The_Crusader ago

I've seen a B on others, what does that mean?

ArchmageMordenkainen ago


Whitemail ago

I never noticed that before. I am alpha. This is my second Voat account. I don't think I had my first one for long. It was NuIotaGammaGammaAlpha.

Wes1274 ago

Sweet, what's mine say

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

It says you're a nigger.

UsedToCuck ago

Dude, what’s mine say

LDIP ago

Not sure, I'm on mobile and can't hover over it either

Sterling-M-Archer ago

Any idea what all we can get?

Buff_Awesome ago

I like it because it's a permanent marker for a point in Voat's history. Putt should make more for whenever a migration or other interesting event happens.

EyeOfHorus ago

Queers the new Faggots


Water ago

No badge specific to meta Reddit cancer wave :(

Drain_0 ago

Fuck yeah... Those lil bugs are now officially Pokemon for Goats. Gotta catch em all!

MinorLeakage ago

Putts is my favorite troll on the whole site. I like that he seems to be having fun again.

MatterzStrange ago

Q fags and hey george managed to crash and bring down all soap box ban hammer for a full week

Linkmyboy ago

Great, migrated over for MillionDollarExtreme and now i get lumped in with those Qfaggots

AlwaysFeral ago

Same here man. They purged us first but the Qtards get the recognition.

Though our identifying note could easily been: "probably retarded" and they'd know we're part of the MDEfugees.

MyDrunkAccount ago

The fuck is MillionDollarExtreme?

YldriL ago

I don't know about the name itself, but otherwise MDE is just "alt-right" shitposting, which is why they integrated so well. Thing Voat political views + 4chan posting patterns.

slickleg64 ago

Have you not heard of the mass shooter known as Sam Hyde?

MyDrunkAccount ago

No. But I'm not good with names either. Shit, I've forgotten names of girls I was dating 3 months into a relationship.

BB-3 ago

He did that last school shooting.

MaunaLoona ago

He can't keep getting away with it!

Drkadrka ago

Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who does that.

bessarionofegypt ago

same, was the q thing bigger than mde then? i thought most of us were from r/mde

Linkmyboy ago

Think we were very much dwarfed by the Q groups

JopharVorin ago

Time to teach them the truth about jews.

MrPim ago

The last time I looked QRV had +10,000 subs. There's no way to know how many of those are alts or actual goats subing, but they brought a shitload of people.

JopharVorin ago

They are far better and more professional than The Great Awakening. I think The Awakening should become the headquarters for Qtards at Voat

DasReich ago

Lots of them are using alts. It's obvious when you @ them. Then all of a sudden they have three "friends" coming to their defense. Also, when you disagree with one you'll have the same number of downvoates across your entire thread.

Areuyiddingme ago

Why is this a thing? Are they representing split personalities or the lack of people sharing their ideas that they HAVE to make fake accounts to agree?

DasReich ago

They think internet points = validation.

ARsandOutdoors ago


Areuyiddingme ago

Thank god there isnt a voat gold thing for them to buy themselves.

AlwaysFeral ago

Voat should do a Voat Gold but instead of giving you secret club/ad-free access, you drop money on it and it just changes your username to "I'M A STUPID FAGGOT" for a couple months.

Triceratography ago

$1 tier I'm a stupid faggot


$10 tier give someone else a yellow star next to their name

Say goodbye to funding issues

AlwaysFeral ago

I'd pay $10 to goldstar someone. Like if I smelled shill or a user has proven to veer towards excessive leftist thought? Boom... marked.

But only if Voat made sure they knew that I was the one who did it.

MrPim ago

They still outnumber MDE vastly

DasReich ago

Yeah, I agree. Just pointing out that they're gaming the system as well.

digitalentity1497 ago


Quince ago

Thanks! I didn't notice the new badges. Went and grabbed me one of these collector accounts. Think I will blend in well with the Qtips?

x13 ago

One innocently misspoken phrase or word and they seem to know instantly you are no part of "them". Its eerie. Gotta give them respect. They brought up the average IQ and age on voat a lot. The overall voat delayed its decent into inevitable age-15 social media death. All big social media heads toward age 15. Q slowed it down DRAMATICALLY here.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago


account age: 5 days

If you're going to fellate yourself at least be honest about it.

x13 ago

???? You confuse me, you must be a low IQ or 15 year old. I am an old goat of about 3 years. How else could I get all this CCP and SCP in 4 days?

"They" means Q. Q knows who is not a seasoned Q member. And I am correct. They just seem to know.

SirLongSchlongLXIX ago

Read the shit this obvious shill tried pulling with me. He then says nobody called him out lol.

SirLongSchlongLXIX ago

You are very new here and it is obvious. I know for a fact you have not been a member for 3 years.

x13 ago

Oh please. Get real dude. How else did I reach this in under 19 hours (screen capped at 22 hours)? :

19 hours to CCP 103 and 19 hours also for SCP 110 with one post.

That's probably a voat world record.

Your average CCP per day probably sucks royal compared to mine, and your average SCP score for each of your posts on average (11.8!!!) suck like shit compared to my awesome average score.

Summary : you are uninteresting to others here.

Sburban_Shitposter ago

downvote troll, ignore

SirLongSchlongLXIX ago

Jesus christ, I'll explain why you are a shill. First of all, no real goat would brag about muh ccp in 24 hours. Everybody here knows how you qfags get upvoats from each other by calling each other patriots or signing off with WWG1WGA. That's how you guys know to upvoat shit, thinking you are helping. Subversive kike actions to farm accounts. Nobody gives a fuck about scp or ccp at all. I don't pollute this site with trash, unlike you.


x13 ago

you are free to look at all my first posts for the first 19 hours, einstein.

Have you ever used voat properly? Look at my profile, click on message history, click back to first 19 hours, read all of them, not one is anywhere like what fucking retarded lie you are spouting.

Do you ever say anything honest?

SirLongSchlongLXIX ago

Fuck off. You don't even know anything about voat, or what voat is. Sure, maybe I will waste hours perusing your reposted content. Wow! Congratulations on earning your Q badge! Do you know how you "earned it"? It was implemented by the ceo. All you had to do was literally create an account. That's all it took for you to "earn" your precious badge. Seriously. Go the fuck back. Nobody is actually buying your shit.

SirLongSchlongLXIX ago

"hurr durr, come on guise, make sure to up vote each other so we can all have upvoats! It's your duty! Hurr durr durr"

I can't stand you faggots and I really wish you would go back to Reddit.

x13 ago

I have used voat almost exactly 3 years. Your stat on this account says only 2.

SirLongSchlongLXIX ago

And your account is 5 days old. Aren't we real detectives.

x13 ago

most people here have 3 to 5 accounts, poindexter.

SirLongSchlongLXIX ago


x13 ago

I triggered a 15 year old kid !!! hahahahah

x13 ago

I really triggered a 15 year old raging kid!

x13 ago

I for real actually created this account just so I could get one, despite being on voat for about 3 years.

Drain_0 ago

My niggafaggot! #MeToo

JodyOnTheBlock ago

I saw mine and said, "YES!!" internally. Then I hoped that I never get another piece of flair so that this flair is front and center for as long as I'm here. Then I thought to myself, "what a tiny little Q on an otherwise shitty picture". Still proud to have it, though.

ShinyVoater ago

All the 'joined Voat during' badges are the same icon, differing only in that teeny letter. It's definitely a subpar system.

7e62ce85 ago

Omg that is amazing.

He should monetize the site with crypto if he has time.

Durm ago

I noticed the badge earlier also. Is pretty funny.