AdolfGutenbergstein ago

Hahaha an argument on morality with some faggot lol yup sure lost it. Some simpleton that can't see religion from morality yup wow how I lost it. You couldn't satisfy my mom with mandingos dick you limp dick fruit

AdolfGutenbergstein ago

Not bangin your mom when she spreads her legs like a slut cuz I know her husband is sleeping in the next room

AdolfGutenbergstein ago

Don't need theology to be moral

AdolfGutenbergstein ago

And Christian is a derivative of Abrahamic so enjoy your Judaism you fuckin tard. Stoicism existed far longer than your dip shit faith

AdolfGutenbergstein ago

What if he were a Jew? He's saying things that men need, I've sure as shit been Peter panning my way from the military, film school and now my own biz. What he has said has led me to pursue stoic responsibility. No man is a god to me, his words resonante with me or they don't; simple. Zionism is my problemo; but shit I hate all abrahamic religions so most fags prorbably won't like me. Even though I believe in the nuclear family and the values base religions offer.

dias17se ago

Ofc his lessons are good. Its controlled opposition, you like him and you trust him, thats how all manipulation starts. His job is literally to salvage us from mgtow incels, because crony capitalism needs us.

Its a psy op to tame whites.

AdolfGutenbergstein ago

I trust any man as far as I can throw him

james780 ago


kneo24 ago

Oy vey goy! How dare you kvetch about Juden Peterstein!

timoshenko ago

If you knew anything about actual Jews you would know that he is right.

I went to school with Jews. This was back when they separated the class into smart, average, and dumb. The Jews were all in the smart class, and they were the smartest kids in the smart class.

Except for me, of course.

dias17se ago

israel average iq is 90

fuck you

timoshenko ago

No, Fuck YOU dicksucker. We live in the UNITED STATES. Not Israel.

Jews are smarter than you pussy boy. I know. You will ALWAYS lose to Jews because they will outsmart you.

Too bad. You be's dumb white boy. So suck some nasty kike ass because they ALWAYS going to do better than you.

dias17se ago

The jidf agent lost his character, sorry kike, you arent very convincing.

fellowkikepeople ago

I'm not sure, it's probably just JIDF Troll Attack Pattern G-2, he must've rolled an 11.

fellowkikepeople ago

Oy Vey! Are you trying to ruin (((his))) anecdotal evidence with facts, goy?

77777777777 ago

And a tranny

zyklon_b ago


dias17se ago

He doesnt fool me, its baffling that when it comes to jews he turns stupid.

zyklon_b ago

Its not baffling or mind boggling he is a piece of shit and. i wonde4 it he under somekinda mind control

dias17se ago

Maybe hes salvaging whats left of white men after mgtow/incels. Keeping thw white men on the rails, but away from jewish masters.

zyklon_b ago

i do not watch him anymore cause he a shill

derram ago :

Jordan Peterson - Why Jews Are So Successful | 2018 Lafayette Q&A - YouTube

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