I originally wrote a detailed post on this, then lost it all testing links in the preview when I clicked on a broken link. Now you get the short version:
Accidenting with a runaway car has been documented in a number of vehicles across automakers, but the infrequency of these issues allows these to be dismissed as flukes of driver error. We 'expect' cars to have a number of failsafes:
- Turning the car off, which typically cuts ignition and fuel
- Shifting to neutral, which disconnects the engine from the wheels at the transmission
- Disengaging the clutch, which mechanically disconnects the engine from the transmission in a manual vehicle
- Overpowering the engine with the brakes (long story short - no car an average man can afford has an engine large enough to overpower the brakes)
- Door locks that mechanically unlock the door when opened from the inside (this may seem unrelated, but it matters here)
Long story short, automakers have been handwaving 'runaway' cars as flukes, driver error, etc, for a long time, but Toyota manages to accident so many normies that they broke through the 'weaponized isolation', found each other, and pointed and shrieked. This forced Toyota to respond, and they did by putting the blame on the drivers, releasing propoganda based on the above theoretical failsafes (e.g. "if you ever find yourself experiencing 'unintended acceleration', shift into neutral/turn the car off").
The problem was that there was just no evidence to refute Toyota's excuses. Some initial NHTSA investigation petitions actually confirmed Toyota's excuses, where the car's event data recorder showed that people weren't pressing the brake when they swore they did, etc.
Then, Mark Saylor, a California Highway Patrol officer, 'experienced a car accident', but managed to call 911 and confirm that the brakes do not work and that he couldn't turn the car off, shortly before dying. He then crashed, his car burst into flame, and he, his wife, their daughter (e.g. his entire family) all perished.
The 911 call, Aftermath pic 1, pic 2, pic 3
His background as CHP makes his testimony credible, and also implies that other theoretical failsafes were inoperable (e.g. that he couldn't shift into neutral either, etc). Then, (short story version) this started a new myth and damage control based on floor mats covering the accelerator pedals. This disregards the inability to turn the car off, shift to neutral, or overpower the engine with the brakes.
Super short version: NASA decides to investigate (major red flag, just like Secret Service being involved in Aaron Swartz' death, etc), they filter the data, then conclude the software is fine. A bunch of other gov't propagandists get involved. Some Jewish people make off with large settlements from related lawsuits. Then (((they))) spiral down a series of limited hangouts while trying to get the cat back in the bag:
- It's the floormats goyim, we'll recall our cars (2007)
- (Mark Saylor dies -> confirms brakes/turning car off/shifter doesn't work) It's the floormats again goyim (seriously, they decided [upon no evidence, car burned up remember] that his floormat slid over his accelerator), don't cause an accident by improperly fastening your floormats
- (People keep getting accidented) Sometimes the accelerator pedal is sticky, we'll just recall it (note that this is the first time blame isn't entirely deflected onto drivers) (2010)
- (Big Theater begins: congressional investigation, NASA gets involved, etc) (2011) Okay it might be a software defect, but it's just an accident that nobody fixed for years (in a similar vein to Intel/AMD/M$ backdoors being bugs, using 'muh poo-in-loo shoddy programming' excuse as cover)
Some comments:
- The source code for just the toyota throttle control module is over 256,600 lines of non-comment code. This type of impenetrable monolith is typically used to create cover for backdoors, with plausible deniability ('it's just a bug goyim', 'it is too complex to debug goyim', etc) if caught, as Microsoft, has done, and, more recently, as spook Lennart Poettering has successfully introduced to Linux systems via systemd.
- Modern vehicles have no functional failsafes: most cars prohibit turning the vehicle completely off while it is rolling, the ABS module can inhibit the brakes (this is it's functional purpose) even when not relying on vacuum for brake boosting, and no modern auto transmission vehicle has a mechanical shift linkage (unlike older <2000 my vehicles), using electronic management instead. Many modern vehicles also have electronic parking brakes (which could be electronically inhibited), and have electronic door locks, and some cars even tout the inability to open a door while the vehicle is moving as a feature (in cars older than 2000s, but younger than mid 2010s, jumping out of the car is usually the safest/only option if being accidented).
- In one study, they tried to excuse brakes not working as a 'result of the loss of brake boost', since cars produce no vacuum at wide open throttle. This is expected to increase the required force on the pedal from 15-45 pounds to 175 pounds. The human legs are incredibly powerful, and the general rule of thumb among workout circles is that you can generally leg press 1.8-2.2 times your body weight for a single rep with correct form, which puts even the smallest women well able to produce the required force to stop the car if the brakes worked even the slightest bit. This discounts the massive increase in strength documented in humans in fight-or-flight mode.
- Accidenting via runaway car go back to the 1980s, with the Audi 5000. This is where the 'floormats' + 'confused pedals' excuses were first tested, and successfully used to defuse the situation. Then, in the Mid 1990s, Ford began accidenting their drivers. Ford blamed it on a faulty cruise control system, then later admitted in a court case that these 'accidents' could be caused by electromagnetic interference, then later blamed it on EMI and the rise of electronics in cars. This, in so many words, is Ford acknowledging that vehicles can be attacked remotely to cause them to kill their passengers.
- Also of note, especially in the Toyota cases, were when embedded systems engineers were reviewing Toyota's source code, and found that the Vehicle Event Data Recorder (or, 'black box') can record false information that conceals the root cause of the crash.
A large compilation of sources, but is semi-limited hangoutish in a very Q/Alex Jones way, where it addresses all evidence, but misdirects the causes: https://users.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/pubs/koopman14_toyota_ua_slides.pdf
Smaller compilation in timeline format that details Audi's masterful deflection, and Ford's issues in the 1990s, including sources where Ford admits their their cars can be attacked with EMI to cause them to 'accident' their passengers.
Source for uncovering the Vehicle Event Recorders recording faked info: https://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1319903&page_number=1
Moral of the story: only ever buy a manual, especially if you do anything even remotely important with your life.
@NeoGoat @Tallest_Skil
Thereunto ago
The scary thought that your best chance in that case is to somehow flip your vehicle.
TheFritoBandito ago
I used to have a '92 Jeep Wrangler with minimal electronics. The ECM was mainly there for monitoring and controlling the engine performance. The throttle is cable operated direct to the throttle body and transmission was manual. If the throttle got stuck wide open, I could mash the clutch or throw it into neutral. The parking brake was a backup emergency brake if needed. I had an older Chevy C10 with the same mechanical fail safes so to speak.
Fast forward to today and well, if the ECM decides to go nuts with wide open throttle, you're lucky to get it into neutral, pulled off the road and shut off. Most people don't realize if you panic and turn the key all the way off, the column locks, then you're really screwed. One turn back to aux / accessory is what you need to kill the engine and maintain control and bring it to a stop.
I'm not sure about the latest vehicles with key fobs. I believe they won't allow you to kill the engine by pressing the start button, at least not at speeds above 10 MPH? Some guy on YouTube did a test of that and I'm pretty sure the button did nothing. In that case, all you can do is rely on the brake pedal and emergency brake.
Then there's the Teslas and other vehicles with the remote monitoring / diagnostic BS. I read an article years ago about some hackers managing to get access to a newer Jeep Cherokee remotely via laptop. It was just a test just to prove it was possible to do something malicious by remote methods.
None of this is going to improve or get any better in the future. The governments of the world want people out of their personal vehicles and into public transportation or some other self driving, ride sharing bullshit. Because, 'muh carbon tax.