KEKjudo ago

But da-versity yo!


La-a (pronounced La-dash-a)

NoKiddin ago

I cannot wrap my mind around why any white woman would be attracted to an ape looking nigger or a disgusting filthy goatfucker. What's wrong with our men?

grillmaster ago

You might be pointing the finger to the wrong place.

KEKjudo ago


Realclamwrangler ago

Burn the coal... Pay the toll?

Plant_Boy ago

Any relation to this?

HyperbolicGasChamber ago

Great, have it spread so degenerates are wiped out and saints stay alive.

thebearfromstartrack ago

WOOHOO! I was hoping God would send a fatal liberal disease that will SQUELCH the liberals' enthusiasm. REMEMBER, DO NOT let them make the PRUDENT (taxpayer) PAY for THEIR consequences this time (like with AIDS).

Deplorablepoetry ago

“ painless disease causes progressive ulcerative lesions on the genitals or perineum, which are prone to heavy bleeding.”

Today I learned what a perineum is. I used to call it a taint.

Side note: there is only a slip of the tongue between a pussy and an asshole (old mafia joke)

What is not funny is that disease....., wow...., painless but your dick and face fall off with plenty of blood leaking from ulcers.. yuk

Le_Squish ago

It's almost like our ancestors understood this aspect of natural law and codified anti-promiscuity into religion as a way to protect everyone.

HyperbolicGasChamber ago

"Shut up, muh backward repressive man-made religion fanatics doctrine"

Wotan-has-risen ago

Call me crazy, but Siener van Rensburg's prophecies are legit coming true

22trilionAsecond ago

Never heard of him

here are some cool things I found

Nicolaas Pieter Johannes “Siener” van Rensburg (August 30, 1862 – March 11, 1926) was a Boer from the South African Republic

Prophecies from 1899 until his death in 1926:


  • The outcome of the Boer War.

  • The Great ‘Flu epidemic of 1918.

  • England’s loss of all her colonies.

  • Independence for Ireland.

  • The atomic disaster at Chernobyl on April 26 1986.

  • Lady Di’s death The divorce and tragic death of “a beautiful English Lady in a car accident who would be mourned by the whole world.”

  • Civil war in Bosnia.

  • Dr HF Verwoerd, former Prime Minister, will die at the hand of a close friend.

  • The release of Nelson Mandela by ex-President FW de Klerk.

  • The Necklace Murders by blacks against blacks

  • South Africa will be governed by a black government.

He said. Third and Final War at the beginning of the 21st century

The coming Third World War will be started in Europe by a terrorist character called The Turk and his fighting force. This fellow seems to attempt an attack somewhere in Germany, but he is smoked out before he can do so, and then the fight is on. He is assisted by three Indian terrorist groups, also deployed in Europe, and they work together with an evil group of Englishmen. The symbolism employed makes it clear that these are terrorist groups, and who else but the revolutionary Islamic terrorist groups are this active today on a world wide scale? The governing body of this evil and hidden group of people is the UNO (in Europe).

Plant_Boy ago

Aright, which one of you goats went back in time? I won't blame you, I just want to come along. (Elon Musk?)

Hand_of_Node ago

any delay in treatment “could cause the flesh around the genitals to literally rot away.”

And this is just one of its features. Besides the other lesions around the body, and bacterial infections, "patients are at risk of relapse for 6-18 months post-treatment." Sounds like California needs to legalize the transmission of this culture ASAP.

Deplorablepoetry ago



Spreading the disease

With the help of captain tripps we’ll bring the whole world to its knees”

~ ANTHRAX ~ Among the living

kneo24 ago

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Having your jimmy fall off from jungle rot is just part and parcel of living in a third world nation.

icecream_fury ago

Welcome to Londonistan!

srgmpdns ago



FFS, do not image search for this.

Plant_Boy ago

Don't look down.

gazillions ago

It gets more and more difficult not to see the hand of god in this shit. The free love generation had a tiny window before aids arrived. Now boomers are the target of hepatitis c medications

dias17se ago

Negroes are already getting hiv immune in africa, give it a few years and faggots will be immune to std´s

gazillions ago

That's not the way nature works. They'll get a huge triple whammy and it will become a plague that will wipe them all out.

dias17se ago

I agree it will hit them hard, but it wont kill all gays, like 100% of them.

alele-opathic ago

The "free love generation" was an op from the get-go (re: McGowan's work), and the gov't actually admitted to experimenting with the spread of various diseases amongst "the homeless", which were hippies at the time. At this point, I can't even tell if this is all going according to their plan, or this was just spreading (((their))) diseases amongst the rest of us.

Check out this presentation on the disease, specifically slide 6:

It occurs worldwide, but is most common in tropical or subtropical countries, where it is associated with poverty and poor hygiene.

I emphasized the left's trigger-friendly coddlespeech for 'black Africans'. This makes a strong argument on it's face that they don't belong here.

But then check out slide 8, later:

It occurs more frequently in men than women and is associated with anal intercourse.

Just like HIV and AIDS before it.

> Insert joke about niggerfaggot here