thejewish4 ago

I am merely a Kike. But no shill. Of course I have been on this site longer than most of you Nigger Lickers.

wonderfuldonut ago

Trolls and shills are great at being what they are not, most can only parrot the same old shit over and over again. If you try to reason with them they attack more, They are nothing but virtual predators, intent on spreading their twisted view of the world. The reason they get confused with out of the ordinary posts is most of them are none too bright to begin with.and dont know how to interact with reality. They are usually self loathers that know no better. Sycophants to some twisted ideology

Whitworth ago

Most of the obvious shills are just trolls trying to get a reaction. The real shills are the ones trying to blend in. They have their subtle tricks to try to derail the community: Create division, sow seeds of doubt, drop black pills, post with multiple alts in a thread to create the illusion of consensus. Real shills are kinda tough to spot, and there’s no secret topic that can out them. They don’t have to know anything about any given topic as long as they can achieve their priority goals: Divide. Demoralize. Marginalize.

Crikes ago

You never stop preaching antisemitism?

justsayingmayne ago

one liner about kikes, niggers, and sandniggers


I'd say another way is the tone-policing that encourages people to state their positions in a way that sounds less palatable to the mainstream. If you make a comment that indicates you have a particular opinion that (((they))) oppose and they reply like you're unwelcome if you wont commit to taking your opinion to the most violent and politically unfeasible extreme possible.

Like if you say "All the migrants that came into western countries claiming to be refugees need be sent back to where they came from" they'll reply "Why go to all the trouble? Why not just kill every shit skin and leave them dying in the streets? By the way call them INVADERS you cuck!" If you agree with them then their tone policing was successful because they forced you to sound like a nazi advocating another kristalnacht. If you disagree then their tone policing was successful because they forced you to feel like there was no one else who shared your politically feasible solution to the migrant problem. If you state that you disagree then they will push you harder to make you feel like there is no audience for your politically reasonable option of "the people who had been told they could stay here only temporarily should now be told they have been here long enough and now they have to go back."

Crensch ago

I'm down for wholesale slaughter of the invaders. They knew they were signing up to be an invading force.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Kill the invaders, hang the traitors


I'm down for solving the problem as soon as possible. Mass deportation is a politically viable way to solve the problem now. Killing them in the streets is not politically viable any time soon. It might be decades before it becomes viable and by then the problem will be much worse. The EU could reverse course, enact, and complete a mass deportation program in just a few years.

Crensch ago

Mass deportation is a politically viable way to solve the problem now.

Mass extermination is also politcally viable, if we kill those that find it not to be so.


Killing people who disagree with us is not politically viable even among those who agree with us

Crensch ago

You might be surprised at how many would go along with it to protect their children's future.


Personally I just want niggers back in Africa because they're destructive to everything they touch and are given equal status on the basis of a lie (they're not equal in ability to whites at all), America to recognize it's a white country and to admit English is our national language. Nope, not allowed to just be that okay, gotta gas and hang everyone as well. I'd love to see us Make Liberia Great Again, sadly Jews don't want that and niggers think we're stealing by putting them back where they came from. Whites are dead meat man without serious change yesterday.

obsecro-morietur ago

You make a solid point but I’m trying to understand why some people seemingly don’t have their own opinions, or at least they pretend to, to try and blend with a society that is backwards fucking bullshit


You're going to have to be more clear about what you're referring to if you're hoping for an actual response.

obsecro-morietur ago

I’m not hoping for anything from you just opening a discussion cocksucker I mean it in terms of speech, when it is used against other people - makes sheeple turn into wannabe pigs?


Don't specify the groups that you're referencing in your post then respond with hostility when someone suggests that you do so

sup jidf

obsecro-morietur ago

Hostile or not ... don’t see any difference when it comes to insults but I’d rather enjoy the interaction and that’s more likely to happen if there’s no formality

PutABowOnIt ago

That's a really good point. I'll keep an eye out for that. Of course there are also just shitposters and gimmick posters too that do it out of the goodness of their hearts.