derrudolphhess ago

The brooding beaners are my favorite

handytechnologist ago

I'm so happy I moved away from LA. It's been a year of not having to be around hip hop thug culture. I feel almost human again. LA is definitely a city in decline.

wonderfuldonut ago

Further proof is not needed, The vast majority of Celebrities collectively have the morals and scruples of a diseased alley cat. They live in a mental and emotional squalor so any surprise they behave in such degenerate ways!

TimberWolfAlpha ago

I don't see any trannies in there anywhere.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Those degenerate parents are letting their children watch another woman urinate.

Let that sink in for a second. Do you realize how little morality exists in the spic culture? It is astonishing. Two children are watching a woman urinate while being supervised by their pregnant mother, a grandmother, and what looks to be a great grandmother. They see absolutely nothing wrong with it. This is the voting block that is being imported into our country.

Does anyone think those spics that are smiling while people publicly urinate are going to think twice about voting for socialist policies that take your money away? (hint: they are already voting 85% leftist). They are a degenerate people and never fall for a shill that talks about their "based" latino friend.

12840931 ago

Yeha, because that will make a difference.

RuthlessVett ago

Looks like a tranny, even if it's not I love asking liberal women with plastic surgery if they're trans. Their NPC circuits go haywire trying to be outraged and virtue signal at the same time.

bareknuckledragon ago

While holding the debunked cover from Time. That's some irl npc shit right there.

Honey_Pot ago

Pathetic. Ignoring skank legs, look at the expressions on the people behind him.

Gigglestick ago

Skank legs?

obvious-throwaway- ago

How many illegal aliens does she have living with her in her house? In her neighborhood? Does she lock her doors? Does she have gates around her house?

No idea who that even is.

Greasy ago

Nightmare on VIne Street

EarlPoncho ago

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Exactly. When I see the white woman maliciously pulling this stunt, all I hear is:

"Fuck you, Dad."

fuckmyreddit ago

Why isn't every woman hispanic? That's Southern California for fucks sake.

historicity ago

They are. Bleached blonde Mexican on the toilet. What's more, it's a man.

IheartSwimming ago

It needs more fat people in the background.

draaaak ago

Where's all the niggers?

derrudolphhess ago

Sitting on stamps in other counties

fuckmyreddit ago

We have Hispanics on the West Coast. Our blacks are seldom niggerish.

draaaak ago

Ahem!? TF you talking bout? I'm on the west coast. The blacks here are some of the most niggerish blacks on the planet.

vladtep ago

The jew bitch thought she'd throw one by us, that's all.

TrumpNPC049 ago

This video pretty much sums up the demise of the west brah

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fuckmyreddit ago

Jews and Christians worship the same God, and that wall dates back before the time of the Khazarian Mafia. Live in reality, not in your deranged fee fees.

draaaak ago

Reported, again, for like the 50th time in 24 hours, for spam.

Also, good morning @UltraRibbed ;)

Guardbuddy ago

12 minute old account

really makes me thonk tbh

culofiesta ago

Hollywood is fucking gross anyway. I love all these people 'making a stand' by desecrating his star. The entire area is filthy and diseased and they're the ones living there.

Crackrocknigga ago

Even as a kid I wasn't impressed with Hollywood. It's Glory days were in the great white 1960s, now it's a brown shithole

culofiesta ago

I was surprised how stuck in the eighties Los Angeles is. The local bands sound like they're from 1982, radio is still a thing there and they have indoor shopping malls.

MDE_Refugee ago

Hollywood is only gross because we let it be, most of the Jews don't live there, they live across the freeway in Brentwood anyway. The reason why Hollywood is so gross is because of all the nigs, spics and druggies that drift there.

culofiesta ago

I know. I was there for an afternoon and it was disgusting.

As someone that grew up on the east coast and constantly hearing how gross it is while CA is so beautiful, it's a fucking joke.

con77 ago

I would slap that bitch so hard

Sharkballs ago

I saw it on the internet and I want cuntpunch that idiot. Not sure I could resist if I saw it irl.

con77 ago

Rub her face in it