Crensch ago

At the risk of getting canned, the Jew hating is a psyop too.

No. It's a fact that Jews are a nepotistic, parasitic bloc of genetic failures that whites allowed into their countries, and treated like brothers. I know of no social ill that cannot be traced back to a Jew, Jewish programming, or Jewish inventions/ideas. Every single thing propped up by current society as "brave" or in any way moralistic is the exact opposite, and pushed by Jews.

Here is a few of the Jews I consider bad. What happens to your opinion of Jews when it's proven to you that the Holocaust was a lie? What happens when, as @SchlongKeyhote said, Jews constantly get removed from countries as a group? Why is that, I wonder?

Even this rabbi can tell you you're fucking wrong.

Ask yourself why this is true. Why do Jews lie about their IQ? Why did a JEW sue to overturn a law that prevented dual citizens from voting or holding public office in the U.S. in 1967? Why does Israel have double agents in our government?

Who, do you think, controls America?

As a people, they hate whites, and see it as their duty to destroy us, even if it's cutting off the nose to spite their face. They're educated from birth to learn how to subvert their own rules for themselves, so they have no reason to give a shit about the laws and rules of others.

Whites have been kicking them out of countries for thousands of years, and they're bitter about having put in all that effort to subvert us, then losing it all in one proclamation, or one white male's rise to power. They've been infiltrating us and stabbing us in the back for at least 2,700 years - nothing will change with them.

After all, there's only one race on this planet that can do this. And even though all the Nazis wanted was their own ethnostate, and for the Jews to move elsewhere, they know we're the only race that might one day exterminate them entirely. And given what they've done, they know we'd feel justified in doing so.

And that's just for the ones that know what they're doing.

Many, probably most if I'm being honest, are simply genetically wired to destroy whites. The nicest, whitest Jews you'll ever find will still do things like this. They'll hire and help only Jews for no other reason than in-group preference.

Another way of looking at it would be thinking of an AI built to hate whites without knowing it consciously. What would that AI do?

Replace whites with niggers in all the good things. Replace niggers with whites in all the bad things. Take stuff from whites and give it to niggers. Demoralize whites. Destroy white history. Destroy white identity. Destroy white birth rates. Destroy white women. Destroy governments, law, healthcare. Destroy white children. Destroy white families, white countries, white accomplishments, buildings, education, advancements... all this under the guise of "progress" and "freedom".


These things are simply genetically programmed to fuck us over, for reasons not fully known to us.


There are no good Jews.

MrShill ago

I'm not in disagreement with you on much of this. All I'm saying is that by not making the distinction between marxist Jews and zionist Jews your arguments will not hit home.

Zionist Jews and marxist Jews are both Jews but unless you untangle their differing motivations then you're just pissing in the wind.

Crensch ago

I'm not really convinced that delineating the two will gain me anything, and that not doing so will neuter my words. There's a common denominator between the two, and it seems to me addressing anything beyond that is useless.

Why differentiate between ideologies/beliefs/motivations of two cancerous groups when they have something in common like their genetics?

Only a small proportion of them are zionist Jews bent on jew world domination with us goys waiting on them hand and foot.


MrShill ago

If nothing else just saying "Marxist Jews" or "Zionist Jews" will make your arguments better. Jews are rotten to the core but these 2 groups are very different in their goals and methods. Why not name them

Crensch ago

If nothing else just saying "Marxist Jews" or "Zionist Jews" will make your arguments better.

I've seen no evidence of this.

Jews are rotten to the core but these 2 groups are very different in their goals and methods. Why not name them

Because it doesn't matter. It's like delineating between Detroit niggers and Africa niggers. Nobody cares, they all just need to die.

Over-complicating something that is really simple is a great way to get people to stop paying attention or caring.

MrShill ago

Oversimplification of something complex is a great way to make people switch off too. I've had first hand experience that convinces me that Jews are by nature cunts that have contempt for everyone not jewish. But when you point at marxist Jews jewing and say that's because they are Jews it begs the question, what about the white marxists at their side, what about the conservative Jews opposing them.

It's not a coherent argument. Zionist Jews jewing sure, it's because they are Jews. Marxist Jews it's because they are marxist. The Jew thing just adds to it.

Crensch ago

Oversimplification of something complex is a great way to make people switch off too.

Simplification is not necessarily oversimplification.

what about the white marxists at their side

Useful idiots, or shit-tier genetic "whites" that need to die.

what about the conservative Jews opposing them.

JEWS PLAY EVERY SIDE OF EVERYTHING SO JEWS ARE ALWAYS WINNING. That's why they all must die. They play both sides of every war, political party, or movement. Why do you think all the supposed "alt-right leaders" are KIKES? They are FUNDED by kikes who want KIKES to win no matter which side conquers the other.

It's not a coherent argument. Zionist Jews jewing sure, it's because they are Jews. Marxist Jews it's because they are marxist. The Jew thing just adds to it.

You're full of shit. It's more coherent than your attempt to separate Jews into groups that anyone could mistake for "good". They are NOT good. NONE of them.

MrShill ago

"JEWS PLAY EVERY SIDE OF EVERYTHING SO JEWS ARE ALWAYS WINNING. That's why they all must die. They play both sides of every war, political party, or movement. Why do you think all the supposed "alt-right leaders" are KIKES? They are FUNDED by kikes who want KIKES to win no matter which side conquers the other."

Post hoc ergo propter hoc

Crensch ago

It's not a fallacy when it's true, moron. There's a reason Jews get kicked out of every country that realizes what they are before it's too late.

Don't worry, Moshe, they'll be hunted to the last, this time, no matter if they're Marxist, religious, conservative, zionist, moderate, or otherwise.

MrShill ago

Your reasoning is fallacious, not your position (moron). You swooped into this thread to give your opinion. Even though I acknowledge the inherent nastiness of Jews you have a little pissy fit like a triggered SJW when I say "Hey, your arguments would be more effective if you were more specific". You obviously think that labeling them as anything other than Jews detracts from the core problem, that they are Jews. You think it normalises them as just political actors and not simply Jews being Jews.

Unfortunately, when you point the finger at "Jews" as the problem your arguments don't make sense as Jews exist in direct opposition to each other in the political spectrum.

Jews like Ben Shapiro and Milo practically birthed the "Alt right" and have ripped the Progressive Left a new asshole.

If there was some grand jewish conspiracy for world domination why would they interrupt the long march through the institutions?

What you're doing is a classic case of confusing correlation with causation.

You don't like Jews, I don't much either. They are power hungry, breathtakingly arrogant and deceitful. But they do not act as a homogenous whole. Thats fucking ridiculous.

Jordan Petersons argument makes sense. Yours don't.

Crensch ago

Your reasoning is fallacious, not your position (moron). You swooped into this thread to give your opinion. Even though I acknowledge the inherent nastiness of Jews you have a little pissy fit like a triggered SJW when I say "Hey, your arguments would be more effective if you were more specific".

You've made this claim multiple times, and failed to support it in any way.

You obviously think that labeling them as anything other than Jews detracts from the core problem, that they are Jews. You think it normalises them as just political actors and not simply Jews being Jews.

It leaves the door open for "oh, these are the good Jews" by the easily fooled.

Unfortunately, when you point the finger at "Jews" as the problem your arguments don't make sense as Jews exist in direct opposition to each other in the political spectrum.

It makes perfect sense if their designs are to always have a winner, and have Jews on both sides. No more sense is needed than that.

Jews like Ben Shapiro and Milo practically birthed the "Alt right" and have ripped the Progressive Left a new asshole.

HAHAHAHAHA Oh, shit. No, they co-opted OUR movement, and labeled it for themselves, in order to bring Pro-Jew, Pro-Mental Illness, and Pro-degeneracy to the other team in case they win.

If there was some grand jewish conspiracy for world domination why would they interrupt the long march through the institutions?

They aren't. They're part of the theatrics.

What you're doing is a classic case of confusing correlation with causation.


You don't like Jews, I don't much either. They are power hungry, breathtakingly arrogant and deceitful. But they do not act as a homogenous whole. Thats fucking ridiculous.

They act as genetic parasites that never put in an honest day's work, and make sure they are on the winning team no matter what. Your "Alt right" daddies are not Pro-white.

Jordan Petersons argument makes sense. Yours don't. This guy. Kek.

NeoGoat ago

There are no good Jews.

One antidote: As he felt he was about to be rounded up, a Jewish doctor used a mutual acquaintance to forward a letter pleaing for help from a high-ranking official whose mother he had treated for free when their family was very poor. The official declared him a "good Jew" and he was allowed to remain in his house till the end of the war. The official in question was none other than the leader.

Crensch ago

It's not only what the Jew does, It's what the Jew is.

When it's time to exterminate them, any hiding of any Jew will be wrong. IF there are "good Jews", and that's what the people want to believe, they need to be sterilized, and kept under very close watch, away from children and any genetic/dangerous technology.

xenoPsychologist ago

you should totally ask @Crensch why youre wrong!

Crensch ago

lord_nougat ago

Yeah. People keep thinking that the pills are suppositories!

SchlongKeyhote ago

Only a small proportion of them are zionist Jews bent on jew world domination with us goys waiting on them hand and foot.

you are a retard. theres a limited number of positions of influence on that scale, and theyre mostly jews. so that's that.

on the local level jews are always, repeat ALWAYS shysters, lawyers, 'entertainers', dealers of useless consumer goods, and personally support degeneracy and moral relativism always in an anti-white direction. why do you think they always got pogromed as a group, especially when one would sacrifice a goy child and the rest would cover it up.


gtfo out of here trying to drop knowledge on voaters when you don't know shit, aptly named Mr KikeShill FFFFFAGGOT!

Native ago

Your Prophet Jordan Peterson is a fraud

MrShill ago

That's nothing but a rant

Native ago

And your post and video isn't?

I don't really have an opinion yet. However, I'm leaning towards Vox Day's perspective

MrShill ago

By the way I like vox day

MrShill ago

No, my post and video isn't. It gives a detailed position, the video gives detailed background for it. Your post and link is nothing more than the same doubling down it discusses , its adhom bullshit

Native ago

Tell you what. I marked this (and I'll try to remember) to go back to this once Vox gives his big rebuttle.

I like Peterson too. So it will be interesting

derram ago :

Jordan Peterson - Why Jews Are So Successful | 2018 Lafayette Q&A - YouTube

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