QuickMafs ago

Scramble the trolls, it's time to finish what we started https://www.celebjihad.com/images/about/war_goat.jpg

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Why the downvotes, though? Just because it is a stupid sub is no reason for anyone to go downvote their shit.

CapinBoredface ago

I didn’t downvoat them. I just made a post sayin anonymous subs on an already anonymous forum was gay.

I’m banned now. Bunch of faggots.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

They definitely are a bunch of faggots. I just don’t get the downvotes. Vote farming is bad behavior, but they are hardly putting voat at risk by having that sub. They can really just be ignored easily enough. I am curious why they aren’t over at full chan, though. Is that group splintering all to hell or what?

CapinBoredface ago

Don’t know don’t care.

If it’s that easy to get banned from somewhere I like to be on the list.

shrink ago

...yeah, I really can't see this taking off. It's has a fraction of the clout the other one has, and the other one is on fucking life support.

GoBackToReddit ago

I only see three reasons for it to exist:

  1. Division of the "community" (Attempt at power grab like any other split community sub)
  2. Farming setup (Most likely the case imo)
  3. Effort to fuck with Qfags. (I doubt this is a oldfag funsub)

Mumbleberry ago

This is the "fuck with Q-tards" v/theawakaning. I had out bans for idiocy, then unban and laugh at them when they screech.

freedumbz ago

For fucks sake. They just don't learn do they?

GoBackToReddit ago

Shortly after I created this post, I received a shiny new ban in the mail.

Mumbleberry ago

The 2 mods need to be added to this list; https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2656108

clamhurt_legbeard ago

[a community for 1.2 hours]

And just look how long the ban log already is....

GoBackToReddit ago

I'm being a dick to see if I can make them turn off anon lol.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh gosh....

GoBackToReddit ago

lol I have nothing better going on at the moment.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Well I just hope nobody else joins you....

GoBackToReddit ago

I'm sure someone will at some point. It's how Voat rolls.

Right now I'm distracted by dinner and Highlander... a movie I'm sure they will remake and fuck up soon...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

oh god

forget that shit

dinner is great tho

what are you having

pixelkitteh ago

As soon as I saw /theawakening I had a feeling this kind of this would happen :| I'll stick to /GreatAwakening and 8chan thanks.