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Adminstrater ago

Everyone wants to focus on laws.

The problem is with proper moral education.

A moral society is a functional society.

Crensch ago

This is probably the stupidest thing I'll read today.

It's the law that forces men to finance sluts. It's the law that forces taxes to go to single moms. Take those away, and morality magically becomes fashionable again.

Or, you know, you could act like the virtue-signalling busybodies of the past 50 years and become repellent to the masses. Nobody wants to be told what they can't do by holier-than-thou faggots, whether on the left or the right.

Sarcastatron_9000 ago

It's the law that forces men to finance sluts.

Maybe men shouldn't have sex with sluts then, or with any woman that they would not want to be the mother of their potential children. It's not like you guys have great birth control options, and the law isn't exactly on your side, so why take that risk? If men are going to play a stupid game then they too deserve to win a stupid prize. The fault here is not only on women's shoulders; the men that slutty women are having sex with are also responsible for any kids that are conceived and for whatever fallout results. They should've made better life choices.

Crensch ago


Any woman can be tempted to ruin a man, no matter how sure the man is that she is wife material.

Get your head out of the clouds, faggot.

Sarcastatron_9000 ago

Men are pretty weak-minded then, if that's the case. Maybe you guys are the weaker sex if all it takes to ruin a man is a pretty face and some pretty little lies.

At any rate, my point is that men need to take responsibility for their own choices. If a man chooses to sleep with a slut, or to have hookups and casual encounters with women he barely knows, or to jump in bed with a new girlfriend right away, that's his own damn fault and he has some responsibility for whatever happens.

Crensch ago

Maybe you cunts are the weaker sex if all it takes to ruin a man is a false rape accusation.

And with that your entire narrative, and attack on men is destroyed.

Get back in the kitchen.

Sarcastatron_9000 ago

Aren't we triggered. Look, sarcasm aside, all I'm saying is that if you want women to be responsible with their sexual choices, why don't you want the same for men? Why should women be the only ones to be smart about their reproductive capacity while men should not have to take any responsibility for the consequences of spreading their seed? All you are advocating for is men being irresponsible and childish.

Crensch ago

Let me break it down for you, since you're a woman:

Here I advocate for the removal of law-based punishments for men.

This is where you make a bunch of REALLY stupid, fractally wrong arguments that I was nice enough to only attack from one angle.

Here you shame men, and talk about men needing to take responsibility for their own choices, again, wrong on multiple levels, but I'm nice enough to just use one to destroy your entire narrative.

all I'm saying is that if you want women to be responsible with their sexual choices, why don't you want the same for men?

You are FOR those aforementioned laws that punish men and reward women with cash and prizes.

Why should women be the only ones to be smart about their reproductive capacity while men should not have to take any responsibility for the consequences of spreading their seed?

You WANT the law to force this. It's evident.

All you are advocating for is men being irresponsible and childish.

Literally advocating for laws that allow women to trap men. Abortion IS legal, so is birth control. So is closing your fucking legs.

You want to talk about responsibility for your actions? Why is it that women require a court to protect them from/reward them for their own choices?

You are entirely too stupid to have this conversation, and you don't even know it.

Sarcastatron_9000 ago

fractally wrong arguments

To be clear, are you saying that it is wrong to tell men not to have sex with a slut? Is it wrong to point out that men don't have many birth control options, or that the law sides more with women, and that therefore being careful to avoid sluts is a good choice? Are you saying that it's wrong to advocate that men take responsibility for their choices and all the consequences thereof? I mean, you've been saying that women need to not be sluts and that we need to take responsibility for our choices - why is it wrong to say the same thing about men?

I'm nice enough to just use one to destroy your entire narrative.

You think calling me a cunt and telling me to get back to the kitchen destroyed my argument? lol Okay. For starters, being in the kitchen isn't even an insult - I take great pride in looking after my kids and husband, including cooking them meals. You know I'm not some feminazi who hates domestic life, right? I mean, would that kind of woman be advocating to end abortion and encouraging women not to sleep around? Pay attention!

Here you shame men,

Men who are promiscuous deserve to be shamed. Men who are dumb enough to date a girl they know is a whore and expect her to magically somehow not be a whore should be shamed, just like women should be shamed for sleeping with loser guys who have three kids with three different exes or shamed for being sluts. Shame is a useful tool.

talk about men needing to take responsibility for their own choices, again, wrong on multiple levels,

Okay, so you are saying that it's wrong for men to take responsibility for their own choices. Interesting. I hold my children responsible for the things they do that they shouldn't - are men less capable than children?

You are FOR those aforementioned laws that punish men and reward women with cash and prizes.

I am FOR both men and women using their fucking brains and not being irresponsible and sloppy in their sexual choices. I am FOR both men and women not hooking up with anyone, but instead, waiting until they are in a solid, committed relationship with someone who they know, love, and trust before having sex. I am FOR making it illegal for women to butcher their babies because that's just barbaric. I am FOR both parents making sure that the child they created has all the food and clothing it needs to thrive. I am FOR responsible birth control use by women, and FOR the development of birth control for men. But even more important than what men and women want and need to do, I am most concerned for the child in this scenario because he is the most vulnerable and needy person, and if he is unfortunate enough to have a shitty set of parents, the least we can do as a society is make sure that he doesn't have to be hungry.

I am against alimony categorically, even if the woman was a homemaker or is older. We are not entitled to half a man's shit. And I think that a lot of men get stiffed where child support is concerned because they are expected to fork over an unreasonable and unrealistic amount, and not enough pressure is put on the mother to step the hell up and become the breadwinner so that the father doesn't have to live in poverty because she's a lazy bitch. There are a lot of problems with the way child support is handled, and I am in no way in support of men being robbed and screwed over by a vindictive ex. It's fucking bullshit and no man should be put through that. Child support needs to be reasonable; it doesn't take thousands of dollars a month to provide for a child. And if they are on the hook for child support they should also be given a hell of a lot more custody rights too.

You WANT the law to force this. It's evident.

I want the law to make sure that both men and women cannot abandon or abort their kids because they don't want to be bothered with them. Both men and women need to take responsibility for their choices instead of running away like cowards. Abortion is cowardly as shit. Abandoning a baby is cowardly too. Neither should ever happen.

So is closing your fucking legs.

Yeah, and so is keeping your zipper closed instead of banging a woman you know is a slut, or one who is a stranger to you. Make good choices instead of bad ones, and if she gets pregnant, take care of the baby you helped make instead of disappearing into the night like a pussy. I would say the same thing to a woman: keep your legs shut, make good choices instead of bad ones, and if you get pregnant, don't have an abortion like some kind of pussy - raise your kid.

Why is it that women require a court to protect them from/reward them for their own choices?

You require a court to protect you from or reward you for your own choice here too - aren't you the one who wants courts to make sure that no men have to pay child support?

Crensch ago

To be clear, are you saying that it is wrong to tell men not to have sex with a slut?

No, you imbecile. Point me to where I said anything even REMOTELY like that.

Is it wrong to point out that men don't have many birth control options, or that the law sides more with women, and that therefore being careful to avoid sluts is a good choice?

Same as above. Nice strawmen you're making here. Please continue.

Are you saying that it's wrong to advocate that men take responsibility for their choices and all the consequences thereof?

If you're advocating for LAWS that FORCE that, then absolutely fucking yes.

I mean, you've been saying that women need to not be sluts and that we need to take responsibility for our choices - why is it wrong to say the same thing about men?

Who said this? When? Show me where I said this, or admit you're wrong and apologize.

You think calling me a cunt and telling me to get back to the kitchen destroyed my argument?

No, you stupid cunt, I don't use ad hominem fallacy. I destroyed your arguments, then told you to get back in the fucking kitchen, because you're unqualified to be out of it.

lol Okay. For starters, being in the kitchen isn't even an insult - I take great pride in looking after my kids and husband, including cooking them meals.

You should stick with what you're good at, then. This isn't in that list.

You know I'm not some feminazi who hates domestic life, right? I mean, would that kind of woman be advocating to end abortion and encouraging women not to sleep around? Pay attention!

You're the one that needs to pay attention. I'm not making errors here, you are. You got called out for your bullshit, and instead of admitting you're wrong, you're straw-manning my words, and making emotional arguments to try and avoid the consequences of opening your whore mouth where it's unqualified to be anything but shut.

Men who are promiscuous deserve to be shamed. Men who are dumb enough to date a girl they know is a whore and expect her to magically somehow not be a whore should be shamed, just like women should be shamed for sleeping with loser guys who have three kids with three different exes or shamed for being sluts. Shame is a useful tool.

You're not, though.

You're accusing me of this:

All you are advocating for is men being irresponsible and childish.


Also, you're STILL not just shaming those kinds of men. If I'm advocating a removal of those laws, and you're arguing AGAINST me, then this:

At any rate, my point is that men need to take responsibility for their own choices.

Where even associating with a woman can get a false rape accusation, living with a woman as a roommate can make you responsible financially, or even being written onto a birth certificate can RUIN A MAN'S FUCKING LIFE, literally EVERYTHING you argue is flat fucking wrong. Shame a man for those choices? What about the last one that isn't even a fucking choice, you stupid cunt?

Okay, so you are saying that it's wrong for men to take responsibility for their own choices. Interesting. I hold my children responsible for the things they do that they shouldn't - are men less capable than children?

Nice cherry-picking of my quote, how about you stop acting like a dishonest whore, and quote my whole line?

Here you shame men, and talk about men needing to take responsibility for their own choices, again, wrong on multiple levels, but I'm nice enough to just use one to destroy your entire narrative.

THAT is the quote. YOUR ARGUMENT shaming men was wrong on multiple levels, not the fact that men need to take responsibility. You're dishonest, you're showing exactly why women cannot be trusted with any kind of power, especially the power to vote.

Some women might earn the right to speak in front of men, but you really should get a backhand to the face for your dishonest, WOMAN-like argumentation here. I bet you cheat on your husband with those skills, too.

I am FOR both men and women using their fucking brains and not being irresponsible and sloppy in their sexual choices. I am FOR both men and women not hooking up with anyone, but instead, waiting until they are in a solid, committed relationship with someone who they know, love, and trust before having sex.

Some poor bastard trusted you, and here you are arguing dishonestly and showing that not even you can really be trusted. How does that fit into your little worldview?

I am against alimony categorically, even if the woman was a homemaker or is older. We are not entitled to half a man's shit. And I think that a lot of men get stiffed where child support is concerned because they are expected to fork over an unreasonable and unrealistic amount, and not enough pressure is put on the mother to step the hell up and become the breadwinner so that the father doesn't have to live in poverty because she's a lazy bitch.

I skipped over some of your other stupidity that literally no one here was arguing against.

It took you this fucking long to say something valid in response to the first comment of mine you replied to? Women like you need to be put in their fucking place for this alone.

We agree, alimony needs to be gone. GREAT! As for CHILD SUPPORT, fuck you. If the woman cannot support the child, she does not get the child... and actually, fuck that. The father gets the children. Period.

Single MOTHERS are the cancer here, not single fathers. Statistically speaking, the children are less abused, and less fucked-in-the-head when they are with single fathers than mothers. You want what's best for the kids? Your sex needs to take a fucking back seat.

I want the law to make sure that both men and women cannot abandon or abort their kids because they don't want to be bothered with them.

You want the GOVERNMENT to have that power. What the fuck kind of sicko are you? The GOVERNMENT. CPS. The CHILD TRAFFICKING ARM OF THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT. That's not speculation, it's fact. Kids are MORE fucked up now that the government was voted to have a say in how people raised their kids.

You are a sick, sick fuck, and this is just another reason women should not be allowed to vote.

Both men and women need to take responsibility for their choices instead of running away like cowards. Abortion is cowardly as shit. Abandoning a baby is cowardly too. Neither should ever happen.

Let me spell this out for you as simply as I can.


I stated that it is LEGAL, but you're TOO STUPID to actually read my words.

Yeah, and so is keeping your zipper closed instead of banging a woman you know is a slut, or one who is a stranger to you.

Last time.

It does not fucking matter how much you trust a woman if cash and prizes are written as bonuses BY LAW for screwing a man over. THAT is LITERALLY the only thing I'm arguing against here.

You require a court to protect you from or reward you for your own choice here too - aren't you the one who wants courts to make sure that no men have to pay child support?

You stupid, stupid bitch. You colossally stupid whore.


The law ALREADY FORCES what would not happen naturally. The MEN would get EVERYTHING and the woman would be left with nothing.

You are so massively stupid, it's painful to even think a human could write such a thing.