Whoremaster2000 ago

Fair fucking play to you lad, great news, now lets make this world a better fucking place to live by saying it as it is and sorting this fucking planet out and rid it of the scum.

Mssdott ago

Fight fight WIN!

TheyLie ago

Cancer, brought to you by the Rockefeller, biggest richest scam aetist. See cancer the Forbidden Cures for its history...

CrudOMatic ago

We love you too, you gay niggerfaggot.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

What stage and type of cancer?

badruns ago

Do anything else that might have helped? Chemo? Cut out sugar? Cannabis oil? Go on a Jew Safari?

freedomfool ago

Glad you made it through buddy we need as many realists as we can on this planet, everyone is turning their backs on reason and open discussion. Your post made me make and account and reach out. Good luck my dude.

magol ago

Good Luck man, you deserve it more.

Eleutheria ago

This calls for a toast.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please raise your glasses.

To cancer batting one for two!

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Um... Wow I'll never doubt the power of being an asshole again.

RumpRangerRick ago

Good for you on beating it.

Cancer is such unfair bullshit it's heartbreaking.

cantaloupe6 ago


Joe10jo ago


modsrcuntz ago

I’m glad beat it cancerfag. What kind of cancer was it?

Rawrination ago

Glad you didn't die of cancer in a fire! Something I will never say to the demonicrats and republicucks trying to kill us all. :)

Troll ago

Free speech is a like a chemo, the only side effects are hurt feelings though.

Crackrocknigga ago

Shut it down!! The goyim are happy!! It's another shoah!!

Dougal_McHaggis ago

Sounds like your immune system has done an excellent job ethnically cleansing your body of (((cancer cells))). Good work.

Shekelstein6M ago

Congratulations, you beat the fleshy jew.

smokratez ago

I love you too nigger.

fightknightHERO ago

Positivity isn't determental to our cause, it's the fucking solution.

MinorLeakage ago

May I ask, did you do the traditional radiation and chemo? I'm also currently in remission, and I went the chemo/radiation route. I'm also in my 20s.

Neinlife ago

Fuckin lurker thinkin hes the last Dragon and shit. Fuck cancer and fuck you. Get well soon, cunt.


When you did chemo did all your pubes fall out too or just the hair on your head?

MinorLeakage ago

Depends on your treatment. Chemo is a catchall that describes 100s of drugs.

watts2db ago

great job

GhostSkin ago

It was me that cured you

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Turkey Tail mushrooms? That works too... BTFO cancer! Good job man.

TC10284 ago

Congrats and love you too.


Cleanhobo ago


HornScraper ago


Pubiclouse ago

Awesome news man even though I don't know your faggoat ass I fucking hate cancer. We need more niggerfaggots cuh gnomesayin.

GoySauce ago

Good for you nigger faggot. Now try not to be a kike for the rest of your life.

pby1000 ago

I am very happy for you. Stick around to see the beautiful world we are creating.

Battlefat ago

Do a flip, cancer

SearchVoatBot ago

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ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Voat: destroying cancerous things one faggot at a time. Think we can do Facebook next?

shrink ago

I'd rather he focus on curing the demographic cancer with the rest of us.

Awesome_trump ago

Congratulations......So happy for ya :)

watitdew ago

You're still going to die.

Darwinxmachina ago

Keep checking , don't get complacent. Congratulations! I just lost a friend of 25yrs who went into remission 4 yrs ago and it came back to get her. Wish you a long life of nigger faggot kike insults and wonderful memories.

BentAxel ago

Good job faggot. Happy you aren't on the gays cancers anymore. This why I donate my own healthy platelets monthly, so you gay faggots get well and happy for your gay families.


scoopadoop ago

Congratulations bro. It is right and just to fight for your life.

thatguyiam ago

Do the flax oil cottage cheese to oxygenate tour body. Naturopaths say our cells mutate to ferment toxins in order to survive, when there is not enough oxygen in the bloodstream

CrudOMatic ago

*Hooks Mr. Cancer McTumors up to a blood O2 monitor*

*99% SpO2*


Dougal_McHaggis ago

Which toxins?

thatguyiam ago

From sugar

Dougal_McHaggis ago

Which ones from sugar? You mean advanced glycation end products?

Dougal_McHaggis ago

This is fucking nonsense. People who live at high altitude have much lower cancer rates.


Humans living at high altitude (HA) are exposed to chronic (hypobaric) hypoxia. Despite the permanent stress of hypoxic exposure, humans populating HA areas have reduced cancer mortality over a broad spectrum of cancer types. In fact, the majority of the physiological adaptive processes at HA occurring in response to hypoxia might be the driving force for reduced cancer mortality at HA.

Triceratography ago

Mutate how? What toxins are they fermenting? How does this process help them survive?

Just kidding, I know it's all bullshit.

thatguyiam ago

Do not consume sugar and take up the budwig protocol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warburg_hypothesis

Dougal_McHaggis ago

Your body is full of sugar. Your liver makes it.

Triceratography ago

That article doesn't accurately describe the hypothesis; Warburg states this is a result of cancer not a cause.

Further, even if the hypothesis did say that, it would not support your proposal that the cells are "mutating in order to survive". The cells mutate, and as a result survive, but there is not evidence that oxygen perfusion is causally related.

The distinction is subtle but the short of it is that they appear to be deliberately misinterpreting scientific literature to say whatever they like. It's glacial melt all over again.

CrudOMatic ago

Chicks can however be born with XXX and XXY chromosomes. Mutations are fun.

thatguyiam ago

Our fucking medicinal system is sick. The docs only treat the symptoms, faggot

CrudOMatic ago

That's literally the whole point of medicine. You don't know something is wrong until you have symptoms. If you want proactive medicine, eat right & exercise - or be prepared to visit a doctor a 100 times a year for checkups.

thatguyiam ago

The system too fails the ppl. Ppl diagnosed with cancer do TOO get only the symptoms treated.

Triceratography ago

Fine, I'd like to be proven wrong. Answer those questions then.

What is the specific chemical reaction happening in these mutated cells? What chemical to what chemical?

AWhiteCishetMan ago

hardly post here but often lurk. You niggerfaggots have kept me laughing through some dark times and today, your light helped me officially beat cancer. In a world where our realest thoughts are censored, your unapologetic mindsets are truly refreshing and certainly helped get me to where I am. I love you all. NEVER CHANGE.

Actual proof that alt-right Nazis can help you beat cancer that he left is causing everyone! Also congrats on beating cancer and may it never ever return again and you live a happy and long life ahead of you.

BlackRifleCoffeeCo ago


gazillions ago

Winning is everything.

thebearfromstartrack ago

How much did you COST the innocent for "your" victory?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

what kind of cancer tried to gank you

TheBuddha ago

See? He's researching.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

hey im a survivor talking to another survivor

back off

youll give him your cooties

TheBuddha ago

Why is is everyone tries to give medical advice?!?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

as a man who had man cancer and several surgeries and chemo

im super qualified

TheBuddha ago

No, really... Why do they do that?

I'd say more than half the people I know, even online, have told me some sort of medical advice since I caught the plague.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

people are uncomfortable with silence

if youre talking they feel obligated to respond and people are good as a general rule so they try to give a helpful addition to the conversation

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure if I followed all the advice, I'd be dead. Wel, maybe not... I'd be crammed full of vitamins, eighteen types of tea, thirteen types of honey, in bed, out for a walk, or dozens of other things. They're not doctors.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

that last sentence is super important

they feel the need to offer advice

they have very poor grounding to base their advice on lol

TheBuddha ago

They should know they aren't actual physicians. That's not just something you forget, clammy.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

bader meinhof

they arent physicians but as far as they know theyre still able to give some advice

i mean maybe its half as good but hey

theyre probably halfway to as good as a physician

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I should know better than to try to get answers from someone with AIDS.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


some some more pot

i hear that is good for you

TheBuddha ago

See? Medical advice!

dayofthehope ago

memes cure cancer

goytoynamedtroy ago

When the cancer cures cancer.

kneo24 ago

And that's why you don't let your memes just be dreams.

x13 ago

Many die 5 years later after "beating cacncer" because after 3 years of checkups they get lazier and lazier looking for new tumors.

I know three people that had sad remission revivals and died

SigniferLux ago

You must be fun at parties.

x13 ago

Its just that one cancer survivor used to brag how he beat throat cancer when he was 19 and bragged about it for years.. then stopped getting scanned after 3 years... then 2 more years they told him he had less than a month to live and had countless two year old tumors in his neck.

He proved them wrong again. He did not die in a month. He died in 2 weeks!! Two weeks! he gave EVERYTHING away to people before he died. I got some cds. I am going to play a rip of one now in his memory.

Sharkballs ago

KiLL YourseLF NiGGerFaggot

notaspy ago

Nobody ever tells me to kill myself anymore. :(

shrink ago

To kill myself anymore


I am glad you got through it.

tendiesonfloor ago


Pubiclouse ago


PuttItOut ago

Laughing is an incredible thing. I have no doubt it contributed to your success.

Keep laughing and try to see the humor in everything at all times.

AR47 ago

Made me smile with the Q badge for them. Almost like branding a jew.

PuttItOut ago

I always wanted to do migration based badges but this was the first one.

QumDumpster ago

That's gay. A lot of us purposefully create new accounts without regard to infiltrators.

PuttItOut ago

I get that but that's your choice. A new account is a new account.

QumDumpster ago

You must be new here.

jk, you're right putt.

PuttItOut ago

Are you trying to get in the inner circle by being both funny and rational?

It might be working ;)

MinorLeakage ago

I feel a little bad for the MDE guys getting badged as Q's, but it's still a really fun and quirky idea. I enjoy when you have a little lighthearted fun with this place!

PuttItOut ago

Someone needs to nail down the timelines of the migrations then we can go from there. MDE was before the Q rush right?

SearchVoatBot ago

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worlddownunder682 ago

Ya mde came a week before they did i think. I know they were purged from reddit before the q base.

fartyshorts ago

Yes, for sure. There are threads about it, so it should be easy to figure out (I'm just too lazy)

elitch2 ago

Yeah, man, the week before.

MinorLeakage ago

That's my understanding, but I'm not always the most informed Goat. Either way, I still love this idea. It is simple and fun.

BeauDacious ago

Great job on the Cancer. Now lock yourself in a room until you relapse and do it again.

BearDolphin1488 ago

I beat cancer when I was 16; didnt even phase me, just got sick for a bit. Good luck bro

GranimalSnake ago

Outstanding! Fuck cancer.

AshleyWilliams ago

Glad to hear it man. Congrats

HarryVonZell ago

Eat shit you crazy Asian! But seriously, good job on beating feminism cancer!