This is disturbing...Really disturbing.
It is a little bit known in the french website's equivalent of 4chan but I should inform you of this also.
France May 1968...Sexual liberation/revolution...Students changed the face of the west by imposing amoral, Freudian and hedonistics view upon sexuality.Destruction of the "old and repressive" moral system (pretty much christian values), for the new age religion (hedonism and cosmopolitan correctness, all of that relying on the goyim religion of the Shoah). The truth is that "sexual liberation" is in fact total enslavement...Extremely true with internet porn today but it was already extremely relevant. One of their leaders was (((Daniel Cohn-Bendit))). Moreover, most of the leaders of May 68 were (((-))).
Look at this video were Daniel Cohn Bendit brags openly about his pedophilia on TV (no subtitles sorry but he brags about sexually "playing" with little children and says that the sexuality of children is fantastic...)
He even has written a book with pedophilia stories in it.
This is the spirit of the leaders behind the sexual liberation...Their true aim is toward pedophilia, don't be mistaken.
Here is (((Daniel Cohn Bendit))) with the Freemason Emanuel Macron. Cohn Bendit has actively endorsed and followed Macron's electoral campaign, even though everyone knows he is a pedophilia. He never went to prison of course because he is part of the (((tribe))).He works as a European Union politician in the (((Green Party))).
Remember when Switzerland voted to ban minarets? It was the result of this amazing politician Oskar Freysing. After that, (((he))) tried to shame him and switzerland about this vote and ask switzerland to redo the vote because racism and islamophobia is bad...Remember bad, these are the """People""" that have the "moral high ground" to shame you for your nationalistic and racial identity, fucking jewish and pedophilies. He Freysinger absolutely destroys this kike pedo by the way. Still no subtitles sorry. (((He))) pretty much says that democracy "isn't right" because it didn't went in the way of the jewish agenda.
But anyway, just to talk to you to the leaders of this evil """[[[(((sexual liberation)))]]]""".
But the REAL red pill is bellow and probably very disturbing.
Now, I will talk about the french socialist Newspaper "Libération".
"Libération popularly known as Libé]), is a daily newspaper in France, founded in Paris by Jean-Paul Sartre and Serge July in 1973 in the wake of the protest movements of May 1968 (sexual revolution)"
Of course,founded by Marixsts/communists/socialists/jews.
Anyway what about it ?
First, in May 1977, the newspaper release an article where they endorse the newly created "‘Front de libération des pédophiles" a.k.a "Liberation front for pedophiles". Literally a group advocating for the liberation of pedophiles in prison because pedophilia isn't something wrong and bad and that it is the old "archaic christian repressive morals" that
demonize healthy and harmless pure love between adults and children...Yeah.
December 9, 1977, this newspaper publish an article for millions of french people to see : "Let's teach love to our children". You see ? What is their TRUE agenda behind extreme sexual "liberation" and extreme tolerance ? The push always was toward pedophilia, and maybe something even worst after that.
Here you have it, the massive red pill about the left and tolerance and sexual acceptation. (((they))) played their card way to fast there, thinking that May 68 would grant them full control on the amoral "liberated" french people in less than 10 years but don't be mistaken, their plans is being pushed for decades now in the west...A slow but effective process of pedophilia tolerance, normalization and acceptation. We are in it in fact. Be aware of it.
Anam ago
The Cultural Marxists under the influence of Freud saw sexual libido as a tidal wave that could be harnessed to destroy all existing custom and law. They even called it the 'sexual revolution'. The best known of their slogans "make love, not war" is not peaceful hippie hedonism, but an expression of the belief that, while physical violence can coerce and destroy the body from the outside, licentiousness and perversion can destroy from within. It was a cynical attempt to gain totalitarian power by destroying all traces of moral probity that could stand in their way.
HidiotKojima ago
Pretty much. Well written.
Those images pretty much confirms your views.
fuckmyreddit ago
I don't know any Jews who slaughter chickens in the street. Goats should kill the crazy Jews who give DECENT JEWS a bad name.
My kids are Jewish conservatives. They are good people. One of them is military. You would like them if you met them. Don't kill off the good Jews when you decide to destroy the sleazy chicken killers.
Scald85 ago
"Transgender" puberty blocking drugs are the most blatant handout to pedophiles so far, and so far the RINO's (even Trump in this case) have cucked out. They won't even play fake opposition.
We need a monarchy. We need born rulers above the "law" (((court system))).
Realhero33 ago
Good on you for remembering to mention him.
You should investigate neoteny and sexual dimorphism. Ask yourself why "attractive" women are much physically smaller than men, have higher pitched voices, and little body hair. The open conspiracy is that we are in a time when men sticking their dicks in the assholes of other men and men who chop off their dicks and LARP as women are upheld as heroes while heterosexual men who have an interest in freshly fertile females are treated as inhuman devils. Look at Roy Moore. The guy wanted a young girl to wife up and make white babies with and we're supposed to believe this was a terrible thing.
HarveyHarveyJones ago
i.e jews and muslims
Whitemail ago
Actually, sexual purity is not a Christian value. Women not being whores is a general value that spread geographically from European pagans to the ancient Chinese with some exceptions. Generally, it's men getting their rocks off with women dubbed whores who work that as a profession or as temple degenerates. They all still placed a value upon presenting women as a virgins for marriage due to the practical concerns. I saw San Guo (Three Kingdoms) 2nd and 3rd century China. One of the characters is trying to woo an exceptionally beautiful woman and gets on his knees and bows to her saying, "I will not destroy your honor." Obviously meaning, I will not have sex with you without being married to you. All of these cultures considered adultery to be morally wrong as a minimum and even a crime in several places, often times punishable by death.
Of course niggers didn't participate in any of this. For them it's all about cum and go while leaving women to take care of the children.
maninapaperhat ago
I was just thinking today about Weiner and his laptop. Let's say they did find what most of us think they found. Let's also say that the Clinton Foundation is involved. Many other politicians and organizations related to the Left are also implicated.
The question I had was this: do you think the Left is actually crazy enough to come up with a defense in the name of pedophilia? What I mean is, their first principals and assumptions are so set in stone (I am on the left to the end) that they could convince themselves that there is nothing wrong with pedophilia and pederasts?
I think they're crazy enough honestly.
mememeyou ago
Same arguments to legalize gay marriage and transgender rights will be used for Pedophilia. Kinsey: "Using pedophiles, he charted length & frequency of infants & childrens supposed orgasms. When questioned about how he knew whether a baby had an orgasm, he said he measured by their crying."
Cat-hax ago
So we all know (((they))) are closet pedos, why don't they just try to pass laws instead of all this backroom dealing, unless there is a portion of the government that would try to stop them, because we know the population won't do anything to stop them.
Impresaria ago
Dont click those pics, the one is goddamned Child porn. no ifs ands or buts about it. EVEN a DRAWING of it is illegal, you dumb fuck
HidiotKojima ago
This is was all those millions french people saw one morning. The truth is ugly.
sguevar ago
Amazing input Thank you very much for sharing this incredible compilation of Sources and information Thank you again
looking4truth ago
> One of their leaders was (((Daniel Cohn-Bendit))). Moreover, most of the leaders of May 68 were (((-))).
Every. Fucking. Time.
8_billion_eaters ago
Open sexuality in the name of feminism...
Open homosexuality in the name of tolerance...
Open transsexuality in the name of equality...
[You are here]
Pedophilia to liberate children from the oppression of western society...
Animal sacrifice in the name of religious freedom...
Human sacrifice in the name of extended birth control...
Now goyim.... time to give up your first born to appease Baal or Moloch or whatever dark god these evil scumbags worship.
prairie ago
Don't forget cannibalism and cousin marriage.
NeoGoat ago
You mean you need to marry your cousin, before you can eat her?
Inquisitioner ago
I thought Jews already do this with their annual crazy chicken bloodletting ritual.
goyphobic ago
I thought you were lying at first.
Whitemail ago
Apparently, the new animal sacrifices are Christians.
Ban_Circumcision ago
They still do it with humans too, as they have for centuries. Saint Simon of Trent, look it up
TheSeer ago
This is why they are pushing for children to learn 'consent' from such a young age! So that they can say the child wasn't harmed, and consented, therefore it wasn't rape!
unclejimbo ago
Jokes on them you can withdraw consent now it's 2018.
DeeplyDisturbed ago
These are some of the riskiest links I have ever seen in my life. Not clikcing dude. Nice try.
NeoGoat ago
I clicked one.. one too many.
goatboy ago
Keep your enemies close and your weapons of mass destruction closer.
HidiotKojima ago
Please post.
Travisty ago
I think there is a healthy medium between pedophilia and the sexual repression of the Catholic Church
derram ago : : :
This has been an automated message.
HidiotKojima ago
I'll share other things here now.
Sexual liberation is an very advanced form and slavery. Watch this one hour video to see the light, by E.Michael Jones.
Another one on Porn.
Go to 27:30-32:00
Remember when Polanski was arrested in Switzerland because he drugged and raped a 13 years old girl in the ass?
Did you know that it led to a massive protestation of all the (((hollywood))) actors? How dare goyim arrest a chosen people on laws written to control goyims? These laws are for goyims, not for jews !
Yeah, that's the reason why Cohn Bendit never went to prison: He is a kike.At least, Switzerland had the balls to arrest this piece of shit of kike Roman Polanski.
Seeing actors defending this piece of shit really makes my blood boil. Hollywood really is the meeting point of the lowest cum on earth.
Remember when everyone in Hollywood were pitting on Michael Jackson for it's alledged pedophilia and yet everyone defend this piece of shit of pedophuile Roman Polanski? It's almot like Michael Jackson knew about the JQ or something...
Now look sexualisation of children today...
Here is a french denoncing the (((socialists))) raping and killing children
"Because 10 years ago, there was a moral. Nobody required that no one exactly respect this morality. But the existing morality, the rotten or the twisted that really came out of this morality knew that he was doing something that was not very right and that was not very fair ... girls are prostituted for 3, 4, 5, 6 years. A girl died of overdose in a bar in Belgium, it was the daughter of a prostitute who had entrusted it to the boss of the bar and the boss of the bar made it go up, she went up with customers and as the girl screamed Too much, well, he stuffed him with drugs. Well, if we were in power I can tell you that the same evening we would go down to this bistro and that the customers and the boss would be hanged in front of the door, because it's like that it will be necessary that things if we want our homeland and the Western world to survive the wave of shit that is triggering. A region of the world that allows something to do has sentenced to death sooner or later and it will also have to be stopped. Do not think I'm focusing mainly on it, but I think it's one of the most disgusting things, Mr. Jack Lang, who claimed to be a candidate for the presidency of the republic, to be stopped at the exit if what I say is not true.Was compromised in the case of places of life and in a place of life held by socialists called the Coral, and there, kids were prostitutes to people like Jack Lang and a kid was found dead sodomized, head in a seal of shit, that one stops me at the exit if it is not true. So I want tomorrow to fight in an army to defend Europe, I want tomorrow all we want, I want even before you to 70 yards, be ahead and give the example extended, but the Europe I do not care, as long as my country is rotten and what I want to save in a first place is my country, it is my homeland. And I want all Jack Lang from France and elsewhere to be hanged, high and short and accountable. And it is only by our salvation, by our talent, by our morality, by our certainty in victory that we will demand that these people pay, because they have to pay, that is the message I wanted to pass you ..."
Whitemail ago