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PuttItOut ago

Can't wait to post an update with a new canary... after your ultimatum deadline.

Gowdy ago

Stay based as fuck you glorious bastard. You are the real putt. Don't let these autists set your timetable.

coopzy ago

Go fuck yourself you stupid piece of shit.



totes_magotes ago

Petty much? You've spent more time whining here than it would take to do your admin duties and explain that the site is fine so users can stop freaking out and then update the canary.

You serve the site. The users don't serve you. This kind of bullshit entitlement attitude from admin and mods is the largest reason this site has so many users right now because they got sick of it from sites like reddit or digg or whatever other site you care to name.

Users ask for an update and you literally respond with "I'll only update after users quit the site."

Just to be clear, here's your failures as an admin:

  1. Did not assign a backup admin. If you get hit by a bus, this site is gone.

  2. Did not assign a backup developer. If you go on vacation and the site goes down, it stays down unless Atko comes back.

  3. Won't fulfill your role as admin for system related tasks such as subverse requests. You serve the site, not the users. Filling subverse requests allows the users to continue to create content and create conversation spaces.

  4. Do not issues statements as to the state of the site. You can't take 5 minutes to make a statement but you can come on here and be petty and bicker with your users and attack them.

If/when this site fails, it won't be because of the users. It will be because of the site's leadership. And since you've appointed no one to assist, that's 100% you.

PrettyBigDouche ago

Gee. for all the typing you did in the this post and subsequent posts, you could have updated the canary.

No worries, people are working on voats replacement. Enjoy the donations you received. I wouldn't blame you if you flushed the site and kept it whatever is left. Just don't be a disingenuous twat about it.

You had plenty of time to get others on board to help with the administration of the site and you didn't. What are people supposed to think about that?

And for the record, my account is three months old but I've been around here since whoaverse or whatever the hell it was called.

@PM_ME_YOUR_BOOBS2 please let me know what I can do to help. Send me some code you need modded so I can get back in to the game.

ghastlymellow ago

Putt, you're actually scaring us. If this is actually you, please stop.

bdmthrfkr ago

I'd tell him to fuck off too, it's your site and "ultimatums" are poor form.

With around a million users if you cave to one you will just be swamped with thousands of others. As a side note I still appreciate all that you have done and are doing, I also hope that all is ok with you!

NoBS ago

I guess you'll have a hard time telling us the spooks killed you. Or how some chemicals make you feel so euphoric that you must say all your secrets in one breath. A common side affect which requires Defibrillator and a air pump.if you forget to breath and go into cardiac arrest.

So can we call the new Putt the same name? Or can we start all new and fresh? I recommend Puttiton so we can differentiate between the original and the best NSA has to offer.

TheBuddha ago

And you wonder why he doesn't act like he gives a shit.

Venturer ago

Jesus Christ PuttItOut. Why the fuck should we trust you at this point?!

You're never active

You haven't done any subverse transfers for ages

You haven't made a statement on the downtime the other day

Cache issue is still a thing after what? a year or more

You only show up when someone makes a comment that says some fuckery is happening.

The fucking github hasn't been updated for ages either. Just looks like a front to say "Hey we're open sourced" but in all reality its just a front.

heygeorge ago

I think it's time for you to fuck off back to Reddit where you are actually being taken advantage of! But you will certainly receive frequent updates from admin about what bans they are levying. Oh, you should also download Reddit's source code! Let me know how that goes. You have to go back.

NoBS ago

The name of the game is Psychological Warfare and the CIA has personality data on all of us.

Under estimating them is why Putt is most likely dead. Sure, he could have survived the programming and his replies would make more sense, but right now it sounds like he lost his battle and we have the "angry" Putt version 1.0

chmod ago

Your post is completely out of character for the Justin I've known for over three years. I'm gone.

Guys: this site has been purchased by someone else and Putt and Atko are under an NDA. RUN!

Reddit-is-kill ago

Jesus... cry more, faggot.

Just gtfo already, no one cares.


Not being able to delete your account is the dead give away.

The real putt would never do that. That is just being vindictive.

If it is a mistake then would not @puttitout just say so?

Global ban... why would You of all people get a global ban?

THAT is what is Out of character.

PuttItOut ago

I could say the same thing. I thought about being nice but you are the one laying down an ultimatum. It gets old. Like you've said, it's been 3 years. Three years of people doing the same thing you are doing now.

You'll see when I have time to make a post that everything is really ok and you are over reacting based entirely on false assumptions.

The truth is no one cares what you guys post(its all public lol), there is no gag order, no conspiracies, just a site with politically incorrect memes and an upward and difficult road just to stay online.

I will miss you, but I will not kneel to you.

digitalentity1497 ago

I for one, can't wait for your post. I'm really curious to see what the explanation for all this is. I'm sure it's going to be BIG.

MinorLeakage ago

Putts... I get the feeling that you don't understand just how upsetting this recent downtime was for everyone. We all realized that we truly have way to connect with eachother outside of Voat.

Many of us felt truly lost. In these crazy times, we had only one place left to freely speak our minds. It is unbelievable how many of us found the Preview site, or tried to migrate and regroup on the chans, etc.

To some people this is just a place to shit post and have fun. The others, it is literally the last bastion of free speech we have left.

The service you provide us with is invaluable. You are actually fighting back against the greatest evils in the world today. You should be exceptionally proud of this place, hatred and insanity aside.

Please know that you and @Atko will always be a hero to me for what you have done here. Please also know that we are all just extremely concerned. We are completely powerless to save this place without you. If we seem hostile it's because we're afraid of losing Voat and you. Please take care of yourself and consider that we all love you before sinking to the level of an upset user.

I haven't lost faith in you yet, but this may be the most difficult trial my trust has endured.

FreeToLive ago

I'm going to run all your comments under style-metrics but first gut instinct of this post tells me this isn't the vocablury and grammar Putt normally uses.

stllthrownwayaway ago

"You'll see when I have time to make a post that everything is really ok and you are over reacting based entirely on false assumptions."

....uh....aren't you posting now? WTF?

middle_path ago

This is weird, Putt. Really weird.

I understand why you may not have time to keep this site in the loop with every little thing you're doing. Life is more important, the user base is pretty unsavory and hard to defend, and it's certainly not making you any money.

But it's best to keep a cool head. I've had your back on 100% of shit until a week ago. We've now been a week without any explanation. I'm explaining this because it's not a few users that feel this way, it's all of us. If this community gets fragmented and distrusting - you'll see most of us drop off. Maybe you want that, but if you dont I would suggest at least a very small announcement of "hey guys, problem was x, I'm working on it".

Like I said, this isn't a threat or ultimatum. But a lot of us are here because we have no where else where we really fit in. It would mean a lot to us misfits to throw us a little bone.

Honestly, a lot of us feel like mushrooms lately.

MinorLeakage ago

Thanks for posting this Middle. These responses from Putt have my stomach in knots. I hope he's just having a bad day, but this seems extremely out of character and downright petty.

We're upset because we care...

If you ever do leave, I would follow goats like you and @go1dfish anywhere. I don't have a lot of trust for many goats, but you're near the top of the list.

Hopefully cooler heads prevail before that...

go1dfish ago

Thanks for the kind words. I'm still here by I agree with everything @middle_path said.

If shit goes dark, these are all me:

But I spend most of my time here because I prefer this type of format.

The incentive structure of steemit seems off to me, but it's probably closest to my ideal other than voat at the moment.

middle_path ago

Steemit might be the way to go if this place goes down.

middle_path ago

I'm having the same hopes, thank you.

MinorLeakage ago

Please try and keep me in mind if you ever do plan on trying a new site. I don't have any friends on Voat, but I have a lot of respect for you and a few others around here.

Not to be pessimistic, i was honestly just feeling lost the last week.

middle_path ago

No worries, man. I sure will.

heygeorge ago

it's all of us.

You're not speaking for me when you say the above. It's not all of us, although I am surprised by how many people can't go with the flow.

What does being a mushroom feel like?

middle_path ago

Maybe a bit of hyperbole on my part. I should have said "the vast majority of is".

A mushroom is fed shit and kept in the dark.

heygeorge ago

That's what I get for commenting when not fully awake. I happened to see you mentioned elsewhere in this thread.

middle_path ago

No prob, man. Hope you have a nice day.

Slayfire122 ago

PuttItOut. Thank you for all the hard work you put into maintaining this site. I'd imagine it's not always easy when you want take a vacation or have a busy work/life. We're worried about you and the state of events. We're not asking for a huge announcement post and to answer every little question we have. We don't want you to waste away every minute of your free time to perfect Voat's code. Voaters would be far happier with a quick and simple update on /v/announcements than they would be with you being miserable while pushing code as quick as possible. Enjoy life.

Have a picture.

P.S. /u/chmod is a crusty old army vet. He probably served when submarines still used sails. Those guys can get a little cranky.

goatboy ago

12601806? ago

This is just gold! Nice share! Thank you mate!

derram ago

Oh good, you're not dead.

Maybe set up a cron job to restart the server every couple days the next time you go on vacation.

MadWorld ago

Good to see you again! Some of us are here to stay! But I think after the drama passes, we need the donation options up. Can't wait to be able to donate again!

albatrosv15 ago

"Dear Voat, canary is not dead. I am busy fixing things and also with my own life, but i repeat, canary is not dead. P.S. Fuck all of you entitled cunts."

One minute post >.>

Gorillion ago

The truth is no one cares what you guys post (its all public lol), there is no gag order, no conspiracies

Fuck, this sounds exactly like a Reddit Mod. The mask really slipped there for a moment.
They can never resist gloating and mocking, even in the middle of an op.
Wonder which arm of the Pozz Network...actual Reddit? Or a PG Pedo?

stllthrownwayaway ago


Laurentius_the_pyro ago

What part of what he said was wrong?

Do you really think a canary means anything to a website where everything you post is publicly available? Alphabet soup agencies don't need to serve a warrent to click on your username and read your comment history.

tanukihat ago

I'm interested, in your own words, what information do you think the government requests when they serve a warrant to a website? There's a very specific answer here.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Other than what is publicly viewable by anyone?

IP addresses? Not like the feds cant get those through other means, even if you use TOR.

Always assume what you post online is being recorded by a malicious third party.

E-werd ago

The point of the canary is to say whether a request for information was made. Seeing that @Laurentius_the_pryo posted about a canary is one thing, but seeing that @Laurentis_the_pyro is posting about that from is quite another. That's the difference between publicly available info and privately available info.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Here is the thing, unless you're using Tor/VPN that'll find that information anyways, he'll with the compromised TOR exit nodes they can find you even then.

All serving a warrent to voat would do would save them a few minutes, nothing you do on the internet is private.

E-werd ago

You're still missing the point, though. Whether you're actually anonymous anyway is irrelevant, the canary serves as confirmation of that. The continued existence of it doesn't necessarily mean you're not being tracked, but the death of it certain does confirm that.

littul_kitton ago

Thanks for giving us this great site. Thanks for fighting an uphill battle to save us from the cost of Microsoft Azure.

Critical threads like this are proof that you are a personal success. Thousands of webmasters like you have nothing more than a corporate performance score. You have hundreds of people waiting for every update.

Illegitimi non carborundum.

That's fake Latin for "don't let the bastards grind you down".

12599625? ago

❤️ this!

stillinit ago

Wow. @puttitout. You are shit. You don't care about voat. This site will be worse than reddit very soon. So much for "innovating". The site goes down for 3 days and you come back posting like you're a fucking retard. And now this? Despicable. You do not deserve the keys to vote. If you don't want the responsibility step the fuck down and let someone who cares take over. Or shut down the shit. You don't have to be bothered by us.

kasthegikes ago

Why havent you updated the canary?

12599496? ago

A global announcement effects the canary and NOT a post reply.

All good things come to those who wait... :)

kasthegikes ago

No, you fucking moron. I asked why. The point of a canary is to indicate a compromised state. You don't wait until after the canary indicates said state and then wait several days before saying all clear. You may as well not have a canary because thats several days everyone could be compromised

12612226? ago

I asked why.


You may as well not have a canary

Yes, now you are thinking, well done, so why did you ask the question again when it doesn’t matter as the whole internet is already compromised from the get go?

kasthegikes ago

"My argument doesn't make sense but the whole internet doesnt have a canary, checkmate."

Kill yourself my man.

12613473? ago

Gee you guys really have to think of something more intelligent to say then go kill your self. Now have a nice day there regardless of the blooming canary, it’s nice out!

kasthegikes ago

"You guys" shill confirmed.

12626242? ago

Haha... accuse people of what you are guilty of perhaps? How very diplomatic of you Sir.

kasthegikes ago


Ahh, a reddit fag too, I see. Thanks for proving my point

12631111? ago

Lol, is it nice in your bubble world of delusion? Do you feel safe telling yourself you know all things and inderstand all things?

Do you view yourself as some sort of a god that knows and sees all?

If so, your powers are pretty weak mate and you are way off. Everything you have said this far is way off the charts of reality, just saying.

kasthegikes ago

Look, I know you'd like me to read your "I've been found out so please hear my principles as to why I've been subverting and be triggered", but you've been exposed and your opinion discarded.

12631194? ago

You know beneath that hard ass exterior you seem okay. It’s just why jump to conclusions about someone you never put any effort into getting to know?

I mean is this you being jugdemental and fixed on how you decern a matter? Or do we just have a bit of personality conflict going on?

If you’re narcissistic then you want to be right regardless of what I say and dismissing me seems like the right course of action to take BUT you are still speaking to me, what does this mean?


kasthegikes ago

Our disagreement stems from a concern about a security measure put in place and not addressed. And how serious it is and the need for communication to the community.

Your inability to understand this and continuation to try and attack me with "delusion and safe" bullshit is tedious and boring.

My "hard ass exterior" was developed by people like you, for people like you.

"Jumping to conclusions" is the point of a canary. Look up what it is.

12632565? ago

Putt saying he is waiting for a block of time to update and fix things is not enough for you?

Why don’t you leave if your so unhappy here?

kasthegikes ago

The canary, specifically and its current state, has not been addressed. You first.

12633466? ago

I just think he is being a typical bloke and wants to fix things before making an announcement which would then directly effect updating the canary.

It’s like a principle thing I guess.

Why are you speaking to me on such a new account? Are you new or is this an alt account or what’s up with that?

BB-3 ago

So then why no announcement?

12599864? ago

He is one man not some huge corporation you are paying for services to kiss your ass.

Dannit I thought Voat goats could think critically and put two and two together.

Geez we are dead already so let’s stop being scared of the boogeyman under the bed and start living!

I would suggest a large dose of patience and living IRL would do wonders, go walk the dog, spend time with the family, just chill out, get fit!

It’s gonna be okay bro... it really is... !

TheBuddha ago


You thought wrong. Much of Voat is batshit crazy. I present this thread as evidence. ;-)

12601618? ago

People really need to get out more...

TheBuddha ago

LOL I went off on one of them this morning. I was straight up rude!

I don't even regret it. You pretty much have to work at it to make me be rude. They worked REALLY hard at it.

BB-3 ago

You act like that means we're not allowed to ask questions.

12599975? ago

Now ask away but truly only speak when you have thought about it and tried to figure it out for yourself with unbiased prejudice or preconceived ideas.

No offence mate I will say the same to my children whom I dearly love. We all need to practise critical thinking daily, observe and take note the above question has been asked and answered before, loads of times, just saying.

Stinkieroldgoat ago

The truth is no one cares what you guys post(its all public lol)

Putt, didn't you say in an update that we've pissed off some very powerful people, historically? Why do you now say that no one cares what we post?

Koalemos_Grottesco ago


freshmeat ago

I wonder why all the responses to your faggot ass comment are all SBBH.

Give the keys back over to Atko and fuck off, you SBBH cunt

PuttItOut ago

Go back to gab sane. They have real free speech.

redpilldessert ago

The atmosphere's a little negative in here, so I'd just like to thank you for taking your time out to respond at all, and uphold what we all value in the end (including Sane, chmod, PeaceSeeker etc.) - a site dedicated to free speech for all.

ExpertShitposter ago

Well said putt. Keep it up and you may get bumped up to your previous payroll we took away after you started challenging our decisions.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am not @freshmeat, you stupid group of kikes. using my name - the idea of free speech - as an insult, is an insult to the idea of free speech, shows how truly weak (((you))) truly are and how well i've spoken the truth about your takeover of voat.

sincerely, oh yeah. right here nigger. right. the. fuck. here.

SChalice ago

Go back to gab fresh.

freshmeat ago

This is the second time you have publicly accused me of being SaneGoat when literally you are the only one who can prove that is a lie.

Go suck some more tranny cock with your boi fuzzy

WhiteRonin ago

Actually, I did call you Sane before but after thinking about it. Sane is smarter than you.

Public apologies to sane!

MadWorld ago

Between the two, which one is more psycho?

WhiteRonin ago

Even though I don’t like how sane goes about attacking Putt, I think he really does like the concept of free speech and what voat could become.

Fresh meat. Would be my answer. He hasn’t shown any love towards voat and tries to undermine groups who are actually trying to protect voat. Sure SBBH shit posts shit up but there is more to it than that. They need voat too. Where else can you run around calling people nigger kike faggets? So, for sure they don’t want to destroy voat.

What has fresh done? Personally, I think he’s gunning for a redshit site here too.

freshmeat ago

Sure SBBH shit posts shit up but there is more to it than that. They need voat too.

😂 damage control

WhiteRonin ago

Lame 😜

MadWorld ago

I actually like the sbbh guys, of course not all of them. They can be very funny and they keep their shitposts contained. Do you know why so much nsfw posts lately?

heygeorge ago

Do you know why so much nsfw posts lately?

@gabara is as @gabara does. He literally is a monster. @gabara y u post so much naked ladies

gabara ago


TheBuddha ago

'Bout damned time. Good job! The stupidity has reached new levels and the entitlement seems limitless.

Seriously, that was beautiful.

12599469? ago

I know right basically said summin like I ain’t your bitch well it is right and proper to let people know this when they just assume the dominant position and want to pawn the honey do list on you for action and content right? Hey, I could be missing something here, summin, summin emotional summin??

Anyway, we are going to be just fine, just look at this happy little goat, this is me right now

TheBuddha ago

Voat has been running around making childish accusations, demands, and wild conspiracy theories. Remember the preview site and all the crap I took for saying it was, you know, probably just a bug? Even when the site came back up, they kept up with the accusations.

Gotta be frank. It's damned refreshing to see @PuttItOut being an actual admin. It's about time.

Also, I kinda like watching the drama. It's better than television! Got popcorn?

Skeeterdo ago

Sure wild theories. People were worried. People really like this site. I get the pressure putt is and how tired of our shit he probably is. I'm glad he made an appearance, I'm just waiting for him to give an announcement.

Personally I found it strange that even after a week there's still no official response. I don't think putt is hijacked but I think he's burnout.

@PuttItOut Glad you made an appearance for the second time. Looking forward to the announcement. I hope you understand the freak out and conspiracy theories are solely from people who really enjoy this place and don't wish it to fall.

TheBuddha ago

The wild conspiracy theories are from batshit crazy lunatics. Just look at this thread. LOL Hell, go look at the preview site for the few days Voat was down.

I may have personally convinced a few it was aliens. I'm kind of proud of that work, by the way.

These are not sane people. There's fuck all he can do to make them happy. He'd probably be happier if they did leave. In an earlier announcement, he'd mentioned having attracted some groups he didn't really care for. Everyone always thinks that's someone else. My guess is it's the batshit crazy people who make constant demands, accusations, and complaints. Well, that or the nazis. Nobody really likes nazis except other nazis.

I wasn't doing anything with that karma anyhow. ;-)

Kal ago

We know you are a shill covering for your lizard people rulers. You can stop the charade.

TheBuddha ago

Doxxing, against the rules! Reported!

Skeeterdo ago

There's definitely some mentally ill fuckers here. I can't imagine wanting to spend my time undermining a website or my host nation for that matter.

I've said it quite a few times, something does stink. But if I put myself in Putt's shoes the wretched smell comes from the captain insano's.

TheBuddha ago

During the outage, I set it up to host the guitar and music goats on some of my web space. Multiple people asked me if I wanted to host a backup or new Voat.

Nope. Not a chance. Not on my list of shit to do. If I could have added a middle finger to my declining, I would have.

12599588? ago

Adults are pretty intertaining when you sit back and watch them bickering and moaning like children. I’m ready

What’s your favorite popcorn? Salty, sweet?

I prefer salty to sweet and I kinda like making them the old fashioned way in a heavy pot.

A tablespoon of coconut unrefined oil with some heirloom kernels. Lid on... shake it up pop, sizzle and medium heat!

Much more fun then the mhhhhhhhhhh sound of the radio active box that tings me right?

TheBuddha ago

This is gonna sound bizarre but I used to be really into being fit. I'd perform without a shirt on and my abs were all cut and whatnot. I'm old now, so I'm much lazier. I could probably cut like ten pounds and do it again, which I think is good for my age!

But, I figured I better tell you that so that this makes more sense...

I like my popcorn just air popped. No butter, no salt - usually. Salt is okay, but it's fine without it. Just plain popped corn with nothing added.

I know, that pretty much makes me Satan, but I like it. It grew on me and that used to be my snack food. I still like it all these years later.


Hey man we all appreciate you a lot, he's being an entitled jerk, please know all of us faggots do appreciate you so much. I hope you have been having fun!

Always nice to hear what's up with you, but no expectations.

chmod ago

I didn't post an ultimatum. My account means nothing. You could have let your userbase know what's going on a week ago.

You don't sound like Justin. I planned on keeping my account. Now I'm deleting it.

Reverse-Flash ago

It's not as if he is a millionaire joo who needs this webby to pay for his private jet and weekend's with the rothies. Maybe he doesn't give a fuck anymore. Life changes, and people change.

SChalice ago

Atko did. It was the conspiracy theorists morons, like you, who don't have the intellectual capacity to recognize the obvious.

redpilldessert ago

You can edit your comments, so you can't be banned as such? Can you post new comments?

Dr_Shekel_Nigger ago

the situation sucks. I don't like to see voaters go. I also don't like to see the site go down for 2 full days with no word from the admin, only for the site to be resurrected by the former admin, and then still more than an entire week later still no word from the admin... I think everyone is appreciative towards PuttItOut for keeping this going, but if he can't keep it going by himself, shouldn't he be putting up for vote a second in command or something like that? a backup? or two?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

"you better do X thing by Y date or else I'll do Z thing" is pretty much the definition of an ultimatum.

Venturer ago

For those that don't trust chmod's statement about being globally banned

kasthegikes ago

You did post an ultimatum thougn. Not saying you werent able to or in the right to go there, but you cant deny that.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You very specifically posted an ultimatum.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

How dare you point out him contradicting himself in his very next post, you anti-Semite!

Oy vey

stillinit ago

If that's what it had to come to that speaks volumes about the site and it's admin.

Rotteuxx ago

It only speaks about how @chmod is a drama queen in search of attention.

digitalentity1497 ago

Il a bien forcer l'gran manitou a apparaitre...

Rotteuxx ago

Pis y s'est faite crisser une volée proverbiale bien mérité !

stillinit ago

No he's not a dumb ass and either you are one or a shill.

Rotteuxx ago

No he's not a dumb ass

Your words, not mine.

and either you are one or a shill

So after trying to deform my statement to try and have a pointy reply, all you can come up with is ''I don't agree with you so therefore you're a dumbass or a shill''

Fuck you're pathetic.

stillinit ago

How's puttitout's dick taste?

The dedicated users of this site is the only reason he's even relevant enough for you to want to suck his dick.

Rotteuxx ago

You're the one with the phallic obsession, you tell me how dick tastes.

You mean dedicated users like me who supply tons of OC, volunteering time to the preview site for testing and offering merchandise items at cost when the situation with (((payment processors))) is resolved ?

So I make Putt relevant ?

Shit man, at least try and make some fucking sense with what you're saying.

stillinit ago

Why are you okay with being left in the dark? Or do you know something we don't? If putt can login and post a stupid Haiku (that felt like he was mocking the userbase), why not update people who care about the integrity of this site? We're not enemies but if you can't understand that simple premise then you are blinded.

Rotteuxx ago

When did I say I was ok with it ?

Of course I know tons of shit you don't, I take care of payroll but @ExpertShitPoster signs the checks.

Putt didn't login to post that, pretty sure @TrigglyPuff was on the shared admin account at that point, makes sense with time zones & shit.

The cabal is up to date, we are the integrity of this site.

Your demeanor has classified you as a shill and/or a dumb fuck who doesn't deserve to not be my enemy... unless you recant by sucking @Gabara's big hairy dick.

stillinit ago

Wow that really displays the type of person you are. Get killed.

ExpertShitposter ago

Activate protocol K-88.

Targeted profile: @stillinit

stillinit ago

Come at me I've been wanting to empty this full clip.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Full clip?

You've never even held a gun, or you'd know the correct words for things.

Notinthisanymore ago

I'll use whatever word I want. Paying tribute to mobb deep. I also use female shaving creame. Do I care that you care? No.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hahaha, wow you sound tough.

Notinthisanymore ago

You're the idiot not using a superior shaving cream that's better for your skin. But you care. You want to be "a man". Buying certain products at walmart isn't the criteria for that sorry. (((They))) have you well programmed.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

List of assumptions in your post:

  • that I'm a man
  • that I shave
  • that I use shaving cream
  • that I ever shop at Wal-Mart

Notinthisanymore ago

You assumed with your sarcastic post based on a word and line of products. Regardless of gender why would you not shave? Somethings not right there.

clamhurt_legbeard ago





Notinthisanymore ago

Why are you not with your kind at reddit? Why have 2 reddits. You're lgbtbbq scum.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

lol wat

i believe in free speech

are you an alt of stillinit or are you just some 2.3 hr old account who butted in

Notinthisanymore ago

I changed my password. 1 digit above the previous and now it's saying my password is invalid. Cohencidene? You will blame me for typing it in wrong, twice, but I know I didnt. I assume this is retaliation, especially considering chmod is not allowed to delete. Don't really care I was moving on regardless.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

yeah i actually changed it behind your back

sdbh owns this site and putt is a midlevel member

gabara ago

I'm packing an extended 45 clip, Fraggle fucker! @ExpertShitposter @clamhurt_legbeard @Rotteuxx check out my heat.

ExpertShitposter ago


xenoPsychologist ago

or one melodramatic user. its like a suicide threat. they only do it for attention and never follow through.

FuckYourSafespace ago

Puttputt goes in for the kill

King_Freya ago

Be real, you won’t miss him.

stillinit ago

No asking questions! Apparently.

Samsquamch ago

You actually got a response from him and you wasted it with your hysterics.

protectdeeznuts ago

Why so petty?

dinosnaur ago

This is Voat, niggerfaggot. It rubs off on everyone eventually.

Reverse-Flash ago

Hey, I wasn't rubbing one off. I just had a crotch itch.

Reverse-Flash ago

Good choice. So you are saying that putt is dead, like petty?

Disappointed ago

I refuse to admit to being that intelligent.