xXSanctumXx ago

Hmmm. Posting #WhoOwnsReddit on Reddit sounds like a good start & it will crash their whole fuckin network when people find out.

xcelr ago

I was going to give you shit for linking to wikipedia, but this is legit.

totes_magotes ago

Surprisingly, I wouldn't have pissed and moaned about it because you'd be correct. I suspect they haven't hidden it because it's behind, what, 3 layers and even at the top it's anonymized as "his children" or some nonsense.

Mind_Games ago

Follow the white rabbit...or in this case the hook nosed, hand wringing, ape looking beast.

xobodox ago

Why aren't Jews proud to be Jews? Why the need to hide, lie, and deceive?

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Its sure as hell never a slav that starts a successful company.

fuckmyreddit ago

Jews pick their careers when they are little kids, or rather their mothers do. My ex started studying for med school when he was 12. One J mom had her daughter start studying for SAT'S when her daughter was 12. The girl carried heavy stacks of books everywhere.

Even my Japanese neighbor tricked her son into studying. When her boy, James, wanted to become a pilot, the mom told her son they only hired engineers to become pilots.

I've heard the phrase JEWS TRY HARDER told to Jewish boys for ages.

This is probably why Jews are successful but also socially fucked up.

GOYIM should try harder too.

gazillions ago

Meh. Holocausts are easier.

Skeeterdo ago

and reddit is partnered/owns Imgur which is also probably jew owned and you kike lovers keep posting imgur links.

Whitemail ago

When considering the newer HEXACO model of personality traits that adds 1 to the Big Five, I think it's actually the H that is the big difference between whites and Jews and even whites and the Chinese. H is for honesty, integrity, and morality. Jews are incredibly immoral (brood of vipers as Jesus said), and it is difficult for white people to imagine that people would be so deceptive and manipulative and would cheat and collude so much. There also seems to be something that supports in group collusion, but I'm not sure if that's innate or just environmental (i.e. "We're poor, mistreated, persecuted Jews in a nation full of goyim who hate us for no reason. We've got to stick together to survive.").

Doglegwarrior ago

I love how that jew changed his fucking name.. god damn shapeshifters.

Doglegwarrior ago

Its weird the jews hate nazis but they are basicaly running a goverment that is supporting a bunch of companies heavily owend by jews.. its like a parasitic jew nazism

Whitemail ago

When all you can see is a bit of tree trunk and there's a spigot in there collecting maple syrup, I'm pretty sure it's a maple tree.

Reddit is so obviously Jewed through and through. They weren't doing a thorough job Jewing things until recently when the National Socialism section got sho'ahed and other wonderful places that were relatively obscure such as White Rights.

BreederBasher ago

Non-gay non-Jewish whites are a cancer on the planet and right now we are at stage 4. The swift, brutal, and complete genocide of the oppressor classes is the only thing that will save the world.

sinclair ago

wait. run with this. it's so crazy, it just might work.

BreederBasher ago

Cr*zy is a word invented by those who use it to project their own personality problems onto actual humans.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Watch the 2003 documentary 'Born Rich'. Both Newhouse's grandson and Ivanka Trump are in it.

https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0342143/ This is an INDREDIBLE documentary and has become even more relevant since Trump's election win.

Ivanka shines and separates herself from the other spoiled, entitled rich punks in the Doc..


totes_magotes ago

Thanks. It's made my list. Shit, my list of "shit to do is long." At this rate, I'll never get it all done.

Oh_Well_ian ago

pretty sure it's on YouTube, at least it was a few years ago

it will draw you in, instantly, and goes by very fast

there is a follow up doc, too.

JusLurking ago

Almost all 'alternatives' are also jewish.

(((Gabriel Weinberg)))is the Creator of DuckDuckGo

(((Andrew Torba))) is the founder of Gab.ai

A gabbai (Hebrew: גבאי‬), also known as shamash שמש‬ (sometimes spelled shamas) or warden (UK, similar to churchwarden) is a beadle or sexton, a person who assists in the running of synagogue services in some way.

I would normally link to sources, but this is all readily available from Wikipedia alone.

zx1 ago

https://gab.ai/zx1/posts/14518690 https://gab.ai/a/posts/14536466

Of course he denied it and called me off. Glad I'm not the only one to notice.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Who's the kike that runs voat?

ThorssonTrump ago

@puttitout is an account run by a group of paid shills. (((conde nast))) payed them to infiltrate, take over, and very soon, take down voat.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Haha a little sarcasm goes a long way in making the Jew name itself you guys

You posted an old leftist shill meme, kike confirmed.

Attheendofmyrpoe ago

Amleck.. everything the Jew hates

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Almost all 'alternatives' are also jewish.

It's almost as if non-jews are intellectually unable to put together anything even remotely worth using.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Booga Booga me make round rock with hole in middle call it wheel but krog with small nose tribe make it to bigger flatter wheel and make more of them! me mad cuz he get more women with sun hair with his rock!

obvious-throwaway- ago

Did a little deeper my friend, Advance Publications has ties to Soros.

Inconceivable2 ago

and Soros is a...


6Catfish-Ninja9 ago

IT,s like (((they))) have a fetish for getting kicked out of a country. Lol. Let's fullfil (((their))) fetish my brothers. I mean, at this point they are kind of asking for it.

dontmindthemess ago

They’ll calm down once the US is tired of fighting their wars and won’t have their back anymore.

r0ttingaway ago


CheeseboogersGhost ago

I told ya

Great upload

totes_magotes ago

I didn't really care much but someone I've been trying to get off of reddit asked who the CEO was. I was curious and you fuckers got me thinking so I looked and bam, there it was.

Acerphoon ago

We know it's owned by jews. There's barely any big company out there, that doesn't atleast have a lot jewish influence. If it's not directly owned by them.

lesshateplz ago

Well they have the CIA working for them. Maybe I'm being a bit paranoid but try setting up a tech business and you'll see what happens.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Yeah we know this that's why we're here bro hahaha

Inconceivable2 ago

Absolutely. The Jews.

And the Fucking Amish !!! /s

gosso920 ago

And my axe!

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

I got rope with both your names on it

gosso920 ago

Ooh! Kinky!

RageAgainstTheAmish ago


gosso920 ago

You sucking?

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Kill yourself with a swiftness

gosso920 ago

Fuck yourself with a Swiffer, Plunger-Boy.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Hahaha kike

TheWorstImaginable ago

nope. unless you're bashing nigger skull with your axe.

Armpit_and_Ass ago


Newyearsrevolutions ago

old news

maxoverdrive ago

Old news or not, everyone needs a reminder, including the new guys. You'd know that if you weren't a worthless fucking kike piece of shit.....

Newyearsrevolutions ago

Newb faggot does not know kikery looks like.....

cyks ago

Seriously. I just go on thinking it is satan running the show there. It is good to member.

kneo24 ago

While it's old news, it's a good reminder.

Samchay6 ago

Very true! It bears repeating. Remember, people show every day and if they're new Voaters:

  • It's possible that they think that Jews are just like us...except they don't celebrate Christmas.

  • It's possible that they think the surname "Goldstein" is German.

  • It's just a coincidence that when there's an institution pushing moral degeneracy repackaged as progress there are a disproportionate number of Jews involved.

  • It's just a coincidence that Jews have stranglehold on the mainstream media "they just really like showbusiness."

  • That Jews are the actual Israelites of the Bible.

Without the repetition of naming the Jew, all of these things appear to be coincidences instead of (((coincidences))).

MadWorld ago

Someone should add this to the /v/EveryFuckingTime collection, or equivalent subverse, to make it easily accessible for future reference.

MadWorld ago

Great, thanks!!