on bettering yourself and proving your knowledge, then there will be way fewer people who will give you the opportunity to work up like you desire

obsecro-morietur ago

Geneuinely considering how much of a difference this would make is disgusting - going on assumptions of course

Food_Stamp ago

Good idea.