drstrangegov ago

The internet is so full of tough talk. Just shut up. Goats are passionate about their homes, their people, and their country. All of these things are being threatened. You're damned right were abrasive. Spout your talk to our faces and we'll rip your guts out. That's the true measure of things. Say the same shit in person as you do on the web. Carefully observe the results.

ThierryofAlsace ago

I love the whole "holier than thou" shtick.what a bunch of fucking neck beard cunts.

digitalentity1497 ago

You won't be miss faggots.

silic0n ago

They are all pro Trump Liberals..

Newtonsnephew ago

I like voat the way it is. Everything changes but i was a voater before facebooker, and only Facebook for tinder whores after a bad breakup. I don’t like people who pander for upvoats. And I think some blacks and Jews are alright. Free speech, assholes.

seidoken ago

Reddit is fundamentally bad for humans, the censorship and controlled narative produce hive minds that these people carry with them outside of the site. I noticed with my friends they repeat talking points and follow a narative without skipping a step. When you ask them a question that contradicts their conditioning the get stuck in a loop of cognitive bias and look for the easiest cop out answer. If those GA faggot stay off Reddit long enough they might be able to break out of that but until then they are just a bunch of nigger faggots and kike puppets.

7e62ce85 ago

Smallpox blankets? That's cute, we worship Ebolachan here fuckers.

Oh_Bother ago

Refusing to assimilate?

Wow, they really got the refugee culture bang on

modsrcuntz ago

Go find a real hobby Q fags

ManyPockets ago

I would rather suck on the business end of a shotgun while sitting in a cage of rabid squirrel monkeys than tell these silver-lined colostomy bags that their bullshit will be viewed by the future as a good thing.

ninjajunkie ago

If irony had mass, the way they act could be used to bludgeon someone to death.

recon_johnny ago

Let the pussies try.

Let’s see their strategy:

Open a heavily modded sub...only seen if you subscribe to it.

Any and all points gained there mean exactly dick for the rest of the site.

Threaten the rest of us, because their religion of faggotry called Q makes them better than us.

Say they’re going to “red-pill the normies”, but because if their sub rules, they can’t. Haven’t quite figured that one out.

I’m still a tad confused on what they’re exactly doing, looks to be nothing more than a cum swallowing fest.

TheDonaldTrump ago

Q drops

Literal shiteating niggerfaggot kikes.

JesusRules ago

Sounds like Kikes moving to Palestine in the 1940's

Doglegwarrior ago

I wonder if he unsderstands he sounds like a muslim explaining their jew backed invasion of europe? Does he see the analogy?

JodyOnTheBlock ago

Fuck you, niggerfaggot! I just left reddit and I love this place. Who the fuck do you think you are speaking for me?? Get your goddamn feelings off your sleeve, stop whining about a goddamn safe space, fuck the motherfuckers at v/theawakening and get your ass to work at v/greatawakening. Muh feels!

PS. I don't really like saying niggerfaggot. Thanks, niggerfaggot!

sguevar ago

Well said niggerfaggot, proud of you.

Now learn about the holohoax!

IGiveZeroFucks ago

God bless you.

JodyOnTheBlock ago

And you.

srayzie ago

What pisses me off is that I, of all people, know how tough it is. I run v/GreatAwakening. When I joined Voat, it was at the same time Reddit banned pizzagate. Look at pizzagate now.

I wasn’t used to forums, I didn’t even use social media. Imagine being female and never hearing crap about Jews. Where I grew up, people were prejudiced against blacks and Mexicans. I rarely heard about Jews. People were mean and I would literally cry. It was foreign to me.

That was less than 2 years ago. I survived. I toughened up. I learned to not take things so seriously. We’re all called cunts, faggots and Jews. Us women have it even worse. I’ve learned to laugh about it. I can hang with big boys now. I call them a faggot and cunt too. I have to act proper in real life. I can let my hair down here.

Goats value the ability to have free speech. This is one of a few places left where we have that. You guys of all people, should realize how precious free speech is. Isn’t all the shit talking a small price to pay when there isn’t a good alternative? People irritate me too. They come and disturb GA all the time. Until about a month ago, I did it all on my own.

Our number of subscribers have more than tripled since yesterday. I’m training a new mod. So many of the new users are loving it. They laugh and are calling each other faggots and saying “I like it here!” There’s freedom. Once you guys chill out, you won’t be messed with as much.

For the sake of the Q movement, I want you guys to succeed. I’ve offered to help you guys in any way I could. Even if you wanted some tips. The worse things you can do right now is be ban happy. It sucks. But if you ban them, they go make posts in others subs telling everyone how shitty you are and then make an alt and come back with a few friends. I’ve learned thru trial and error and with the help of a few mods that are always there for me if I need them.

Being stubborn isn’t what Q would want. We should be united. WWG1WGA! By staying in your bubble and banning everyone, you are causing division. How do you think you’re gonna reach the ones that don’t know about Q yet? Or the ones that are curious? Are you going to shut the door on them? You all need to put Q first. We should be sticking together. It’s not about who has more subscribers or who has been here longer. It’s about the Q movement. You’re getting caught up and letting ((( them ))) win.

It’s not too late. WWG1WGA.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Heygeorge @Rotteuxx

sguevar ago

Glad to hear guess that the Voat immune system is paying off.

Thanks for the support on the other post i did on the red-shitter version of your sub.

olinneserpona ago

Us women have it even worse.

No, women can handle banter or criticism as well as men. Lack of thick skin is to blame. Nice tits bro.

DarkToLight ago

INSPIRED! That was metal ^v^

srayzie ago


Vindicator ago


goytoynamedtroy ago

>I like the racist trash taken out, personally. This should be a safe space for Q research and discussion.


Oh_Bother ago

Unironically using the phrase "safe space"

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

They're literally asking for safe spaces yet call them out on it and they'll go into "hur dur you Liberal shills can't stop Q and his Legion of baste black guys in Maga hats from stopping the demonrats, also liberals r da real racists".

Fucking Qtards are even worse than /r/thedonald

PuritySpiral ago

Q is treated like some sort of Internet Messiah. It's creepy.

DarkToLight ago

Sounds like the left wanting open boarders and ANTIFA needing Safe rooms.

Big_Dumb_Animal ago

The new fags really failed the niggerfaggot test.

Thissandwich ago

They get kicked out of their homeland and refuse to integrate into their new land. Sounds exactly like a kike to me.

Crackrocknigga ago

"There is no room for racism when you open your heart to patriotism."

This made me laugh. The original patriots had fucking slaves and would be called hateful bigots by today's standards. They didn't give a fuck about anyones freedom except the white man.

IrbyTremors ago

Then he went off camera and sucked some jew dick

Hillmydog ago

It's all her. Q wants this. You want this. They Don't. Praise Q, Praise God, #sheistheback #HCpretty

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Haha, the "adults" who think some magical letter online is going to solve all their problems...

TheBookWasBetter ago

When I created my Voat account, I was a libertarian that voted democrat. My how I have changed.

TheTrigger ago

Good times.

heygeorge ago

@TheBookWasBetter is now in his mid twenties and a full on member of the New American Communist Party!

freedumbz ago

>Those are not Shills. Those are Native Savages who don't want our civilized rules coming to their land. While I understand... The Q message is more important than their culture. Time to hand out Smallpox Blankets.

Ayy lmao. I'm literally a savage born in the middle of winter in bumfuck nowhere. Bring it.

thisismyusrnm ago

Voat needs a Hitler to gas these fucking kikes.

TheTrigger ago

Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten.

mrfetus ago

So universally true.

TheSeer ago

Wake me up when there are high profile arrests. Until then, Q is a LARP.

Res_Publica ago

Q is the single biggest cancer ever to come from 4chan

Doglegwarrior ago

Why do we hate q so much? I have only heard bits and pieces but his message seems to be the deep state is fucking evil and it needs to be stopped.. what am i missing?

ShinyVoater ago

It's not that "message" that anybody cares about(and which anybody could spread); it's his "revelations" that do active damage to opposition to the deep state by sending people on wild goose chases. Him being a LARP is probably the best case scenario; in all odds, he's probably an agent of the deep state.

Lundynne ago

Don't ask "why do we hate Q", ask, "why do you hate Q". Form your own reasons, and don't conform simply for the sake of conforming

Doglegwarrior ago

I looked into it some.. it seemed cult like which i never like... i have a friend who reads into this shit all the time and he knows more then i know and he is pretty competent will see what he thinks then do some more reading on my own.. thanks for the reasonable reply... not the most informative but not a complete asshole response either.

Res_Publica ago

That it’s a LARP at best and likely a troll. A rug to pull out from under people’s feet, a bubble of embarrassment the people behind can pop whenever they want.. a normal conspiratard looks rational compare to a Q-tard. They’re the source of the “Jeff Sessions is just waiting for the time to strike” theory.


Doglegwarrior ago

Ya all the prayer shit throws me for a loop, but thd christian right i could see buying into it seriously... i mean in their mind if they ended up in a position of power and had insights their christian duty would be to thwart the evil doers! Lol i will have to look into it more but it seems pretty far fetched... just curious do you know the most legit thing Q predicted and was it that important and more importsntly would only an insider have known???

Res_Publica ago

There’s nothing huge and conclusive. Don’t take my word for it, though, I stopped paying attention as much as I could a while ago

TheSeer ago

It is disinfo. It is not 100% true. So people think it is false hope, which, as I mentioned above, until there are arrests, it is.

Podd ago

I still watch it, because some interesting news does come through there you don't see elsewhere. I'm not sold, I don't think spending all of your energy decoding Q post and waiting for someone else to win the war you obviously think needs to be fought is productive.

Then again I'm just a bloke who just wants to be left alone.

ViperCarbz ago

Breakout the Zyklon B for these Q dick sucking freaks.

cyclops1771 ago

I'm sure he's here somewhere. Unless Arkansas is getting hit by a hurricane, too. @Zyklon-b

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

this is exactly how v/thepedes acted

SIayfire122 ago

IheartSwimming ago

Now we have v/Identitarians

draaaak ago

And that sub is ded.


Each comment is a nigger who makes no money and is too dumb and poor to host their own website.

Workman ago

These ignorant fucking larping losers...

Was I seriously just like them two years ago? Nooo, I refuse to believe I ever let my head screw itself that far up my own ass.

TheTrigger ago

We all used to be giant faggots, in one way or another. That's why I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Doubt revoked: destruction assured.

WhereIsMyMind ago

Except most of these boomers are 35+ they're permanently brain fried I think.

TheNerdyCowboy ago

They will surely bring some that fit in on the fringes of their narrow bell curve of thought. As many as usual maybe not but we shall see

124875_396693 ago

Here, here.

To each his own.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

User for 1.1 days.

Go die.

SGM11Z ago

Oh, I like it here. I think I'll stay. I'll put my feet up on the coffee table, grab a beer from the fridge, and mount your sister.

This quote is mine and I would like credit for it, thank you very much. I'm quite proud of it.

In all seriousness, we don't really want to invade your space. Most of us, myself included, respect what you have built here. Within mere minutes of this new board being set up it was shitbombed to hell with nigger this and kike that and massive faggotry. I get you all like that shit, and some of it is kinda funny, but we want a board to talk about our own shit without having to filter through a cesspool.

If you want to ask a legitimate question, feel free...you won't be deleted or banned. But if you want to talk about jews getting in to ovens, there are much better places to go.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

We. Don't. Want. You. Here. Faggot.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Within mere minutes of this new board being set up it was shitbombed to hell with nigger this and kike that and massive faggotry. I get you all like that shit, and some of it is kinda funny

You just described the last 4 years of Voat.

By scaring off concern trolls, right at the front gate, most of those who stick around start to get that these are the people who will protect Free Speech - even if that means holding their nose.

You fit in. Stick to your guns, bud. This time next year, you'll be an Old Voat Goat.

Ina_Pickle ago

We don't do slippery slopes here on Voat. We can't afford it. We're one of two free speech zones on the Net. In order to protect that we vet all new comers. When we get such a large migration the vetting process is harsher. We don't care if you don't like it. This is our system and it works. If you can't take some language without crying for censorship and safespaces, you don't belong here.

Duchozz ago

Fuck off faggot, cant wait till you get gassed in the next few days

freedumbz ago

A newb with some balls. Not bad. You'll learn. Or leave. Either way suits us.

mrfetus ago

Blow a goat, preferably me.

Hand_of_Node ago

But if you want to talk about jews getting in to ovens, there are much better...

...solutions. The oven thing is just a meme, because it's obviously one of the most impractical body disposal methods possible. But sure, let's discuss what to do about them. Maybe your subscribers could come up with some ideas.

Rotteuxx ago


/v/greatawakening was attacked from the get go & slandered as a shill sub. It was pushed that only your ban happy mods were worthy Q leaders.

Fuck them. @Srayzie has done a wonderful job of building a community & doing things seriously. If any of you were serious about your Q larp you'd be over there joining the existing community, not shitting on it.

srayzie ago

Thank you!l I’ve even tried to help them. I want them successful because it’s about Q. Normally I would just say fuck them. But I care about this movement. It has been really hard the last few days. But I know we’re doing the right thing.

draaaak ago

(((Niggers))) like you never last very long around here.

BearShills ago

So you ask Q questions. Come here and tell us to ask you questions... right. See how that just doesn't work?

Laserchalk ago

Nigger faggot kike is the canary in a coal mine. If you can't say it then you don't have free speech. That sub is bringing the culture of reddit with it by banning speech it doesn't like.

cantaloupe6 ago

Please pass the eye-bleach


but we want a board to talk about our own shit without having to filter through a cesspool.

Too bad you're too stupid to make one yourself. Nothing you have to post is anything your beloved Q gives a shit about. How self important you are, and proud of your statements which blatantly contradict themselves. I hope you have several accounts to waste your time on this site with, your a shit human who will need to hide behind a thousand masks.

Skeeterdo ago

Within mere minutes of this new board being set up it was shitbombed to hell with nigger this and kike that and massive faggotry.

I get it. You don't understand. This site has gone through major discussions and it's built an immune system.

Qanons were already here and decoding and there was very little of that talk in the Q sub. Maybe you don't know what Reddit is, but you came from there and that poses a huge problem not only for Qanons everywhere but for this site as well. The Reddit Awakening was not the center of Q.

wt1984yb ago

This faggot can’t handle free speech obviously. Don’t like someone, downvote and move on. Banning? Fuck off.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Fuck these guys one and all.

Their collective actions in the last 2 days speak volumes of what their true intentions are.

TheTrigger ago

I gave them the benefit of the doubt... time to call ICE.

RockmanRaiden ago

Their brand of faggotry is distasteful.

ciaozuzu ago

Do we have anything to barter with so reddit will take them back? They are even grosser than the pedes.

I don't know why I am surprised though,they are LARPers and their mods are just dingbat dungeon masters.

Tacops777 ago

We totally fucked best you can do is name the jew and be as racist as possible so they fuck off or integrate. Either way they hate free speech...

IheartSwimming ago

Voat is becoming Multicultural.

Moonman2018 ago


Doglegwarrior ago

7 down votes!!! That was beutiful analogy 7 down voats what the fuck!

TheNerdyCowboy ago

Keep acting like saviours to the ecosystem you polute with overzealous pride.

Pride is a vice.

This has been seen before with less organization ans more diversity. I wouldn't be suprised if the lack of divirsity you bring results in similare numbers that stay because of the narrow bell curve of variabilIty conpared to the regular migrations.

Multicultural means many different cuultures living in close proximity. Voat has a more blended culture with many ideas mixing and changing like currents while this tide is a monolithic tsunami that will wash back out into the ocean and only replenish some higher altitude water bodies which will flow back into their natural streams.

Sure the landscape will change a bit but the regular rivers and lakes will be the same and the settlements will rebuild where they were before the damage was done.

I hope you stay and enjoy the freedom, the full variety of it. Discussion over attack seems to be a common ideal coming which is always welcome. Voat has many active members who engage with that and the arbitrary vitriol is a filter for those with weak fortitude

IGiveZeroFucks ago

4 people did not get the reference.

Podd ago

7 Oy veys!

Hand_of_Node ago

Ugh. That's gross, but very well done.

ARsandOutdoors ago

God damn. Once I knew you was pseudo quoting Barbara fucking Lerner specter you ruined my night. Fuck that bitch

MetalAegis ago

I see what you did there.

mrfetus ago

Promote the next Holocaust, that's what.

Beta_Ray_Bill ago

They'll be gone in a few weeks if they can't assimilate. None of the other verses will be as kind to them as their "safe space". What a joke they are.

bob3333 ago

If multiculturalism truly comes to voat, it will ruin it just the same way the multiculturalism cancer has destroyed a lot of Western civilization.

Tacops777 ago

Multiculturalism neefs to go to 8chan or to reddit. No qfagz in here. Please go away q larpas

pebcak ago

lololol. Nice one

SupermanReborn ago

Shut up you stupid bitch

Hand_of_Node ago

Unfamiliar with Barb?

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

It's a joke fam, he's quoting this kike talking about rapefugees.

xenoPsychologist ago

that is amazing. i think you win the internet for today.

Weasel_Soup ago

draaaak ago


xenoPsychologist ago

they have to go back.

EnemyStar ago

Until they were removed, they probably looked at us as a worthless site. I think I saw this earlier. We are their life raft. They are trying to play us like tools.

Go home awakening. No one wants you here.

CA_Hircus ago

(((You))) just got here niggerfaggot. Stop asking for imaginary points.

Doglegwarrior ago

Serious question why does it matter if a shit ton of them go hang out on a sub area away from the main area? Im probably missing something i come here for debates and free speech not sure how everything really works.

heygeorge ago

The important part is that they are an attack vector, and may/will be used to have the site shut down.

Perhaps, instead, we will experience another massive DDOS and that will minimize the problem. Remember last time?

EnemyStar ago

Metaphor time. What does it matter if a bunch of niggers are hanging out on a street corner near you? They are just on the corner, right? As @Artofchoke said, it spreads.

What does it matter if a bunch of globalists are controlling things that do not affect you now? Things you thought could not possibly affect you suddenly do.

Doglegwarrior ago

They cant come for the whites until we are 10 perfent of the population similar to whats happening in south africa... im not disagreing with you at all, just thinks its alot further out unless they kill trump or something then it will pop off real quick with the hardcore whites.

Artofchoke ago

It spreads. It ALWAYS spreads. This shit is like an air borne toxin.

Doglegwarrior ago

Is their any truth to it?

ShinyVoater ago

For Q, there are plenty of signs it's a pied piper op.

Vindicator ago

To Q? Yes.

Artofchoke ago

To "Q"? No idea.

Whether there is or not, they are absolutely welcome to discuss it here. Handing out bans, deleting comments, that's going to create backlash. Eight pages of removal in less than 48 hours? No.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ok i can see the problem.. they are not amish here to preach their religion and live in peace and do good in the communitu.. they are muslim invaders here to preach and try to turn voat it to a reddit style shit hole??? Is that a decent analogy?

Artofchoke ago

I knew you'd understand. ♡

madmardigan ago

For kind, understanding folk, their comments sure do teem with hatred. At least we have the decency to be honest about our discontent and have facts to back up our thoughts.

drstrangegov ago

Because we're under attack. Always. The mere fact that you don't understand this means you're a namby pamby dismissive fuck that doesn't rock any boats in the real world. You want to know why we're assholes? Shout "it's okay to be white" from any street corner. Your life will get real interesting real quick.

Plant_Boy ago

I've noticed a lot of your copied comments use the expression we. One person speaking for all, trying to band the movement to their cause, a sort of collectivism, but there's not much I. They have this Righteous vindiction that They Have All The Answers and Only They Can Interpret The Holy Words of Q! Almost as bad as CNN.

We the old goats are referred to as they so immediately they're not looking to integrate but to create a secluded community, like the Muzzies in London.

Some might stay, we might have few Jew Shills yet, but I'm proud of you NiggerFaggoty goats for fending off the the invaders who didn't integrate!

obvious-throwaway- ago

Edditors can't be bothered with things like facts and rational thought. They are to busy worshiping their faceless celebrity to take a few seconds out of their busy lives to worry about capped tuition rates, universal healthcare, limited work weeks, 1 in 3 Israeli families living on welfare in Israel. It's of no interest to them to take ten seconds out of their busy schedules of self congratulating each other for being part of a hive mind to ask why the United States sends 3.8 billion dollars a year to a place like Israel that has a higher standard of living. They probably aren't even aware that it's not a loan, but free money that requires them to do NOTHING in return. No, they are simply to preoccupied with their group think buddies, just waiting to tell them what they are supposed to think and how they are supposed to feel next.

Fenrir-1488 ago

Uh, check those numbers again. It says 38 billion over a 10 year period.


So it’s enough to give them nearly $95,000 every year for 10 years.

obvious-throwaway- ago

From the article,

The package will provide an average of $3.8 billion a year over the next decade to Israel

Fenrir-1488 ago

Dual citizens. Plus we’re literally paying them to buy our politicians. It’s completely insane.

Doglegwarrior ago

Jesus fucking christ that number is impressive... thanks for sharing another bullet in my redpill machine gun... Damn just think if we didnt give them the 38 billion dollar gift recently as well or are we talking about the same thing??

Whitemail ago

Giving Israel free shit while we're over 21 trillion in debt and going higher. So we're borrowing money from Jewish bankers to give the money to Jews with nothing in return for it. Sounds legit because muh holocaust

Doglegwarrior ago

The crazy thing is when i try to explain the jew problems to friends they act like i took a shit in the middle of the living room while singing yankee doodle dandy... its so fucking obvious to me yet they act as if i am a full on nut job for even mentioning jews over represenentstion in fundamental industries and goverment positions not to mention outbright lobbying for a foriegn country with every fucking jew in america being a defacto duel citizen!!!

Whitemail ago

People are so retarded about this. You can show them that Jews own and control the media and how the agencies are staffed top to bottom with Jews (the janitors are probably niggers and spics working for a contracted company, though). After seeing that, they will continue to believe Jews don't control the media, or they'll act like it isn't important. If it were Chinese people or Russians, this would be very disturbing, but if its Jews, there's nothing wrong or suspicious about that.

Doglegwarrior ago

Fucking great point.. imagine if russians took every position in our media over the next 4 years! Lol if they had 15 percent of the jobs jews have people would be losing their minds... so you can use this analogy if you are talking with someone.. ive posted it before but here it goes..

Nigeria. When they got there they were considered outsiders but not treated horribly.. they were hard working and smart and good story tellers and dancers. One of the leaders was a banker in Ireland. Well after a 100 years the Irish in Nigeria really did well even though they were roughly 2 percent of the Nigerian population they ended up being the people running alot of major institutions. For the last 50 years they ran the Nigerian central bank, they developed the movie industry and the 8 studios are owned by Irish. They really valued education and 25 percent of Nigerias top 8 schools are Irish. They really excelled in journalism of the top news out let's 50 percent are owned and ran by Irish. Before the Irish there was almost no porn industry over 80 percent of the porn industry is ran by the Irish. The Irish were great readers so a big percentage of the lawyers in Nigeria are Irish. With so many lawyers 3 out of 9 of nigerias supreme court is Irish. The Nigerians didnt think much of the Irish until they somehow their millitary ended up in Britain fighting the British because they were trying to destroy ireland.. the Nigerians never had a problem with Britain and now thousands of Nigerians were dying in Ireland and only there seemed to be no Irish in the army? Well the Nigerians had had enough but some how nothing was done because the masses of people thought the Irish where the Nigerians strongest ally.

drj2 ago

Wanna get peoole upset about it? Tell them there is an over represisentation of white people in the media ownership. Tell them there are no minority’s owning the media. Oh guess there are too many white males in there, need to add some black women up there!

Whitemail ago

That would ultimate end up being an extension of the Jew media, because niggers are their completely controlled pets that always do what the Jew wants.

drj2 ago

Kay what do you propose

Whitemail ago

I propose the anti-Marxist party that establishes an anti-Marxist government. Controlling the school and media is absolutely essential to guiding the sheep in the right direction. Most people are sheep and will go with the crowd led by sheep who are controlled by the shepherd.

drj2 ago

So literally what they are currently doing just different people. Gotcha.

Whitemail ago

Yeah, sounds good to me.

tally-ho ago

Crazy how users calling everyone niggerfaggot are spitting less vitriol than these “totally organic” GA members.