RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Fuck them all to death

wonderfuldonut ago

Shills are fact of digital life, they are the cockroaches of the www. space. Free speech is being restricted so we need to enjoy it as long as it lasts

thisistotallynotme ago

Cringe fucking post. OP is a faggot using twitter memes.
If you haven't realized that Voat is being hit with the same demoralization campaign, you're a fucking simian.

dias17se ago

for sure shills are increasing, ive seen quite a few worried about anti semitism lately

BentAxel ago

I can't tell you how many times I've been banned on 4Chan. I find it comical that I've been banned even once. They don't like the freethinkers over there but it's fun.

kneo24 ago

"Fuck the shills", says the guy who one on hand talks shit about jews, on the other hand defends a jew - Tommy Robinson, and has a low CCP score indicating little engagement with the community.

It's clear you're here to farm SCP for whatever reason that is.

Russianbots ago

You like muslim rape gangs then?

kneo24 ago

Of course not, but your constant fellating of a Jew is alarming. There were others who were jailed in the UK for far less and died, but instead you want to rally around a Jew.

Mimar ago

Is he a jew? I know he is a Zionist and Pro-IDF. Just haven't seen that he is a jew. Seriously asking.

Voopin__Voopin ago

There is a picture with the archived page link in the pic itself, where tommy says "I'm Jewish mate"

I wish I could summon the guy in all those threads who copypastas the thing over and over. Relevant username like @tommyrobinsonzionistshill or something to that effect.

If you search the last week or so and look at the tommy threads (can use searchvoat.co or append !voat to a ddg search) I'm sure you'll find him

Mimar ago

I've seen those threads and posted in a few. I was just hoping since its been awhile someone dug up if he was really jewish ( convert or blood. ) Or if he was just claiming. I'm being lazy since I'm on the road and can't research it myself until later on in the month. thanks I'll go thru the old threads if I get time tonight.

bredlo ago

There is evidence that heavily implies Tommy Robinson is jewish, https://digitalempire.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/tommy-robinson-edl-jdl.jpg?w=547&h=593

Random funny memory, in 6th grade I was asking people what ethnicity they were, I forget what instigated it, but I distinctly remember asking one kid whose last name was Robinson what ethnicity he was and he got especially defensive and wouldn't give an answer.

kneo24 ago

Him saying he was Jewish really says it all. I forget if the connection is with his mother or his biological father.

Mimar ago

I was hoping someone drug up how he was Jewish. I've seen all the other threads on it and I know he's a Zionists, I just would like to know if the little fucker is a convert or blooded Jew.

bredlo ago

Just checked his wikipedia, hes changed names quite a few times

"Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, known by the pseudonym Tommy Robinson, and previously as Andrew McMaster and Paul Harris"

theoldones ago

fuck off black pill we see your game

kneo24 ago

How is it blackpilling, pointing that the OP is playing both sides, much like a jew would?

theoldones ago

you smell like jew, (((fellow white person))).

kneo24 ago

Ah, so you're capable of smelling people through the Internet and won't respond to my question.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I used to have an account here years ago. This place has been overran by jidfaggots

These kikesuckers get like $2k a week to spread hate and division.

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

$2k a week?

How do I sign up?

cancer_patient ago

step 1: be a dirty hook nosed kike

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Dammit. They get all the good jobs.

cancer_patient ago

of course a good for nothing jew (you) would think being paid to lie, shill and try to manipulate people as being a good job.

gtfo parasite

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Heh. Us Baptists should get in on the bucks too.

heygeorge ago

Yes so many years ago was good now bad

InternetUser ago

Could you explain your meme, young man?

firex726 ago

Same... I don't recall 4chan organizing any shilling. At most they suffer from them more than we do.

Its_over_9000 ago

Shouldn't free speech be the guy? Why are Voat and 4chan holding hands?

Plant_Boy ago

Surely something like Reddit is the blue shirt girl, Free Speech is the guy and Voat is the red shirt girl...


Everyone knows Voat is mostly propaganda agent posts and comments

Its_over_9000 ago

Don't blow our cover sparky.

sniper98g ago

This guy is asking the important questions.

TheLurkerAbove ago

On the flip side, while certainly meme is also art and can be confusing or not make total sense.