MinorLeakage ago

If he scammed you, call the police. If he didn't, then learn a lesson. Either way, learn a lesson...

facepaint ago

Sue him in small claims court.

Rellik88 ago

Buyer beware man it's CL.

bernitdown ago

List good deals on cL and put his phone number.

BigFatDaddy ago

Male lots of Craigslist posts using his address and phone number. Free shit, drugs for sale, hookers, room for rent, cuck looking for nigger buck to bull his wife; whatever you can think of.

Inaminit ago

Order 20 pizzas from 5 places at the same time.

obsecro-morietur ago

Am I high or does that sound great

Inaminit ago

It's probably a combination of factors... Take another toke and give it 5 minutes.

obsecro-morietur ago

Brb just going to consume drugs

Veridic ago

Post Craigslist ad for free bike.

hangry ago

You paid for a course in the School of Hardknocks. Remember what you've learned and move along.

Themooninthesky ago

Throw them through his window and then call the police on yourself. And the news.

ThoseFeels ago

Hire several bums to shit on his doorstep and property.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Nothing. Walk away. You will find this is best in the long run. Now you know better.

TheyWantYouDead ago

I have a feeling you're right.

Might just use his number to sign up for some spam calls for solar and fake cruises and shit to inconvencie him.

1Sorry_SOB ago

You'll eventually get over it. Don't let it escalate.

SandHog ago

Give his info to the Mormons and Jehovas Witnesses. He'll never get any rest again.

Atomized_Individual ago

Those religious folk are pretty nice, conservative, and family oriented. Don't waste their time.

zyklon_b ago

rape his infant son to death

Sburban_Shitposter ago

my man

zyklon_b ago


fun_crusher_XXL ago

I'd fuck his Mom (assuming she's alive/he's not an orphan/etc)

It's a long con but it's satisfying.