Karl_Von_Dibble ago

This man knows not to let a good rape go to waste.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Find a way to get money to Putt so he has a reason to keep it going

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Voat is a beacon of light in a dark and shitty world. Treat it as such.

modsrcuntz ago

i love you too faggot

Mint_Chocolate ago

G4TV boards used to be the shit until they tanked.

Cadster ago

Without voat, I'm bored with this Internets thing.

8_billion_eaters ago

Fuck you. I love you, too.

GassyMcGasface ago

And a gas the kikes to you too sir!

1moar ago


Zednix ago

I couldn't think of another platform that I enjoy the same way. Voat was down and then a particular discord was deleted by discord and there wasn't anywhere to go.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

Where the fuck is putt? Is he arrested? Some one is trying to hurt us or the government is trying to hurt us. We need stronger defenses and we need protection so this doesn't happen again. What if him being gone or something causes us to go down again? Then what cause we're fucked.

Deplorablepoetry ago

What’s wrong with being a dipshit, faggot?

I’d rather be a dumbfuck dipshit than some commie fucking maggot

Parasitic by nature, blunt dumb by brute force

Platitudes are mutual of course

mralexson ago

I’m relieved

CausticRaz ago

Make sure to go to /new and downvoat the garbage. The more we have pruning the shit before it hits the front page the better.

22jam22 ago

that one jew downvoat is all that caught my attention. Ya i realised I spend to much time on here, but I enjoy it so maybe it is not too much. Thanks again for getting it back up and running.

ToTheMoonAlice ago


Whew! I feel better now.

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

Oh no no, I'm not a monster. Just a mental rapist.

beenaroundabit ago

I really didn't know how much I was on voat until now. The rest of the interwebz seems so stifled...

iamthecircus ago

What is the next VOAT for when the jew faggots take this one down for good?

BlowjaySimpson ago

Fuckin hate you too niggerfaggot. You can stay.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Poop butt.

everyonesgaybutme ago

Damn straight, I can't get my fix for this content anywhere else on the internebzisawhizashiz.

Why was voat down?

littul_kitton ago

Why was voat down?

The septic tank got clogged by people flushing too many memes.

everyonesgaybutme ago

memes aren't even memes anymore. they're pictures with text on them. memes have to be passed around and understood by sufficient groups of people in order to be a meme, by definition.

kenlane ago

I under appreciated this place before. I normally lurk but this has opened my eyes and I should contribute more

eulogyjones ago

Same here. As much as I disagree with people around here I'd much rather have our little free speech platform and disagree together than trudge through an online platform that's forces everyone to fall in line with the left.

Love you fuckers

badruns ago

Honestly and no offense to the creators, the site itself isn't very unique. It's you nigger faggots that make it feel that way. Never forget that.

modsrcuntz ago

its super unique. its the only site i can go to and call everyone a sandniggerpajitfaggotcrackerchingchongqueertits and not get banned

Goatee1 ago

CTRL+F 'nigger': found this reply, wasn't disappointed.

primaryappellation ago

Good idea. Maybe I'll find my bike

neveranoutlawbefore ago

or your dad

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

I like the formatting over any of the alt-media alternatives. I like to just check the front and see the best memes and news of the day, then peruse v/all/new.

GoatEmperorTrump ago

Fucking night mode. ‘Nuff said.

14_88 ago

I get really sick of some of the idiosyncrasies of this place but I really, really missed you guys. Preview just wasn't the same

NoisyCricket ago

Interestingly enough, this is how the entire Internet was before the likes of Google and Facebook. Corporate and government interests have wonderfully coordinated to destroy free speech and liberty.

The concept and ideas behind voat used to be every day and most everywhere. Not to be confused with the underlying narrative pushed here. Or that the political environment was the same. Yet even those have always existed in some form or fashion on the Internet.

Anyone who says censorship and fascism doesn't exist need simply look at the history of the Internet to be proved embarrassingly wrong.

22jam22 ago

I think voat during the bush era would have been complaining about the wars in the middle east and seemed almost like this was a left leaning website. I considered my self anti big business anti war anti bush crime family, now I 95 percent support trump, shit doesnt make sense.

drj2 ago

Hmm even with the patriot act being passed it would be left leaning? Along with the “reason” for going to war?

kalgon ago

"Interestingly enough, this is how the entire Internet was before..."

Yeah I remember when politicians where barely able to use emails and had no idea what a bittorent was

It was better that way

FattyWhale ago

Ten movies streaming across that, that Internet, and what happens to your own personal Internet? I just the other day got… an Internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday. I got it yesterday [Tuesday]. Why? Because it got tangled up with all these things going on the Internet commercially. […] They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the Internet. And again, the Internet is not something that you just dump something on. It's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes. And if you don't understand, those tubes can be filled and if they are filled, when you put your message in, it gets in line and it's going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material

  • Ted Stevens, 2006

Good times.

YamaMaya ago


GoatEmperorTrump ago

Clogged by a series of pics of BOOBS

BaldMiscreant ago

I remember this shit. While technically not wrong in some way (your bandwidth can be flooded, especially with broadband over cable), it was like explaining physics to professors, armed with only some dim sense of what some annoyed physicist said to you a month ago.

chrisman01 ago


Fuck I hate people.

derkataIog ago


there's really no other place like this around

... for now

@atko @puttitout prepare your anuses, you lying shill whores :) or give up now and give voat back to real goats!

baneofretail ago

I hope that you carry around a plant to replace the oxygen the you waste.

BaldMiscreant ago

He's already a vegetable, does he really need to carry another?

GoatEmperorTrump ago

I member, most of us older goats member

elitch2 ago

I miss the days of dialing into a BBS. Very few retards had computers back then. Tradewars....

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

This isn't fascism. I have to always explain this, but I will do it again. Fascism talks about corporatism, this is not the same as corpocracy. Corporatism is about class cooperation, and the government serving as a good faith mediator between big business and the people, in the interests of the nation. Whereas in corpocracy, the government is beholden to the monied interests, it helps big businesses screw over the little people, it puts international profit-making over the interests of the nation-state.

GenghisSean ago

I hadn't heard the term corpocracy before. Are there any reading materials you suggest to learn more about this distinction?

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

'corpocracy' basically means that large business control the government and craft policy in their interest. It's basically what normies conflate with corporatism.

bdmthrfkr ago

Some people don't get the difference.

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

I went through the first five of the Seven Stages of Grief. Then the site came up again a blew that all to shit. Now I'm shitposting as much as ever. Thanks Obama Atko.

scoopadoop ago

When the site went down i panicked so much i made a twitter acount

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Been banned yet?

scoopadoop ago

working on it. Im working under the handle DangerNoodle

Podd ago

Oh... oh no no. Have the showers washed the shame away?

myNiggasAintHllywood ago

You said it mate.

Karl_Von_Dibble ago

Rape you very much.

dingleberries ago

The only reason that's it's so unique and allowed to exist on the corporate/government internet is that it's an awesome honeypot. ;) Some of us just love the honey of free speech more than we fear persecution....

RoBatten ago

We need to get over the "honeypot" meme. We're just not that important.

dingleberries ago

Or, you're a statist cuck shill feebly attempting to trick people into thinking that this site isn't being heavily monitored.

dingleberries ago

You are gravely underestimating the potential power of free speech.

cyks ago

everyone knows that in case of a revolution, log into voat.co

whereisthemountain ago

Bruh, I was quite distraught. 4/pol/ is flooded 24/7 with shills and racemixing posters, reddit bans your for sneezing, 8/pol/ is too slow, and mpc is too exclusive. There really is no replacement for this site.

Tallest_Skil ago


Fucking ADHD retard.

whereisthemountain ago

I forgot to mention, most people on 8ch are on the same page as I am. As such, there's no one to argue with, and for me, it just ends up being an echo chamber.

Tallest_Skil ago

I don’t know if that’s supposed to be laudable or detestable, given that imkikey has banned literally every white nationalist and national socialist on the board because they go against his Trump-fellating paid shilling…

whereisthemountain ago

Weird. I thought we all agreed that we'd rather not see the white race die out. As for Trump.... I've seen good things and bad things. Tbh, I simply cannot watch that. I take it for granted that he has sold us out to the highest bidder, but I'd love to be surprised.

Tallest_Skil ago

Well, imkikey isn’t white, so what does he care about preserving whites.

whereisthemountain ago

I'm not exactly a regular there, and I tend to lurk more than post. I've never actually dealt with any of the mods.

Womb_Raider ago

mpc? Have you tried gab?

whereisthemountain ago

No. Redpill me on gab.

Fagtardicus ago

its run by a kike

baneofretail ago

It's the voat version of twitter. Free speech.

WhiteSurvivalist ago

/r/sjwhate and /r/cringeanarchy aren't too heavy handed with the bans.

Guessing /r/DiversityNews/ is where uncensorednews went. Plenty of opportunity to spread information in other subreddits, especially if you PM certain individuals and try to discuss things with them.

jewish slave trade, history of native americans, re-defining the term racism and so on are all useful tasks.

Honestly, half the people here aren't half as 'red pilled' as you'd think, which is kind of sad, no real solid knowledge that we draw upon, random.

we_kill_creativity ago


whereisthemountain ago

My posting career, a personal online-dating portal, originators of the small souled bugman meme.

Halstan ago

Am I a dipshit?

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Ask if you have to.

gramman74 ago

If you have to ask... ;)

NoisyCricket ago

If you have to ask...

totes_magotes ago

Shut up, faggot.

Glad to see you're still around.

Ninja edit: If you ever delete your account on account of your simple username, I will personally kick your ass.

CannedDogSpam ago

Fuck you in the ass.

Some of us delete our shit specifically because of this type of shit. I could not believe the amount of bullshit I got from the various places about x, y and z usernames I'd had. Shit got stupid quick.

We're a fucking community here. The outage went no better than an anarchy situation in a big city when the police pulled out. No roof top Koreans or such, just a bunch of shit heads circling their own wagons for their own reasons. There were like 3 people that actually cared about the overall community but noooooo, we were run off.

totes_magotes ago

lulz, you missed your morning zanex.

CannedDogSpam ago

Nope. I'm one of those that care about the actual site. I'm taking it seriously too.

I don't call names. I lay out actual facts and shit. Want me to post the riot chat logs? Cause either you were there or not. Betting you were not.

totes_magotes ago

You know I'm gonna have to completely dismiss your claims now. That's how the dice roll.

CannedDogSpam ago

(haha) fuck you too.

derkataIog ago

@Flour it's not the site. this site is censored and run by SJW paid shills.

what it IS

is the niggerfaggot community.

the disjointed woke souls coming together

the fat haters, the nigger haters, the gardeners, the pedogaters,

... those that seek the truth.

and so shills infiltrated and took it over.

now i'm making a replacement that they will never be able to take over, take down, infiltrate.

prepare your anuses for mountains of salt, niggers.

sanegoat's coming hard

edgelord666 ago

blue collar people can't code so I doubt you'll ever be able to make anything no offense


derkataIog ago

you are absolutely not me, and you have no faith in the human spirit, so i doubt you'd know what to do with the rope even if i explained it to you.

edgelord666 ago

why don't you try impersonating someone else you ((( faggot )))


derkataIog ago

the difference is that anyone can PM me at @sanegoatiswear and ask which accounts are mine.

and i will surely say edgelord666 the niggerfaggot paid shill is not me.

edgelord666 ago

no u are wrong people can pm me at @sanegoatiswear and I will say that nigger shill dekatafag is not me


BaldMiscreant ago

Stop arguing with yourself.

Flour ago

What censoring, faggot?

derkataIog ago

clearly you're a reddit-fag who enjoys the soft censorship, account restrictions, shill-run site and subs.

rope and all that yawn

Armpit_and_Ass ago

nobody cares lol