midnightblue1335 ago

If you're going to take the time to express your thoughts in a detailed manner like this, use some kind of easy to read formatting. That massive block of text is obnoxious so I'm not going to finish reading.

1007cats ago

Show bobs and vagene or gtfo

1willeSutton ago

The MSM and democrat party are Jim Jones........A bomb. They are mentally ill, en mass. The hysteria I believe is a function of a ubiquitous human brain problem, maybe ego approaching it's extreme. Certainly it is recognized and weaponized by high functioning psychopath/socialists who have taken a long time to cultivate, antagonize and release this menace.

Bitchybadger ago

Clowns In America

MagnaBatavia ago

Will you do the right thing and produce 7 aryan children?

Bitchybadger ago

I am 50. Hit menopause years ago.

MagnaBatavia ago

Do you put some aryan children on the world atleast?

SigniferLux ago

Rule number one. More than half of the people here are of the NatSoc ("Nazi") ideology, so you insult us by comparing us with Feminists.

Second, we don't care that you say you are a woman, especially without proof.

Third, lurk one more year before posting again.

Hand_of_Node ago


Anyway, that was my morning rant on language change.

retractableclaws ago

Do you visit /v/TraditionalWives ?

Bitchybadger ago


xenoPsychologist ago

so one woman noticed the obvious. yay. tits or gtfo. or maybe, i dunno, wake some other women up to how stupid they are.

Hand_of_Node ago

Lexical Item or Phrase: Put On Blast

Meaning: To be put on blast means that someone ridiculed you in front of others. Someone questioned your authority in front of others. Someone who has disrespected you in front of people who arent familiar to you or maybe they are.

Date Collected: 04/20/2006

Context: users of this word use this word to describe uncomfortable confrontations and to describe those who have confronted them about something that made them feel uncomfortable.

Sociological Implications: Users of this word have dealt with confrontations that made them feel uncomfortable and ridiculed.

After some etymological searching for "on blast", the bolded sections above appear to reflect the problems with that term. Snowflake millennials hate more than anything to be "made to feel uncomfortable", and they CAN be made to feel uncomfortable... The implications on both sides are rather disgusting. Icky people having icky interactions.

I'd avoid the term unless you're addressing a socially-failing audience, and can take a shower immediately afterwards. But I may fall into a different demographic.

Hand_of_Node ago

on blast

What an odd term.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Well I know Hells Angels, and there's a good chance you'd get drugged and raped. But that's none of my business.

middle-path ago

tits or gtfo

JaneQDoe ago

I am also a female and a "survivor" and I don't believe Justice Kavanaugh did this. I have no idea if Dr. Ford is a liar or mentally ill (or both), but I pray that this nonsense will finally swing the #MeToo pendulum back towards the rational center. You cannot blindly believe ANYONE, "victim" or accused. False claims and allegations are harmful to real victims and using the #MeToo movement as a weapon must stop. Justice FOR ALL. Period.

correctus ago

Thanks for the offer... But I'll stick to my actual goat.

IDintDoNuthin ago

I like b00b5

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Well these women with their pussy hats using the political power they have been given, are going to collapse society back into a more primal state because they are going to unwittingly destroy our modern institution which lets them yield that power. At which point, physical power will become a necessary resource and women will have to go back to their natural state.

Bitchybadger ago

They have gone way back to their natural ape state.

77Boneful ago

Why are women forming these feminist mobs in the first place? Society doesn’t value the traditional roles of women as a wife and mother. This war between the sexes can’t be solved without understanding the underlying cause. Why were the traditional roles of women devalued? The greed of elite and lust for power orchestrated destruction of the family forcing women into the work force. Women are just reacting to this. The man’s role as protector and provider is also destroyed by this disempowering the male. Who benefits most from a war between the sexes?

Bitchybadger ago

The sick fucks in power are loving every minute of it.

Crackrocknigga ago

Tits or it didn't happen

culofiesta ago

No matter what you do, you will be wrong in their eyes.

This is the most important thing. If Kavanaugh stepped down and apologized, whatever would be the outcome that satisfied them, do you think it would end with that? Fuckinghellno. They'd want a woman that was feminist, fat, black, etc, to take his place on the bench and then demand that she be head judge and everyone else fall in line with her judgment. They will never stop until they got everything and everyone. Even then they'd keep going. Think of that one woman you can never do anything to please and nothing is every good enough- now think of thousands and thousands of them.

In defense of the people at Jonestown- a lot of them tried to get away but were force to drink at gunpoint. By the time Jimmy brought out the Kool Aid a lot of the people were already trying to escape. Not so with feminists. They want more.

Kayleb ago

Woman ? Traditional ? Good. Now shush honey and go make your man some good meal and pour him a glass. We got this covered like we always had.

PsyOp ago

Men and women need to stand together...it's the safest way forward. Liquidating strategic opposition elements is another way forward...

stric9 ago

You're not the only sister out here. I have female co workers, bosses friends and family members who live and breathe the same way. The trouble is optics. The internet and msm makes it seem like there are alot of rabid feminists and man haters. There are not. The opposite is true. And don't ever fear for us. We're not afraid or hiding. Solid men are standing back waiting for the dust to settle. There is no purpose or end game in the 'movement". It's a lie that can only continue through more lies, and it will Peter out through life experience. Meanwhile life goes on. Any accusatuons will die by the testimony of those who know us. I tell my female coworkers that sexual harassment is only fun if you harass back. Always gets a laugh. There's no deep relationship there but everyone will go to bat for me because I'm real and i force women to be real with me. The days of head games and trickery is over. We have a civilization to uphold together and we will.

Bitchybadger ago

I am teaching my niece MSN bullshit bingo. Nothing like teaching a teen to spot the bullshit.

DaleCopper ago

As a woman, I am not like other girls. Pls give me attention. I'm also a whore.

Slavosaurus2 ago

Haha this is brand.

Ive never met a woman that was not a coniving cheating backstabing piece of shit whore, my mother included. I am not gonna believe ive seen one emerge now.

There are no women on the internet anyway.

NeoWonk ago

Why are so many Millenial Men, Soy Boys?

LilBrattyMkr ago

Ever checked the labels on anything packaged? Most packaged food has soy in it. We're being poisoned.

Scablifter ago

All that estrogen in their generational food and water for over 50 years. The pill has turned fish and other sea creatures into hermaphrodites, so why not us as well?

jewlie ago

Boomers made weak parents so they got lost in video games and toys. The father was too narcissistic and busy to care about his own kids to slap him up side of the head. Or teach their kids proper dieting because boomers are terrible at that themselves.

Helbrecht ago

Weak (or absent) fathers, "liberated" women, single mothers, propaganda

DawnPendraig ago

Chemical castration via our food supply, fluoridated water, big Pharma coupled with masculinity shaming from Pre-K through college

Our men are being turned into eunuchs and our women into barren hateful spinsters by design.

Bitchybadger ago

Public school

HornScraper ago

Thank you! I tell my husband that women have lost their damn minds & real men, white men, are being genocided. Feminism was designed to destroy not empower. I welcome "toxic masculinity" because this country & world was a better place before the femanazi psychos took control. Men should make no apologies for being who they're supposed to be. Men, fight. Don't give into the sickness, there are still many (& future) sane women out there depending on your success.

slevin_kelevra ago

whats a brombthe?

speedisavirus ago

You ever learn what a fucking paragraph is?

fartyshorts ago

Put more than one line between paragraphs to make paragraphs on voat.

theshopper ago

Paragraphs ffs paragraphs.

Cool that your a female voater, sad that you have to actually state that you don't hate men in this day in age.

Only in this retarded time would the natural relationships between different sexes of the same species be put into jeopardy and be used to divide us by (((them))).

knightwarrior41 ago

Now we celebrate rabid whores, women with dicks, pussy men


Bitchybadger ago

Run with the herd even if it means falling off the cliff.

jnola2 ago

Thank you for this post, it means a lot. The Left has long since declared open war on men, and it is time for us to fight back. You say you don't know how you can help, but your viewpoint is already helping.

Bitchybadger ago

I need to do more.

dias17se ago

It is up to women to finish feminism, only they can finish it, because they started it.

Cleanhobo ago

Don 't worry... They all get the gas first... But, that said... WOMEN HAVE TO SLAP THESE BITCHES DOWN... We can't really do it because that is the trap. Watch what happens when one of these cunts attacks some upstanding smart educated white man... He is made out to be a ray-cist and woman hater and abuser... simple as that. You ladies need to HAVE OUR BACKS. We need you and those like you and we need your support more than ever. Support smart white men, take care of them and love them and they will reciprocate. Play us off niggers and mexicans and chads in the dating world to get some money out of us or get a leg up somehow and you will be labeled... What women don't know is that we men talk like a knitting circle as well and lately all I hear is "Coal burner in college" or "money grubber, dont trust that bitch" etc... Men are woke. WOMEN have yet to wake up and stand by us with confidence. Simple as that.

buggermeevenharder ago

Watch what happens when one of these cunts attacks some upstanding smart educated white man

James Damore. That poor guy got railed so hard, and everything he did was 100% appropriate and truthful. Fuck.

Bitchybadger ago

I know you do. Keep it going.

Vakhuman ago

Meh ignore the 'test'icles around here, good on you for recognising the mantrap that social media and MSM is trying to push. Men are not the enemy, women are not the enemy. Gender neutral, gender fluid, genderless dropkick's.. yeah they are the problem. Demanding in a petulant, immature way, and lacking the basics of reasoning, yes Democrats are the problem. They argue that having only 2 genders is a social construct, on what basis is the entire reproductive mechanism of Nature a social construct???. I work in the field of mental health, if I met some of these people within the grounds of a mental health facility I would admit them without consent as mentally disordered. They have no right to be spouting this appalling bullshit in private let alone in public I would gladly put myself up for a debate on 'gender norm's' against anyone... bring it!!!.

Bitchybadger ago

Not worried about them hun, little colts need to throw up their heels. Just remember.. there are more good women out there. We are just silent. Our priorities are making proper meals and not caterwauling in the streets like rabid coyotes.

DawnPendraig ago

Sadly we gotta start making noise ladies.

Bitchybadger ago

Lots of it.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Goys seriously Im a wamen

Helbrecht ago


jiews ago

Keep it.

Kippering ago

shut it down!

NoBS ago

It's okay to be a girl but you don't get a pussy pass here. If you use it as an argument, you will be verbally crucified.

You are wrong. It is up to fathers to teach the daughters that not all men disrespect mothers while treating ladies like an unwashed pocket pussy.

Monkey see, monkey do is a two way street, yet this feral treatment of sexualized children has become projection.

FattyWhale ago

It's everyone's obligation, really. Women will be viewed as little better for challenging the feminist power structure, having to endure a barrage of accusations of hating women, even if they just want actual equality. This shaming is commonly enough to keep them from openly speaking out against it, perhaps for fear of their own livelihoods, or at the very least, fear of being cast out of society. So it ultimately becomes an issues of people saying "Yes, it's okay to be a woman AND be against the current state of feminism".

barraccuda ago

Bitchybadger as in honeybadger?

Bitchybadger ago


barraccuda ago

Mwuahaha, senpai! I dont know who you are but I am the only fish in the discord. In a barrel so to say. Its a small internet

Bitchybadger ago

Speak softly and grill one hell of a steak.

Whitemail ago

It's called a communist subversion. Listen to Yuri Bezmenov. The communists have completely taken over the Democrat party by the way, but the problem is much wider and deeper than just "Democrat."

NoBS ago

Good day my warrior sister.

While my father never really had to beat the shit out of me for disrespecting my mother or sisters in private... much ;-) He never had to do it due to a public display of "youthful foolishness".

With older AND younger sisters I learned (the hard way) to respect and FEAR the ladies.

My fear was to not allow them to be dishonored or abused. It was a guy thing I assumed all my friends understood but learned long ago that horn dogs make the the most vile control freaks.

I was lucky to be taught that self respect required humility and discipline at an early age. My sisters early suitors taught me how to fight and hold my own.

The cost of respect should not be cheap nor easily given. It must also be a used as a double edged sword that can cut both ways.

In the sixties respect was sold for hero worship and instant gratification. We cheapened it and lost our collective minds. Stay strong little sister, most of us are the silent majority while Social media and the typical mob mind set incites virtue signaling contempt and dare I say evil intent.

Bitchybadger ago

This hardship will make us all stronger and wiser.

TranyWivesTranyLives ago

Nobody cares

Bitchybadger ago

Then you are part of the problem. This is not the time for being a smart ass. If you do not wan’t to be caught up in the USA rape trials of 2030, you better care.

Scablifter ago

Would that be the Salem rape trials? I thank you for telling me I am part of the problem, I did not know I was that influential.

TranyWivesTranyLives ago

Cunty strat

oldzeke ago

I have no clue how to help.

Send this link to everyone you know, with the comment: "The root of all evil--and it's not about Republicans and Democrats."


Triple_Agent ago

Girl goat: nanny

TheBuddha ago

Well, as a male, let me suggest you learn a new word today.

Today's word is, "paragraphs."

You're welcome!

Scablifter ago

Ooooo, get her! Who's the picky one today, would you like a saucer of cream with that?

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, ease of legibility is a trivial matter and the point of communication is to say more, as opposed to saying better.

You're a fucking idiot.

You're welcome.

qwsp0 ago


Tl;dr 0/10

Bitchybadger ago

Jesus Christ dude. Do you realize why I said I am a girl? Blaze up a joint and lighten up.

DaleCopper ago

If you tried any harder someone here might actually get his dick sucked. Now it's just words, words, words...

NoisyCricket ago

Something to consider. Part of being anonymous is to protect your own identity. You are rebuffing the accusation but your own alias provides at least some validation to the critique. Only a female or a homosexual would use, "Bitchybadger." Which means as some level you do want to be identified as a female. Of the things you are projecting with this alias it is first and foremost that you are feminine. Which is, of course, a weapon in society. Us men are programmed to protect you and provide special accommodation. A genetic fact. Which, of course, gives rise to those lashing out throughout.

Now consider why my alias isn't, "ManlyNoiseyCricket?" And ask yourself why you're not, "MeanBadger", or simply, "Badger?" Of course, that's rhetorical.

Something else to consider. Since Women's Suffrage, women have been political puppets and very harmful to society at large. Which actually is the entire reason women were provided suffrage; to be used as political pawns against men and society. There is a growing resentment against women, especially since Women's Suffrage. Which in turn is part of the problem. I don't say this to attack you, but to provide some context as to the pointed replies you are observing. Then take a second to appreciate https://voat.co/v/whatever/2751183/14133092.

Will end with saying that I think it's great you are helping to guide the young which surround you. Women have been told this is without value to trick women out of the house. When in fact, there is nothing more powerful a person can do than shape the future of humanity and civilization. This is the real power women have surrendered. So kudos to you.

1moar ago

The analogy is spot on, I'm going to use this. Shit's out of control. Part of why I left corporate and went back to being a mason. Time to toughen up as well, I got soft sitting in a chair for 20 years.

Bitchybadger ago

Masons are master crafters. I hate how people look down upon working men. I would love to see a mouthy cunt rocks up ladders and scaffold and build a chimney. It would be a shit show for sure. My hubby is a master ASE tech. They way fuckers look down on him. God forbid your work make you dirty. He is shit to them, until their car breaks down. My Brother in law is a carpenter. He has this sorcery where he can eye shit up without a level. It time to make hard working men great again.

1willeSutton ago

It is so nice to see the appreciation from the lady. May I toot a horn? Machinists underpin all of modern life. Anything molded, stamped, ground, the tools YOU work with. All industry is somehow rooted in what machining skills produce. The lathe is the mother of all machine tools, the first one was hand made. It was the genesis of what came to be. We stand on the shoulders of blacksmiths, a skilled and necessary precursor. Planting a seed by hand, digging the dirt by hand, harvesting by hand and you might not have involved a machinist. I wished for years that some women would come into the trade. It seems simply a sex specific way of thinking. Women were not forbidden, they self segregated. The male brain works that particular way. I've played guitar for 50 years, machining was a kind of music too. The one female machinist I knew was was a butch dyke. I didn't mind. She was respected for her skills.

Bitchybadger ago

Men with skills are now highly disrespected. What happened?

Helbrecht ago

Yeah, I never understood that way of thinking. That corporate genius programmer thinks the plumber is a dumb sister-fucking redneck, until his bathroom is under three inches of shit. Also that "dumb plumber" probably makes far more money and has no student debt. Dumb, indeed.

1moar ago

I try and picture one of these hoof and mouth breathers doing it and giggle a bit. Fuckin A. Corporate is a joke. Business is not. There's a big difference. High fives.

Bitchybadger ago

I pay to see it.

matthew-- ago

I don't care if you have a pussy or not. Use paragraphs faggot.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago


matthew-- ago

Camel case...

Are you a sand-nigger or something?

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago


RickFlairWOOOOOO ago


matthew-- ago

Sand nigger confirmed. Just write normally, mate. Who are you trying to impress?

buggermeevenharder ago

My boomer dad constantly complains about "liberals" and "Democrats". Guess what? The vast majority of Americans are Lliberals, and I don't believe the Democrats actually stand for any kind of principles. Here's my path to enlightenment:

  • learn that the current generation of "feminists" don't give a shit about women and their real life interests
  • learn that "social justice" has the goal of inverting power hierarchies by subverting existing systems
  • learn that "intersectionality" is the belief that "identity" (race, sex, personal preferences) is the most important aspect of any person, making it the exact opposite of liberalism
  • learn that all these ideas originated with The Frankfurt School
  • learn that it all stems from marxism
  • weep for the future

TrulyISayToThee ago

And marxism stems from JEWS. Dig deep into feminism and you'll find almost ALL the rabid leaders are JEWS.

buggermeevenharder ago

As a matter of historical fact, it is my understanding that the Frankfurt School was 100% Jews.

TrulyISayToThee ago

Indeed it is.

Whitemail ago

Liberalism was the door way for communism. Now "liberal" is a label outright communists hide behind.

Bitchybadger ago

Women need to wake up. Men have always been the protectors and providers.

buggermeevenharder ago

Men have always been the protectors and providers.

Yes, that is what good men want. It is our nature to sacrifice for our mates and offspring.

dias17se ago

Women cant wake up, they are followers.

HornScraper ago

Not all of us. We'll be the ones raising our daughters to be traditional, loyal, honest, faithful putting marriage & the proper raising of their children instead of selfish backstabbing whores who put their aspirations above all else. And that my friend is how women who are true leaders show will themselves. Only through bringing women back to their natural order can this circus of misery end

Bitchybadger ago

That has to change.

yallfolx ago

Not necessarily. I can't really speak to what other people mean when they say women are followers but when I say this it isn't a recommendation towards passivity. Any leader is also a follower. Even apex leaders follow the example of their ancestors and those they idolize. Any mother is a leader at the very least of her own children but throughout history, even during the time of so called patriarchy, women took a variety of leadership roles in the community. The important thing is knowing when it is necessary to lead and when it is necessary to rely on the leadership of others. To understand the importance of men we must consider the frontier. Whether it is an abstract intellectual frontier, a real physical frontier of exploration, a new movement or just something as simple as a new place to hangout; frontiers are almost entirely occupied by men. It is only after the frontier at least begins to gain the status of owned, safe, valuable space that women become interested and follow in. The reason for this is that there is a very distinct difference between the male and female mind in reaction to the key attribute of a frontier: chaos. Men, especially those with high testosterone, are attracted to highly chaotic environments because these are the places that give them the greatest potential profit given their attributes. This is because creating order out of chaos is the primary role that sexual dimorphism has given men. Achievements in a frontier domain give access to the power and quality mates required to leave a successful legacy. Women are generally more attracted to and more capable in low-risk, moderate-reward environments. This is because community cohesion, social navigation and child rearing is the role that sexual dimorphism has chosen for women. This is the clearly observable de facto state of the relationship whether you believe in evolution or intelligent creation. Marriages that take advantage of these disparate skill-sets are very successful. The reason the western world is chaotic right now is because western men, in weakness, have allowed a new frontier to be ripped upon in our occupied space by invaders both human and ideological. This is not something that women can fix. What women can do is support the ones who are fixing it and shame the ones who are destroying it through passivity, ignorance or malevolence. Shame is a powerful thing. Make sure the full weight of it lies on your enemies.

Bitchybadger ago

That was a great response. Thank you

Triceratography ago

"Liberal" means something different nowadays. Let's take a trip down the doublespeak rabbit-hole.

Pretending "Liberal" retains its classic definition is as irrelevant and pointless as the "democrats owned slaves" argument, or pretending that feminism means the same thing as egalatarianism, or pretending anyone who doesn't want pointless wars wants our military members to die. It's the same as pretending the Libertarian party still has a platform that relates to individual freedoms, not only freedom for monopolies.

tldr: You need to "support our troops" by sending them into harm's way. If you don't try to get our troops killed that's nearly as bad as killing them yourself.

buggermeevenharder ago

Give me something to disagree on?

I have two questions:

How do we stop full on communists from winning political office under the banner of "Democrat"?

How do we make Republicans stand up for their stated ideals instead of bending over for every looney law and policy the Democrats shit out?

Triceratography ago

Well if we are using the modern definition of liberal, I'd disagree with you that most people are.

Just the loudest people are.

buggermeevenharder ago

I'd also disagree with my claim under the new definition of liberal.

Helbrecht ago

Don't just vote for anyone simply because there's an (R) after the name. There are so many RINOs in congress for that reason; hell, that's probably the reason W got re-elected in 2004, and the only reason McTraitor and Flake ever won a seat.

Ideally, the party system dies entirely and individuals are elected strictly on individual merit. I won't hold my breath.

Asshat69 ago

There's no proof the majority of Americans are liberals.

jewlie ago

More people voted for Hillary than trump. I am not saying it is true either but there is that.

jnola2 ago

Only when you count illegal aliens. Trump won the popular citizen vote.

jewlie ago

Do you have the stats on this? If not it is irrelevant.

jnola2 ago

I didn't save the link, but it was over 3 million illegals that voted.

jewlie ago

Nothing burger. Thanks for your useless input with no sources. I don't doubt it, you just sound like another idiot on the internet.

jnola2 ago

I don't doubt it, you just sound like another idiot on the internet.

Ok, then, fellow idiot.

jnola2 ago

The term Liberal has long since been hijacked to mean something that it should. Today's Liberals are not liberal at all, they are Progressives. Liberals are for what @buggermeevenharder listed below. Progressives are about enforced equality and control of society.

Whitemail ago

In a decade or two the majority of Americans are going to be Mexicans and other taco niggers.

buggermeevenharder ago

What do you know that I don't? Here's my liberal checklist:

  • individual liberty
  • private property
  • freedom of speech and association

Anyone who supports those might be a liberal. Anyone who doesn't support those is definitely not a liberal.

srgmpdns ago

That’s the old school, wrongthink definition of Liberal.

Asshat wants you to use the ‘words mean what I say they mean’ definition.

Asshat69 ago

Who the fuck are you kidding with that garbage? You think that's what today's liberal party stands for? Freedom of speech? Fuck off.

DawnPendraig ago

Username checks out

As to terminology I say FUCK this shit. I'm so done dancing to their Doublespeak tune.

Illegal Aliens! Not undocumented immigrants. You aren't an immigrant when you break in and squat.

Democrats aren't Democratic nor liberal they are and always have been authoritarian and now full blown Marxist no matter how much lip stick they put on their pig faces.

And at least half the Republicans are RINOs and bitches to the globalists and Marxists and the big corporations they get to buy their souls. Just look at who controls Paul Ryan for example. Follow the money and see the PACs that are in bed with Soros no borders bullshit.

buggermeevenharder ago

What "liberal party" are you referring to? Certainly not the Democrats!

Triceratography ago

They are looked at like that because they are taking an explicitly anti-woman political stance.

It's like a woman saying she's a feminist nowadays, they should expect people will judge them for it.

Nobody just assumes a guy without a girlfriend is anti-woman, unless they ask if he has a girlfriend and he goes on a rant about why he won't date women.

I don't think it's necessarily a bad stance. I'm happily married but no dating might be a good choice for some people. The thing is their stated reasons are usually off-putting to women in the same way I find a feminist's ideology off-putting.

Lordbananafist ago

Are you a 9/11 truther?

Bitchybadger ago

You are right in that aspect. Bear with me here. I do not recognize my country any more. I am lost and trying to figure out how to help. Young men are being trained to bow down to these ugly witches. I don’t want to see that happen. I have taught my nephew to stand silent, yet look at them like they are a bunch of morons. Stand silent and strong.

Itsdone63 ago

Silence is ok but it doesn't do anything. You seem well intentioned but this is an example of why women shouldn't teach young men. This is passive. The right answer is to teach him how to be a charming ass hole. Someone that can deride these idiotic beliefs and turn the room against them. That's how you change culture. The other boys will see that his standing up to the lies doesn't make him an outcast but gets admiration and respect. They will then stand up to it as well in hopes of getting the same. Eloquence, wit and truth are what win hearts and minds, not silence. I appreciate this post, that there are women sympathetic to our plight but that just means we're losing badly.

waringi ago

When I was in school the propaganda was strong for boys to "stand up" for minority rights, to be outspoken and to get physical if needed. Including shunning offenders. So many fights that divided us when we were really on the same side. Nowadays they are teaching white boys to be silent and to take it. If I see something my attitude is "not my business" but we should be more vocal in defending each other. The most effective tactic in a verbal argument is to convince a woman that the room hates her. Its only possible with numbers on your side.

Bitchybadger ago

That is why I started this. I don’t know how to help. Thank you for imput.

Itsdone63 ago

Thank you for starting the discussion. You shouldn't be the one to teach boys to be men. That is a man's job. If you sway a man, here or in your own life, to take a young boy under his wing and teach him how to be a man then it is well worth it.

Bitchybadger ago

Men are not allowed to do it anymore. A woman can fly under the radar.

Itsdone63 ago

That is true and that is very helpful but I was more thinking an uncle/father/older sibling/cousin whatever that understands the ways of manhood realizing they need to help a young man in their family instead of simply "enjoying the decline".

everlastingphelps ago

Silence is consent. He needs to laugh.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Teach your son to be a man, hold true to his morals and truths and crush these dumbass fucking feminists with silence and ignore them

Bitchybadger ago


LostandFound ago

We desperatly need an outreach from the older generations in our lives, family or not. You guys saw real progress and understand the value of life, the younger generations also have hope in them .... everything else in between got really fucked up. Its not their fault they got programmed hard by tv and radio.

We just want hope again and these bastards are hell bent of robbing us of it. Do you remember when peace started breaking out at the end of the 90's they sure fixed that shit for us too. I feel we're on the last roll of the dice for civil discourse and the chips are stacked against us.

Soundguy21 ago

I don’t even think it’s a roll of the dice, at this point WAR is inevitable, it’s just down to what factions are going to side where and when

Bitchybadger ago

I am the first of the generation Xers and we are getting on the old side. Wise old souls can help you. The best piece of advise I can give you is let logic dictate over emotion. Think about things. Look at the programming on social media. How people are being programmed for instant emotional reactions. Everyone hops on that Facebook outrage train. They have no thought behind it, they do not even look to see if it is true. I swear it is like a drug to them. Strong silence and thinking can be your best asset. You can’t reason with a person that is emotionally driven. It is futile to argue with them. The portal between the ear and the brain becomes a spinning vortex when they are in that state. Learn to read people and their body language.

Scablifter ago

Yeah..... far too many hoomins are fond of self righteous anger, especially when its got a political standpoint.

It's not when they go red in the face that you need to worry, its when they go white is when the red mist is coming down. The blood drains from their outer skin to minimise blood loss prior to battle.

Bitchybadger ago

I know to many women that are still pissed about what some man said to them years ago. That is insane thinking.

Plant_Boy ago

It's okay to be a girl but you don't get a pussy pass here.

If you use it as an argument, you will be verbally crucified.

recon_johnny ago

Agreed, no pussy pass—but that post can stand on it’s own merits.

Good job, faggot-chick.

Ps4Freedom ago

Says who? That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. Too scared you'll act like an idiot because a woman is in the room? Fuck off! You'll not neuter me because of your weakness. Grow a pair you, boy.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Lol low t detected. If you take women seriously, you're a cuck. Have you studied any type of biology evo/chem? Do you understand mate selection at all?

Ban_Circumcision ago

theres no girls on the internet you fucking twat

Plant_Boy ago

Care to elaborate on your argument?

Ps4Freedom ago

She's not using her gender to make an argument. She's stating fact. And an opinion. Trying to devalue genders has already almost destroyed the family unit. Flaming women because they are women... where does that mentality come from? It's certainly not organic is it? I'd rather hang out with men too. Real men that aren't afraid of women. I understand the premise and the reason for this bit of male club only business on the chans. There isn't any chatting going on because it'a a distraction. And I probably hate the 'high school girl' nonsense more than guys do. This isn't the chans though. My point is... in a world of free speech you ignore what you don't want to read, right? That works both ways. You don't walk into someone's home and take a crap on the coffee table. So why walk into an intelligent conversation that leads straight to the heart of our family/cultural destruction and take a crap because the OP says she's female?

Why tell me I can't be exactly who I am and post that way? They aren't working in this thread. They are taking a dump on the coffee table.

In real life with real people...no one is taking a dump on the coffee table or they suffer consequences. Now if you'd like to ban childish behavior from the board, I'd be completely behind that movement.

Could be I'm just really fed up with the 'children' and felt the need to slap em.

Neinlife ago

i hate to be the party pooper when your panties are in your hair over this but the whole thing is an inside joke you dipshit go embrace internet culture

DrSelfAppointed ago

You don't walk into someone's home and take a crap on the coffee table.

Says the dumb cunt, as she craps on Voat's coffee table

Fuck off, you coal Burning Niggret. Here you go.

You should listen to what I say because I am a MAN. As a MAN my opinion needs to recognized by you as not just being an echo of women. My MANHOOD has great meaning to my opinion! As a MAN I agree with the sentiments of your peers, which makes me stand out. Me and all my MANLINESS

You see how that is fucking stupid in a conversation based on merit of idea? There isn't need to state it in anyway, unless it's for the hope of an ill gotten bonus for having done so.

Also, in case you think you are not shitting on any coffee table, here is you doing it in your own words.

...Now if you'd like to ban childish behavior from the board, I'd be completely behind that movement.

For the love of all that is holy, don't breed. Please be sterile. If you have already cursed this world with little shits like you, please let them be faggots who don't breed, and if we are already past that, please let your children & grand children be stricken from this plane of existence-together in one swoop.


A MAN who bothered to read your neurotic dribble.

Helbrecht ago

Why would we want to "ban childish behavior"? Because you don't like it?

this isn't the chans tho

There's a lot of crossover between here and the chans, but your point is as irrelevant as your "female" status here. Why bring up the chans?

Plant_Boy ago

You think the Chans are a Men's Only Club? In some respects yes but this post, from this same comment thread, may be most relevant to answering your confusion.

TL;DR: If the only useful thing you can contribute to a discussion is I'm a girl, look at these it means you have no discussion points apart from establishing your gender.

TestForScience ago

I agree and everything; but I’m like, 99% sure the TL:DR is supposed to be shorter than the “too long” part.

Plant_Boy ago

Depends if you include the contents of the image as well.

TestForScience ago

I guess I thought “in summary” would be better than TL:DR.
I dunno, I just woke up, pay no attention to me.

Plant_Boy ago

I get that too. Mostly when I'm awake.

TheCool ago

You have been reported for sexual harassment.

@Bitchybadger, you appear to be suffering from internalized misogyny. I understand how a male-dominated society can lower women’s self-esteem. Have you considered reading feminist literature? It would broaden your worldview.

slevin_kelevra ago

Drink some bleach pal

HomerChimpson ago


speedisavirus ago

You have been reported for not killing yourself.

BearDolphin1488 ago

I raped a girl in high school a couple times. She would buy me alcohol, we would sit and get really drunk and then, against my will, she would penetrate me anally, first with her digits. Then objects. She told me never to tell anyone, so I didnt. This happened many times. I. Was.raped.

edgelord666 ago

what faggot who lets a girl rape them lmao what a pussy bitch ass nigga

BearDolphin1488 ago

It was terrible. I screamed and no help came. I want an FBI investigation

Omnidempotent ago

I think you forgot a letter in your first sentence

TestForScience ago

You might wanna edit that first sentence.

BearDolphin1488 ago

I can no longer hide the truth!! I raped her by looking at her. My Male gaze forced itspatriarchal oppression on the poor lass and then she pinned me down and penetrated me against my will. I cried and cried. When will men learn??

Somedipshit ago

Maybe you should post some links to this literature so we can all learn why we're victims together?

Plant_Boy ago

If it weren't for your reputation of being a shill, I would most certainly believe that you were a parody of the lunacy of the left.

Bitchybadger ago


matthew-- ago

Tits or GTFO.


Spaceballs-1 ago

I know the EAT SHIT guy IRL, and I emailed this pic to him the first time I saw this meme. I now just call him "Eat Shit" and he's finally learned to laugh about it. .

I just point this out every time someone posts it.

matthew-- ago

Is he famous or something? Sorry mate, don't know of him. Pretty cool but strange claim to fame to be the guy on the "eat shit" or "tits or gtfo" image. That shit is eternal because it's fundamental to chan culture, or even internet culture.

Spaceballs-1 ago

Nope. He's not famous at all.

Except in Chan culture.

Hand_of_Node ago

Has he done anything about his diet or BMI? The way his cheek bulges out like that makes it appear he's on the verge of a serious weight problem.

Have never seen him before, just image searched: EAT SHIT guy

Spaceballs-1 ago

Nah. He's just gone grey.

buggermeevenharder ago

tits make everything better

matthew-- ago

They do. That said, I'm glad OP didn'd post hers. I don't like 50 year old tits.

buggermeevenharder ago

They definitely aren't the same as 25 yo tits, but I still love 'em.

matthew-- ago

I'll probably feel the same when my wife reaches that age.

buggermeevenharder ago

I miss mine. Best wishes to you.

matthew-- ago

Shit, if you meant she's passed on. Well my heart goes out to you, mate.

If you mean divorce, well I've got a joke for you: "do you know why divorce is so expensive?"

buggermeevenharder ago

Divorced. I got off cheap. She only destroyed my heart and reputation, not my wallet.

Why is div so expensive?

matthew-- ago

>Why is div so expensive?

Because it's WORTH IT!

And you're a man, you don't have a "reputation", if anything she's the damaged goods here.

If you haven't done so already, check out TheRedPill (we don't have a voat equivalent). Now those are real redpills that men can relate to.

buggermeevenharder ago

I've seen some interviews with Cassie. She seems like a sensible woman.

matthew-- ago

No no no. That's not the red pill mate.


If I had a time machine, there are two things I'd do. The first would be to tell my younger self to spend everything I had to buy bitcoin in 2009, and the second thing would be to give myself the red pill.

I first read "The Rational Male" when my wife was pregnant with our child, it changed me completely.

I don't expect you to buy the book, but if you're ever down or confused about your ex, or women in general, give this a read:


You'll thank me when you're done.

buggermeevenharder ago

Why the "sidebar" and not the second edition book?

matthew-- ago

Because buying a book takes effort, a sidebar is free and instant.

If you're serious about it, I'd recommend you buy "the rational male" too, but start with the side bar. The sidebar explains a lot, and includes a lot of examples. It's a general summary of a lot of things. Just read it, mate.

Just FYI I've also bought two copies of the book.

buggermeevenharder ago

tyvm :)

matthew-- ago

No worries mate. If you have any other questions or want any more book recommendations, don't be afraid to shoot me a message.


bdmthrfkr ago

My favorite.

Imightnotbetrolling ago

I love that greentext, but this girl is agreeing with us so fuck it lol.

matthew-- ago

I actually took the time to read through the wall.

I'm going to go ahead and say title is misleading: old woman, not a girl. Sex appeal is not present, so Tits or GTFO need not apply. My bad.

And yes, I agree that feminism is basically a massive shit test designed to weed out the losers (soy boys). Don't take anything a woman says seriously - ever.