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Vladimir_Komarov ago

I love you @NeonRevolt I read you everyday so I know you can take this right. This is a shill move that will be pounced on by the healthy Anit-Q skeptics on this site. They have shouted down Over 9000 Amalek alts using these same tactics and they will brand you a shill and never forget. Some of them will never trust the plan because they cannot stand by and watch (((them))) be saved for last.

I love that you are bringing attention to the site, but promoting an upvoat farm is bad form. How hard is it to encourage natural engagement with the locals or each other? Giving out free upvoats is a slap in the face to those of us who smelled how the wind was blowing long ago and came to this place because the speech was free and the rules were fair. Then at the end of October last year I saw someone on Voat mention some larpanon posting a lot of interesting stuff on the chans about national guard in the streets and have followed every day since. Then I read your piece on moving to Voat and though encouraging, I had to SMH at the link to the Upvoat Farm disguised as a regular link to fool all the locals.

You had time to prepare. You knew the storm was coming. What part of another wave of attacks coming [yesterday] wasn't understood?

For shame @NeonRevolt For shame


NeonRevolt ago

You literally don't know enough about what's happening behind-the-scenes to understand what's happening now. I don't say that to "pull rank" or whatever, but to try and say there's a lot more going on here than you're aware.

The moves we made today were necessary, and I think you'll see that play out in short order. I just hope Voat is strong enough to bear the server load what with onboarding 300,000+ new people in a short amount of time.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

hope it was worth it because you'll probably go into the negatives soon. Vote farming is extremely frowned upon, nearly as much as censorship. I'm guessing there's a discord or some such chat where you faggots connive for all your little tactics, and you can let them all know that you're not going to get away with this kind of behavior.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Take a trip down memory lane and do what we do with upvote farms' was posted in v/whatever by @Crensch and permalinks this comment.

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SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'I can get any page on Voat to load except @NeonRevolt 's comment page.' was posted in v/ProtectVoat by @SirDigbyChikenCaesar and includes this reply from @FrozenFire74:

No wonder he was able to get to 100 CCP in less than a week. Apparently he's been pushing for vote farming as well

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FrozenFire74 ago

What do you think is going on behind the scenes that allows you to break Voat rules and start vote farming?

Vladimir_Komarov ago

I said my piece and stand by it. What's done is done. Please find a way to work with the existing Q culture here as they know the lay of the land. This isn't reddit and it isn't gab. From your stuff on SKBanon, specifically the warning to normies about the language used in the piece, I know you get it. This place can be vitriolic to perceived shills, and the shills will use every upvoat farm to grow their alts into normal looking accts. This place is a different battleground, but important.

I'd love to talk about Q 2167 in this regard, but this is not the place. Just know I fully support your work and am glad to have you on Voat.

C_Corax ago

Fiy, Voat has been under a 24/7 DDoS attack for 3 consecutive years now, at least one host got threatened to let us go, our merchandise store got shut down, our paypal got shut down. There isn't an underhanded way to attempt getting rid of us that haven't been tried, so don't you pull your 'what's happening behind-the-scenes' bullshit, we know better than anyone else.

You are as far as I'm concerned welcome here, but upvoat farming is not. T_D tried that crap and they got sent packing for it.

NeonRevolt ago

Well, it's not going to happen again. We had to move as fast as we could, and the only way to do that was to get past the stupid comment point wall.

Bros, we're all gonna make it.

everlastingphelps ago

The stupid comment wall is impossible to get by because your stupid mods set the sub up as a containment sub.

More importantly, they won't fix it even though goats have told them how, and in fact are deleting threads that point it out.

I'm still trying to decide if you are gullible to the lie, or participating in the lie. I suppose this will give me the answer.

xenoPsychologist ago

its impossible for them to get by because theyre somalians. it makes sense that they run wherever certain kikes tell them to, in someone elses name even. it would be obvious to them if they had human level intelligence.

C_Corax ago

We'll see. The fact that it caught you by surprise that you got kicked off of Reddit makes me question your ability to plan ahead. I mean if you think yourself informed of what is and what's coming, the writing on the wall was pretty fucking clear on that one!

And the point wall isn't stupid. If you stay around long enough you'll see why.

NeonRevolt ago

Except I did see it coming.

See here: [](

I was literally the **only **one warning people. Many didn't believe me. A mod today posted about how the sub was safe, right before it got taken down.

When the takedown did happen, it was a matter of helping good people set the thing up, and then turning around and helping the people find the new setup. I helped facilitate that transition as best I could.

Look, I already run my own site, and an archive subdomain, and a store subdomain, and a gab, and a mewe, and a Telegram channel, and, and, and...

I don't have enough time to add something more to the slate. I'm just one guy. I know I work constantly, so people think it's a team here, but the truth is, it's always been a one-man-show.

Maybe the limit isn't stupid, but we needed to hit the ground running today. These are exceptional times in which we are living. And like I said, it wouldn't happen again.

First time I've ever heard people complain about bringing thousands of good users to a site, though.

abattoirdaydream ago

You were not they Only one warning people. Hell reddit doesn't need a warning, it's known that this kind of thing WILL happen, eventually. Why do you think I set up my board here when Q moved to 8ch instead of reddit. When Q 404'd at 4ch, it's the first thing I did.

Some paytriots like Corsi, are circling vultures looking for their next meal. Some become paytriots over time by circumstance, and where he Corsis of the world deep down know what they are, those afflicted by a slow sleeping in MIGHT not realize that it has happened to them. They may come up with lots of reasons and "logic" that to THEM is in line with the original mission, in order to keep the cash cow nearby. It's all important, because they have such a "responsibility" in their mind. Because THEY are all important.

I advise introspection and caution.

No one that I saw complained about people coming here. You know that. They complained about other things. They were hazing sure. It's a well known test on Voat. Not a surprise. Did you not inform your followers?

P.S. v/pizzagate has the other pg boards in its sidebar. Remember that when comparing the "badness" of v/pizzagate to things.

dallasmuseum ago

Voat servers can't handle 300k users, but that's ok because not that many are going to come over. You'll do amazingly well if a tenth of that comes over and sticks around.

everlastingphelps ago

Almost half of them are landing on v/GreatAwakening and staying there instead, too.