thelma ago

I have no idea WTF "dickcoin" is but I have been trying to get @PuttItOut to give me all his---- through promising to post his baby pics online if he does not.

He has, so far, not provided the tribute that I required....playing "hardball" as it were.

Well I can play "hardball" too !

Soon full baby pics !

no_step_on_snek ago

Actually might be valid v/Conspiracy fodder.

If I recall correctly voat got a shit ton (relatively speaking) of bitcoin during the t_d migration, the value of which, depending on how it was used and when it was redeemed could have been in the tens of millions, assuming the post I read (prior to the big run btc had) about the old wallet being worth some 4-6m wasn't total bullshit.

GoBackToReddit ago

Is it even possible to donate anymore? Reports are pretty conflicting. It was my understanding that it's not possible at the moment.

I had a buddy of mine suggest I turn my servers into cryptocurrency farms (or whatever the term is).. I just don't get it so I dindu. I doubt it would be enough to offset the energy costs anyways.

Some-random-chick ago

Hi, qfag here. I actually made the comment

You clearly missed a lot these past few weeks.

And I’ll explain what that guy doesn’t understand.

The mods the has demonstrated that they are not trustworthy are the reddit GA (r/thegreatawakening) mods. This is true. There was a fallout and one of the mods left and made the reddit TGA (r/the_greatawakening) sub, and many follow because of the shady behavior of GA mods.

That poster seems to think that the guy asking for money is asking for money for GA, on the QRV sub mind you.

What that commenter doesn’t know is that QRV is Q sanctioned where as GA is not and he wants proof that Q and GA aren’t affiliated.

This commenter also did not realize that the post was talking about giving money to voat, so the previous statement is irrelevant.

In a nutshell he’s a retard.

BuilderAnon ago

I don’t think op was even telling people to give money just telling people to realize the sites users pay the bills so acting like they own the place isn’t gonna fly.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Okay. That’s just retarded enough to make sense [sic]. Thanks.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I’m guessing he won’t come. Because these Q guys are prey, not hunters.