Timmy2 ago

I thought you quit Voat yesterday. Was that a two week notice or a drunken comment?

TheAmerican ago

I dont drink and i never said that

Timmy2 ago

it was three days ago. Here's the link to your post.

I archived it for you, for posterity. Are you sure you don't drink?

TheAmerican ago

I didnt post that? What the fuck did you do to my account???

Timmy2 ago

Check your post history. You did post it, and your denying it makes you seem to have a lot of sanegoatiswear in you.

TheAmerican ago

It should be obvious looking at my post history. It's not a joke either.

TheAmerican ago

What I mean is me, John didn't post that. That was Andy one of my other personalities. I have multiple personality disorder and we all post here at different times.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/K285R :

Bizarre Jack in the Box drive-thru accident kills man in St. Louis

This has been an automated message.

Mogumbo ago

But I dont care cuz murica fuck yah

zyklon_b ago

Murica foe life