ReAwakened ago

Hell, you people have given me hope for the future, between the video of the guy telling the soy boy a massive "fuck you" and the fascist rap (which I'm still struggling to get my head wrapped around), I think America's youth looks brighter than ever!

NotTheMeanest ago

I don’t know about either of those stories, but I know very well that tragedies happen all the time. The worst thing is when the tragedies are inflicted by the govt on its own people - one example being the Tuskagee experiment. Worth looking into if you don’t know about it!

And I think you are being sarcastic when you say

America’s youth looks brighter than ever!

But in case you aren’t, then I have to respond “Not if they keep increasing the childhood vaccination schedule!”

But at least Americans aren’t blackmailed by their govt like Australians. Ayyyyy, there’s a lot of bad in the world, and all we can really do is try to make our own worlds as loving and truthful as possible 😊

ReAwakened ago

I don't disagree with a word you said... The insanity of the left is "a woman has the right to do with her body what she wants" except to refuse a vaccine. We were fortunate that we lived out of the country when our kids were growing up, and we figured out (maybe a little later than we should have) that we didn't want them pumping that poison into our kids. When the cure is worse than the disease... you don't do that!

I wasn't being sarcastic. I grew up right at the end of the hippy years where "fight the man" was the call of the day. Little did we know that they left off the rest of the sentence. What they were actually saying was fight your own man for the global jew man. That's why boomers are struggling to give up TV news. They're trained to lap up whatever rancid fluid (((Wolf Blitzer))) chooses to spew out of his loathsome dick sleeve. White men my age are coming around, but it's a struggle. Nobody wants to believe they've been played like a marionette all their lives. The truth will set you free.... but it will piss you off first. As they come around... it'll get interesting. One thing about the jews... you can count on it like a fine swiss watch... they ALWAYS over reach.

NotTheMeanest ago

YESSSS!! I’ve run out of upvotes but would give you a gorillion if I could! My dad fits that description - still watches the news, but knows it’s a pile of dogshit that is programming him, well attempting to anyway. He’s pretty woke for an old white guy!! The only thing we really disagree on is racism, but being on here for a few days has been enlightening, so will be interesting when it comes up again. I’m definitely one to change my mind when presented with new info, and I must admit that using racism to divide people sounds very jew-ish to me.

I think once you break through the conditioning on any one thing, be it vaccines or something else (my dad freaked when I told him I was looking into flat earth, but the last time we spoke about it, he was more like ‘anything is possible’ and (((they))) are such experienced deceivers. It will all come to light, and I’m so glad to be alive to see it!!

ReAwakened ago

Racism is natural. It's the big brother to tribalism. The west came up with a mechanism to try to reach beyond tribalism. The ideal was "rule of law," where everyone was equal under the law. That works as long as everyone agrees to abide by it, but once you introduce a tribal parasite into the mix, the balance is skewed in their favor. They use your laws against you while ignoring them for themselves. While you're busy trying to remain consistent with your ideals, their planning their next attack against you, using your ideals. Until you purge the parasites, the system can not work. Look around, sometimes, you can be infested with more than one kind of parasite. That's my 2 shekels worth.