EEgal28 ago

I wonder if it is really is him in the Podesta painting .... sick fucks that alone should wake up the normies.

RemoteViewer1 ago

CIA Fags generally spend most hours of their days on their knees ;)

BreadTwists ago

"It's real deep out here guys. Where is Andy my lov.. I mean buddy?"

HateCumbuckets ago

Hi buddy. Are you trying to integrate, or just looking for ccp to try and censor more submissions?

Sons_of_Patriarchy ago

He's probably looking for children to cannibalize.

WhiteMale335 ago

"Remember to purse your lips and look concerned."

Kageki ago

There is a theory that they do stuff like this on purpose so people will demand answers. That they can't just come out in the open and reveal the truth themselves. We shouldn't be complacent and stroking our egos posting on voat and saying how it's "fake". We need to actively force the media to come clean. Get on twitter and get stuff like this trending. These non-issues are the backdoor to cracking it open. Jacking off on Voat is no better. It's still jacking off. I've been actively engaging people on twitter. I have no followers or anything to get stuff going.

EEgal28 ago

Isn’t he a vanderbelt?

Skeeterdo ago

he interned at the CIA as well.

BreadTwists ago

He never left*

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

ya but he was just an intern, i mean whats the big deal, ya so he worked at an intelligence agency post operation mockingbird and ya so what if he became one of the biggest heads of MSM and pushes agendas left and right i mean c'mon who doesn't intern at the cia it's really not that big of a deal

yallfolx ago

Once I have enough money for my own weather crew i'm gonna have them chase these faggots around and set up shop in front of them.

thelma ago

OMG a shark bit him in two.

Tough break.

Fibbideh ago

Womp womp.

Mumbleberry ago

He does have experience being on his knees.

shrink ago

Everyone who thinks this is fake news is just dumb, he is actually standing at his full height in this image.

He's a full sixty pounds of journalistic integrity.

Reverse-Flash ago

Mumbleberry ago

Nice! Thanks, RF.

Pluviou5 ago

Fake news has been around for a century now.

Weasel_Soup ago

A century, lol. It's been around since the beginning of civilization.

Pluviou5 ago

The Jews have also been around since the beginning of civilization, infiltrating nations. Fake news being one of their subversive tactics.

Weasel_Soup ago

You give the Jews too much credit. Yes, they lie to the goyim as a matter of policy and have become expert liars, but they are in no way the only ones who have used the power of fake news and blatant lies.

Pluviou5 ago

but they are in no way the only ones who have used the power of fake news and blatant lies.

Right, there are crypto-Jews, shabbos goy/controlled opposition media puppets, and paid shills.

Weasel_Soup ago

Tell me, what do you know about the last Roman emperors from the Julio-Claudian dynasty? Caligula and Nero. How do we know what we know about them? Because Roman historians wrote about it. Who did the roman historians work for? (taking into account most people didn't know how to read)

That is right, they worked for the Roman court, the government. And their boss the emperor was an enemy of dynasty that managed to remove them from power.

That is just one of several examples of fake news that doesn't involve the Jews.

EyeoftheChampion ago

Never heard of dramatic effect?

hang_em_high ago

Dramatic effect as in lying and deceiving?

EyeoftheChampion ago

Yep that's the one

MrPim ago

This isn't Shakespeare in the Park it's the fucking news.

BearDolphin1488 ago

You mean chutzpah?

IheartSwimming ago

News should be real, not acted.