Dirty_Money ago

The United Way in my city collected donations from all around the country to help families who had their local homes destroyed by Sandy. They then handed all the cash over to an entirely unrelated cause. Yes, that is misappropriation of funds and, no, the state attorney did not do a thing about it.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

The United Way is the main financial clearing house for socialist money distribution in North America.

thelma ago

They had done this for years.

Really, you have not known?

I don't support United Way and when their rep. comes overs and I ask they pretend not to know.

watts2db ago

at US Banc about 20 years ago they used to push that shit on employees HARD. (united way contributions that is)

Scrooblemeyer ago

Close to 20 years ago my boss asked me to be the person to go around and sign up people to get automatic deductions taken out of their check for United Way. There were about 60 employees and around a dozen of them had been contributing during the previous year. I was a failure and didn't get a single person to sign up - not even the ones already giving. I felt really bad... or maybe not!

watts2db ago

you did good sir!

Scrooblemeyer ago

Thank you. It was one of my prouder moments.