cats_taste_good ago

I don't really care about the IQ difference. It's the behavioral difference that is the problem.

prairie ago

Impossible! All the centuries of slavery and inherent racism makes it impossible for them to be raised in identical environments. /s

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

People don't do the same because they are not the same. Shocker.

Charlez6 ago

Triggered enough people for there to be a Wikipedia article about it. And even there they can't spin this one:

(Scroll to 'Results' tables if you want the gist. It's damning. Or read my take...)

One of the studies' findings was the IQs of adopted black children reared by white families did not differ significantly from that of black children raised by their biological parents.

In short:

  • White children have an average IQ about 15-20 points higher than blacks, even when blacks are adopted by well-to-do Whites
  • Nothing beats White children raised by their own parents
  • A great way to ruin your own children to the tune of about 7 IQ points, setting them back the equivalent of hundreds of generations of human progress and evolution, is to mix races


The article refers to The Flynn Effect which describes the phenomenon of average IQ increasing with each successive generation. Except...

Research suggests that there is an ongoing reversed Flynn effect, i.e. a decline in IQ scores, in Norway, Denmark, Australia, Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, France and German-speaking countries, a development which appears to have started in the 1990s.

Can any genius here think of a common reason why maybe these countries in particular might be experiencing this trend?

God the world must be a challenging and confusing beast for people who are dogmatically opposed to accepting reality.

BeefBourgignon ago

Biology is ideology.

gazillions ago

This is the entire failing point of the leftist ideology. It's all based on the idea of pop psychology which is based on the idea that moms are all powerful and completely dictate every iota of what is a human being.

All of their bullshit about blacks becoming criminals or lowly job holders instead of professionals like them, is really to them, because their mama raised 'em wrong. They can't say that though because they're feminists, so they have to keep going back until they find the big daddy figure to pin it on. Same deal with Native boarding schools. They believe the natives are all raised wrong and they have to pin it on someone besides their moms. The boarding school experience is a scape goat, which by the way was no different than any other boarding school.

Identical twins separated at birth grow up to lead incredibly similar lives with incredibly similar manners, gestures and spiritual beliefs.

Of course it's dangerous to completely disregard the parental influence. We know that foster homes mess up people permanently even when they aren't abused. We know that allowing the state to raise your kids is incredibly damaging as well. Communist Russia and teenage british whores for islam are good examples.The problem is that the brain of leftists only sees extremes and templates. They don't see individuality. They'll go all in on any theory. We were just exploring eugenics a hundred years ago and they went all in on that with full fantasism. Then after ww2 they said Hitler was caused by eugenics instead of bolshevik jews. Now any mention of DNA science means you're a Nazi and you have to go with Freudian bullshit adjusted to flatter women.

Men to start a non profit group pushing the idea that men make much better parents than women and that the father should be given priority consideration in custody cases. Just an education outreach. The females centric left needs to be threatened on an instinctive level. The best part is the non profit can use islam as a threat to them as well because fathers are the owners of children in their so called culture.

DeplorableVet ago

Careful, that kind of wrong-think can get random people on the internet mad at you! Seriously, why are we not allowed to notice patterns anymore? Like the particular ethnicity of the looters in the hurricane zone? Not a lot of Amish in that particular video!

FapMasterPro ago

Don't feel too bad negroids, regardless of environmental upbringing, you can still run faster.

TheAntiZealot ago

Do I have to purchase this to get more information? Seems not to corroborate OP;

Because of changes in tests and in norms, members of the adoptive families, including parents, scored on average lower at Time 2 follow-up than at Time 1.


There were no differences between the transracial adoptees and the biological offspring of the adoptive parents in IQ score change from Time 1 to Time 2.

Charilko ago

Yeah, I noticed that too.

The wording is funny though, isn’t it? I can’t quite figure out if it’s saying that neither adopted or biological children experienced an change in their own personal IQ, or if the IQs of adopted children were identical to the IQs of their families’ biological children.

I think it’s saying that individual IQs did not change over time, which would substantiate the idea that your environment can’t significantly affect your IQ. On the other hand, the conclusion that being raised in a “test taking culture” (by this they mean functional, and by that they mean white) is beneficial would contradict that idea.

I think we’d have to read the whole article to figure it out.

But realistically, sociologists poll at something like 94% left or radical left. I don’t trust a whole lot of this research these days.

PewterKey ago

It reads like they both have the same rate of change. Basically that between time 1 and 2 they both improve at the same rate.

And the first comment abstract reads that the burden of adopting an outsider is so great it drags down the abilities of the whole family. It suggest that biology is disrupting the family unit.

TheAntiZealot ago

Realistically, sociologists poll at something like 94% left or radical left. I don’t trust a whole lot of this research these days.


It also seems to say that everyone's test scores dropped over the course of a decade.

NSAiswatching ago

If the adoptive families IQ dropped, then perhaps the adopted individual's remaining the same is something like an increase in comparison, so perhaps getting used to the culture, or assimilating it, helped them on their scores. Here's another study that seems to say that adoption into an upper income household does help IQ:

right_now ago

whoever writes this can make up whatever shit they want and people outside of their 'peer review' circlejerk can't have any input. i bet they write shit about 'controlled experiments with chimpanzees' too.

gazillions ago

That's exactly what it is. Put one black kid in a white neighborhood with all white kids in school and he might assimilate. He'll be taught the full range of manners and social skills, and you get a black kid. Put 2 or 3 black kids in a white school and they'll tribal up as will their families in the neighbourhood and you've just raised 2 or 3 niggers.

Plus they changed the grading on the tests half way through, so it's junk science all the way anyway.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

This sort of research is what people need to see to understand the reality of the situation. Few leftists would be aware of this evidence.

shadow332 ago

They write it off. (((Jared Diamond))) mentions this in his book Guns, Germs and Steel. The Bell Curve and all these studies are written with faulty methodology, according to him. At the same time, Papua New Guineans, who eat other humans, are more intelligent than British whites. He unironically starts off the first chapter with this claim.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

only retards take that book seriously

Hydrocephalus ago

I don't think you understand how pervasive double-secret racism is.

FlyinToadstar ago

Indeed. Look what it did to that poor Kaepernick boy. Destroyed both brain and spine.