kneo24 ago

"Everyone, I don't care about social media, but here I am posting my social media all over the place!"

TexasVet ago

I never said that I do not care about social media. It is the most effective way of getting our message out to our people. Of course I care. It is critical. Stop being a dense motherfucker and go find something productive to do for the white race instead.

kneo24 ago

Exposing you for what you are helps the white race.

TexasVet ago

What you think I am. You have zero proof. Even if everything you think is true I still did nothing wrong. My goal of 500 was met and people just kept giving more money. As long as I used at least 500 dollars for what the gofundme was for then I did nothing wrong. If I eventually spent some of the leftover money on a non essential item it was well within my rights to do so. They GAVE the money to me. There was no contract stating that every dime had to be spent a certain way. The bottom line is that you are a faggot trying to tear someone down regardless of what is right or wrong or whether or not you have any evidence to do so.

You are exactly like the democrats attacking good men for political gain. There is no difference.

kneo24 ago

Through all of your pathetic attempts at playing the victim, not a single explanation for any of the things that have been pointed out.

  • If you were indeed jobless for so long, why did LinkedIn not matter to you? It's clear you like using social media. You're even for using it.
  • Why did your story for your gofundme change so quickly? At first it was, "jobless, can't get to the VA for treatment, need food" to then, "thanks bros! just needed food!"
  • Why were you telling different stories to different people on different social media?
  • Unless the gun was absolutely needed, why did you not squirrel away the extra money? You told everyone you were essentially broke - why else beg for food money?
  • It seems you very quickly talked about having work again right after getting the money. It clearly makes this look like a scam. Explain this.

Of course, every time these points are brought up, it's "oh why are you attacking me you cock sucking faggot?" It seems like a typical Jew response.

antiliberalsociety ago

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

I like how you play victim, you actually are so narcissistic that you work your own fraud exposure into your political posts like you're the victim. It's been proven over and over that you are a liar and a thief, and you can't prove anything to the contrary. So this is what you come up with.... Oy Vey!

kissaki ago

When the Saxon began to hate...

antiliberalsociety ago

yelp. com/biz/the-tree-barber-nederland

linkedin. com/in/sean-sweat-9979484b

TexasVet ago

Why are you linking that. It is a dead gofundme from nearly 2 years ago. Asshole.

Mumbleberry ago

Hi, Sean.

TexasVet ago
