DrunkViking ago

Stop your fucking whining, shithead. Why complain about @censorthesenuts when you can go back to Reddit and feel safe? Fuck you. I bet you wish that you could ban @censorthesenuts from posting on Voat. Then you would be happy, right? Well that is not how Voat works. Ignore trolls, or get bent.

At least stop whining about you feelings. FUCK YOUR FEELINGS.

draaaak ago

For roughly how long have you and @censorthesenuts been buttfucking?

Ignore trolls, or get bent.

So, I should ignore you?

DrunkViking ago

Well, you didnt ignore me so, you answered your own stupid question.

And why you didnt complained/whined about me whining about your whining, shows me that you are a stupid shithead.

And it is now too late to complain/whine about my complaining/whining about your whining. If you do then you just do it because I told you about it. You should have found this out for yourself, but you didnt. Just cut your losses, and move on.

Learn from your mistakes, and either stop whining, or go back to that awful place where you can feel safe.


ProwlingCougar ago

Faggot little beta voice you say? Is he David Hogg?

draaaak ago

I don't know Mr. 12minuteoldaccount, are you David Hogg?

Hand_of_Node ago

but it is clear that @censorthesenuts is a student, maybe highschool, maybe college,

Highschool squeaker. Voice alone is cringe.