My Voat viewing setup with the new Q subverse (whatever)
submitted 6.4 years ago by Crensch
Blocked the /v/QRV subverse, but have a tab open to its /new
Keep an eye on them while the rest of your tabs can be more or less regular Voat - and their posts give them ZERO ccp, so no need to watch there for vote farms (except to mock them and shame them into not acting like invading spics).
HateCumbuckets 6.4 years ago
My only issue is my pc shit itself. I only have my phone at the moment.
NoTrueScotsman 6.4 years ago
I feel you, but I'm used to being on my phone only now. My pc shit itself a year ago and didn't replace it.
You're right, it isn't too bad. I have a decent phone. I guess it's more about habit and what you're used to.
Crensch 6.4 years ago
Oh, balls. Sorry to hear that, dude.
A power surge fried it a couple of days ago. Nothing that can't be fixed. Or a good excuse to upgrade.
Silver linings are good.
They are indeed. Did you see sbbh just got shut down? Css and every mod removed?
HateCumbuckets ago
My only issue is my pc shit itself. I only have my phone at the moment.
NoTrueScotsman ago
I feel you, but I'm used to being on my phone only now. My pc shit itself a year ago and didn't replace it.
HateCumbuckets ago
You're right, it isn't too bad. I have a decent phone. I guess it's more about habit and what you're used to.
Crensch ago
Oh, balls. Sorry to hear that, dude.
HateCumbuckets ago
A power surge fried it a couple of days ago. Nothing that can't be fixed. Or a good excuse to upgrade.
Crensch ago
Silver linings are good.
HateCumbuckets ago
They are indeed. Did you see sbbh just got shut down? Css and every mod removed?