mralexson ago

Why hate them?

ArchAngel570 ago

Today is the first I'm hearing of Voat. How long has it been around?

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Yeah, that's how all the sand/niggers got inside the country too.

Rellik88 ago


gundeal_refugee ago

Looky here yall, I am glad gundeals got shut down cause otherwise Id still be wastin my life and the little bit of patience I have left over at that snowflake infested cesspool where everyone is offended if you dont hold hands and sing Kumbaya on every goddamn post.

l-deadman-l ago

I'm here for the gundeals, but I'll stay for the rest of the faggotry. Thanks for opening the door voat. Wriggle and die reddit.

modsrcuntz ago

simple indoctrination...they just need to know immediately upfront...they are faggots. the rest will sort itself out.

Neinlife ago

anybody is welcome here who doesnt get offended easily as far as i see.

this is a brash shit talking establishment where lots of insults mean nothing. it is a self defense mechanism of a community of people who are sick of censorship and once we had somewhere to shit talk we shoot loads of sticky posts all over.

Firevine ago

These guys don't seem to be faggots so far from what I've seen. I guess anyway. I'm so fucking exhausted lately nothing makes sense anymore.

Crexus ago

Contribute where?

wapiti_and_whiskey ago

Is there a sub like /v/wallstreetbets that is active? Probably my favorite part of reddit

Mint_Chocolate ago

I think they're probably pretty good niggerfaggots and hope they integrate well.

WitnesstheSalt ago

Im okay with being nice to the people who buy ammo in bulk.

Mathurin1911 ago

I always welcome gun deals.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Welcome to Voat r/gundeals refugees! Forgive some of the more rude posters here, I am glad you found us, reddit refugees welcome is my motto :) We can't wait to hear about all your meme's and inside jokes!

But hey, you know how reddit censors and distorts the truth about the 2nd Amendment? Well gosh darn it they do it in other areas as well. Check out this video and welcome aboard!

Greatest story never told

fuckingassdicks ago

Voat would probably enjoy getting more users lol

bld2527 ago

Haha, why does OP think he has any power in deciding whether a Reddit user can join or not lol. Funny.

YugiMoto ago

The reddit admins only give a shit about what makes the company happy and to please advertisers, in a couple of years, maybe even sooner, reddit will be the new Digg.

kammmmak ago

Reddit is run by (((them)))?

ReadPastHeadlines ago

Anyone who was using Reddit this long is going to struggle fitting in on this site. They are far too indoctrinated.

spamyak ago

You know why I haven't been using Voat? It has no fucking content. It's all just /pol/. Where's the funny shitposting, the enthusiast communities, the leftists to make fun of? The platform is clearly better than reddit but what's the point if you nigs spend all your time reposting Breitbart articles and babby's first curse words.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

If newfags can handle the hazing they're welcome to stay. If not they can fuck right off.

Mediocre_Horse ago

Fucking bring it niggerfaggot, my ass is ready for the reaming

NeoFuturist ago


Chimaira92 ago

The best thing about the comment section is the vast range of varying opinions.

Goathole ago


beece ago

R/gundeals, sounds like"the best of Reddit" is about to wash up on our shores.Welcome rational and intelligent Redditors, come on over! There's enough free speech for us all to go around.

Fuckyousnoo ago

That’s literally why I just showed up here.

Looks like this place is full of assholes too, I’ll fit right in...

Firevine ago

Just don't act like a faggot and you'll be alright.

Nathan_Explosion ago

Voat isn't full unless Putt says so, and anyone can make an account at any time that they please as long as registration is open, and the opinion of whether or not they left soon enough is up to them, not some stranger on the internet. Redditors should simply remind people that give them flack of these points and move on.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Instead of being a faggot maybe this time you should not be a faggot?

i_scream_trucks ago

How about... no fuck you.

Zanbato ago

JEWS DID 9-11!

Internetz ago

Reddit went full commie, you never go full commie....

H0bbesUK ago

I imagine most people who have been here a while moved on from Reddit for one reason or another. So long as they don't think they can get away with the Reddit faggotry here, they should be fine.

The_Penis_Wizard ago

This place was dead before the first exodus.

FireSauce ago

These guys are definitely off to a better start than most any of the other refugees groups simply because the topic of the sub fits in very well here. Theyre probably more like minded people (im sure there still need to be some red piling), probably mostly adults and there is no "Be nice" in their rules. Theyre still fags tho.

As for myself, that verse is going to fucking ruin my bank account. I just peeked in there and saw like four things i want to buy. Subscribed.

MoneyMark4 ago

Be broke with us fag

NotHereForPizza ago

Give them pills, dumbasses. This is our chance.

freetrader ago

Not only gundeals, but a whole slew of other subs got wiped out.

This list is probably going to grow.

FattyWhale ago

Whoever it was that complained about r/shoplifting still being up during the last exodus, wish granted, I guess.

Fagtardicus ago

whats with all the vice bans? seems like something theyd want?

Deezle ago

Well played fucker... got me in FUuuuUucKKkUUU mode for nothing....

A6-EGO ago

A proper fuck off is a proper Voat introduction. I disprove of friendly welcomes to this place. We want the kind of people who see "Fuck off nigger faggot" and think of it as refreshing, that is what brought me here.

HyruleDad ago

Same here. I was like WTF!!! Then it all made sense. Fuck yeah.

TalkingAboutThings ago

I second this. People get way too fucking butthurt over words. Especially ones used only to probe the thickness of your skin. Goddamn prissy faggots.

beece ago

Unless the person doesn't identify as a "nigger faggot" at all and is thinking to themselves "WTF is that ass going on over? I'm not a nigger or a faggot"

FocusedADD ago

Jimmies properly rustled then. Good.

Optional-Reading ago

You want gundeals crowd here. They are cool people

weezkitty ago

Personally, I welcome the Reddit faggots. The ones who leave their stank all over the place can fuck off. But if you want to join the community and positively contribute, then please do. Voat will die if it doesn't have an influx of new members.

NumbaJuanKike ago

My hugbox home is gone.

alalzia ago

If the deals are good whats the problem ?

FocusedADD ago

Pisses off the advertisers. Another classic example of money over values.

commonsenseisded ago

I think it's a good idea. The ones that like freedom stay. After about a month regulars usually stop fucking with them and the faggots that can't handle it find another safe space else where. It's like an initiation

ButchDeLoria ago

no u fgt

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Voat will kill reddit, Voat will kill facebook, it is inevitable. Internet, you've met your match, you've met your future. The future is goat sound, the future is horns, the future is voat, and the future is black. The past is in the present, the present is in the future, the future is in the past, the past is back, and the past is black. Your just a relic from a deleted time reddit and facebook. Welcome to the furure soldier, welcome to the war. Voat is here to stay. Voat is eternal. I am eternal.

watitdew ago

The entire front page of /all is gun deals but god damn they look like some pretty sweet deals.

amonamoose ago

I actually started laughing when I opened this one. Good shit, one upvote for this faggot.

Lazmat ago

Exactly Fuck them, Fuck off were full! Import reddit people and get reddit # Not all Orcs # problems, voat Canada has become a copy of reddit Canada, soap box ban hammer are reddit drama faggots while Chicago went Negroid BLM Chicongo...and we have a bunch of euro globalist jew niggers who have blocked so many domains it takes 3 pages to list all the banned domains on voat... Keep telling these Jew Niggers to Fuck off! Real posters might stay around a while and become goat

amonamoose ago

Fuck'em and fuck you. Post some content so I can look at it you faggots.

herecuzredditgaynow ago

Are you fucking retarded?

The_Penis_Wizard ago

It's just a newfag troll. Admins don't ban here so get used to seeing them.

Lazmat ago

Are u a Jew Nigger Cunt from reddit?

herecuzredditgaynow ago

Your moms a tranny nigger from reddit.

Lazmat ago

ma... my Mama ?? .... # Not All Orcs

Fuckyounigger ago

Damn click bait

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Had me worried for a second, nice job

thelma ago

Well, I have to get my cheep AR parts somewhere for the guns I build and leave at playgrounds. There are so many playgrounds people ! I need cheep parts !

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Check with Tyson Foods. They supply more cheep parts than anyone.

thelma ago

Only one close is 800 miles away. I'll post back later after my visit...

CheeseboogersGhost ago

They have to pass the test and earn their place.

Oilfield401k ago

Fuck you and fuck your test fuck

mrfetus ago

You fail, fuck off to Reddit faggot.

Oilfield401k ago

There is no need for foul language, just because you love to suck on nigger cock.

mrfetus ago

Slow down, edgelord.

Oilfield401k ago

Edginglord. I left edgelord in the past.

mrfetus ago


CheeseboogersGhost ago

Are you sure you wanna do this?

Oilfield401k ago

Wasn’t that the test? Did I pass?

No? Fuck I suck at this.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I need to measure your nose

Oilfield401k ago

The pool must be heated, or an indoor pool because I smell chlorine.

475677 ago

I just had to block their subverse for shitting up v/all though as an Australian it probably came more out of jealousy than spite. I welcome the new niggerfaggots for the rest of you lucky bastards though. May the deals they bring you be cheap and of a high quality.

testu_nagouchi ago

can't you just block it from /v/all?

Buff_Awesome ago

No! Welcome them! They'll help us save money on important shit.

Lazmat ago

spot the Nigger Cunt shekel counter!

herecuzredditgaynow ago

Yo she ain't even at reddit anymore.

TheBuddha ago

Open borders? Shill!

Lazmat ago

Fambida is a proven Jew Nigger and recovering Leftist

Fambida ago

No, no, no, extreme vetting. They have a proven history of loving guns and good deals on guns.

Its_over_9000 ago

loving [...] good deals

red flag!

rafael-py ago

The more money I save on guns deals == more guns I can acquire.

Its_over_9000 ago

I was just kidding around. Anyway, welcome to Voat.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oy vey! I just want 1,800 rds of M855 for my Tavor, goy!

Womb_Raider ago

Note: TheBuddha is an account of SBBH. SBBH has been the group most strongly opposing new migrants, and they're the ones who treat them most viciously.

Take a look at my comment history, about a page back you'll notice very heavy downvoats. That wasn't real voaters, that was SBBH. They simply don't play nice.

And it's really strange to me that they're arguing with Crensch as if they're not two arms of the same body.

NotHereForPizza ago

Funny you mention this. Crensch just used this particular phenomenon as a defense when accused of tu quo queing someone about brigading. I pointed out how hypocritical it was to point that finger at someone, and his response was bringing up that some of the guys he calls on to brigade sometimes don't agree with him... Which obviously made me laugh.

While I do think Crensch is retarded and an hindrance at times, he doesn't exactly smell like shill, rather useful idiot to me.

Take what you will from this.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

oy vey you're not jewish at all wink wink

@Crensch --users above talking smack about you

TheBuddha ago

No. No immigration. Fuck off, we're full.

I take a hard stance on Voat immigration policy. Build the fucking wall!

Since they came, the server keeps crashing. Immigration ruins it for everyone.

The_Penis_Wizard ago

You immigrated here too once.

TheBuddha ago

Not really. I've never had a reddit account and I'm welcome on other sites, even wanted. I'm just here for the free speech. I'm KGIII on many other sites. I'm pretty much welcomed everywhere. I did come visit and then signed up during the Pao and FPH fiasco. I figured I'd join for the grand experiment. I'm really only back because I'm concerned with the censorship. I think most of Voat is pretty horrible, but they deserve a place to speak.

Once, that was a hallmark of the political left. Fucked if I know what happened. You should be able to say nigger and faggot and kike somewhere, and I'm glad Voat gives you this chance.

redpilldessert ago

Since they came, the server keeps crashing.

Yeah we might want to fix that.

TheBuddha ago

Just say no to immigrants! Reddit-fucks stay out!

(I should make a sign. This is a pretty good shtick. It's kept me amused all afternoon - except when the server dies.)

Fagtardicus ago

just wait a second faggot, our CIAnigger admin will purchase more RAM eventually

TheBuddha ago

Always asking for more resources. Fucking immigrants!

Fagtardicus ago

its not asking if its certain to happen reguardless of anything anybody else does

TheBuddha ago

They're going to raise Pepe taxes on all of us.

Crensch ago

Can we toss niggers over the wall?

Hydrocephalus ago

Only if we infect them with the plague first.

Crensch ago

Good answer.

kammmmak ago

In Roman times they'd have catapulted them for fun.

TheBuddha ago

Were they born here, or did they emigrate?

Crensch ago

Doesn't matter, they don't belong in a country with whites.

TheBuddha ago

Meh, you don't get to make the rules. Nice try and don't you have someone who's controlling you to attend to? I saw the ping.

Yeah... Even your site influence ebbs. That's pretty funny. You have fun, though. I'm gonna enjoy watching. S'not a damned thing you can do to change it, either. Enjoy!

Crensch ago

Meh, you don't get to make the rules. Nice try and don't you have someone who's controlling you to attend to? I saw the ping.

The one you wrote from anon?

No, nature and genetics make the rules. Niggers don't mix with whites, and need to go back to Wakanda.

Yeah... Even your site influence ebbs. That's pretty funny. You have fun, though. I'm gonna enjoy watching. S'not a damned thing you can do to change it, either. Enjoy!

It hasn't waned at all. The presence of an offsite cabal and sanegoat, who uses sock puppets to upvote himself isn't a threat, or a valid stat to make such a comment on, but you wouldn't know that despite claiming to know something about math. Niggers should be with niggers, and guess who built this country. (Hint for a nigger: not A or C)

TheBuddha ago

How'd your last attempt to attack work? That's your voice getting smaller and smaller. That's you getting more and more impotent. I didn't even have to vote it down - and you know that's the truth.

Keep going, you do nothing more than amuse me. I don't even dislike you, I kinda like that you give me so much of your attention. That's power.

Crensch ago

How'd your last attempt to attack work?

My attempt to attack whom?

That's your voice getting smaller and smaller.

I like how you use the same rhetoric as the anon guy you want me to think you're not.

That's you getting more and more impotent. I didn't even have to vote it down - and you know that's the truth.

What's nice is anti-nigger stuff still makes it to the front page constantly, so does anti-Jew stuff. I wonder how it feels to be of a subhuman race that Voat hates.

Keep going, you do nothing more than amuse me. I don't even dislike you, I kinda like that you give me so much of your attention. That's power.

That's what @Dylan_Klebold thought, too.

TheBuddha ago

Your post about my voting up v/Truthhurts like it was something I haven't said a million times before. How'd that work out for you?

Keep going, you're just looking silly at this point. You're like a trained puppy.

Crensch ago

Oh, it's ok. I know I've got freshmeat crew following me around. I also know that only a nigger would find v/truthhurts content worth upvoting.

Why do you think I support Blaxit? Remove yourself before the next windchime era, nigger.

TheBuddha ago

throws the stick again

Crensch ago

As if pretending that I'm a dog or a slave will stop me from pointing out that you don't belong, and that you upvote shit-content on Voat.

I'm sure your pro-Voat buddies appreciate you helping maxcactus forum slide good content.

TheBuddha ago

That's impotent rage, right there. It's awesome.

You're gonna have a stroke.

Crensch ago

That's impotent rage, right there. It's awesome.

It's so funny how the weak-minded always attribute some emotional flaw to my words. The rage must come from somewhere, nigger, but it's not from this end. Niggers and Jews really are masters of projection.

You're gonna have a stroke.

This is funny to me. Hate and rage are healthy things when justified. It's only (((their))) programming that says otherwise.

What's even funnier is that some part of you seems to need me emotionally compromised in order to feel better about yourself and your presence here.

Low-effort responses like "throws the stick again" are indicative of someone losing his frame.

Keep upvoting /v/truthhurts, nigger. I'm sure the content is more your speed, anyway.

TheBuddha ago

You gotta try harder than that. Maybe it'll work next time?

Go on, keep returning the stick.

Crensch ago

Heh, those downvotes aren't from me, windchime. I didn't even ping anyone here, like you pathetic niggers always complain about.

TheBuddha ago

That's okay, I have plenty. I do anything I want, actually. There's fuck all that can stop me.

Crensch ago

That's fine. Enjoy the imagery that pops in your head every time you decide to defend niggers staying in white-built countries.

TheBuddha ago

Don't worry, I do.

Crensch ago

Never met a nigger that liked imaginging the feel of rope around his neck, but cool.

TheBuddha ago

That's not very effective when you're impotent, few in number, and lacking in sanity. In the real world, we call you delusional. You should try the real world. It's not comfortable, but you make smarter choices if you live in it. Where are you? Where am I? I think the record stands for itself.

Seriously, you're gonna have a stroke. You should see a medical doctor.

Crensch ago

That's not very effective when you're impotent, few in number, and lacking in sanity.

Niggers could have all the numbers they wanted, and if they lived on their own, they'd only have sticks and rusted weapons WHITE people made to fight with. What a funny argument.

In the real world, we call you delusional. You should try the real world. It's not comfortable, but you make smarter choices if you live in it. Where are you? Where am I? I think the record stands for itself.

Enjoying that affirmative action position at whatever Jew-run institution you work at? Did you like those extra points on your testing scores from being a nigger?

Seriously, you're gonna have a stroke. You should see a medical doctor.

There just has to be something wrong with me for you to square this in your mind, nigger?

TheBuddha ago

It must suck to be less successful, in every single way, then something you hate so much. I can't really relate, but it seems likely that that's a poor emotional state to be in. Your lashing out only makes sense. You lack the means to do anything else.

You know what I've done this week? I've secured employment for two local people in need. What have you done?

The same thing you did the week before. That working out well for ya? Still got that shit job at the factory, or are you living off my tax dollars? You're here a lot, so it's probably the latter. Hmm... Yeah, I just don't see you ever accomplishing anything of note. That's gotta suck.

Crensch ago

It must suck to be less successful, in every single way, then something you hate so much.


I could be living in a box by the river with a craptop and a McDonald's wifi connection, and my life would still be better than knowing that the white people around me know I'm there because of Affirmative action and programs their taxes pay for, and that some better-qualified white probably didn't get my job because I'm a nigger.

I can't really relate, but it seems likely that that's a poor emotional state to be in. Your lashing out only makes sense. You lack the means to do anything else.

You lack the means to get where you are while being white. I think I could live with poverty over that shame. Then again, I'm white, so setting the bar higher for myself is just natural.

You know what I've done this week? I've secured employment for two local people in need. What have you done?

People, or niggers?

The same thing you did the week before. That working out well for ya?

Not being a nigger? Yeah. I'd have to live with the shame of never knowing if it was my own efforts that got me to wherever I happened to be, but the color of my skin.

Still got that shit job at the factory, or are you living off my tax dollars?

You mean the ones that pay for your mother and sisters' section 8, food stamps, schooling, and other gibs?

You're here a lot, so it's probably the latter. Hmm... Yeah, I just don't see you ever accomplishing anything of note. That's gotta suck.

Niggers don't really see much of anything about the future, that's why any country they control is a shithole.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, you're delusional. You're never going to have anything and had tried to tout mediocrity as a virtue.

It's okay, maybe if you do it harder tomorrow it will work better?

Crensch ago

Yeah, you're delusional. You're never going to have anything and had tried to tout mediocrity as a virtue.

TIL niggers think earning your living = mediocrity and =/= virtue.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, I earned my living - and then some. I earned enough for many people. Which is why your voice is fading. A few more generations and you'll be in the history books. That pendulum swings anew.

Crensch ago

Oh, I earned my living - and then some.

Must be nice to be handed high paying jobs just for showing up. Doesn't do much for your character, but I'm sure it makes a subhuman feel like he isn't subhuman anymore.

I earned enough for many people.


Earned it.

Pick one.

Which is why your voice is fading. A few more generations and you'll be in the history books. That pendulum swings anew.

Keep it up, Oprah. Once the Jews are gone, your peoples' crimes will show every day on the news. It won't take long for normies to figure out the cause.

TheBuddha ago

You're delusional. The war's already over, you might just as well go out quietly and maybe they'll let you have some scraps. Good luck!

DieselBustersYes ago

What war?

TheBuddha ago

The war for any one race to reign supreme. It's simple genetics, really. People stick their dicks in each other. If you mix the races, the end is inevitable. That ship sailed and nobody likes the people who tout racial purity. So, you're gonna be pretty brown in just a few more generations. Small pockets will last longer, but the end result is the same. It'll happen and there's not much you can do about it. If you argue, someone's just gonna call you a nazi and ignore anything you say after that.

You're not going to have a successful race war. You lack the numbers, logistics, leadership, and even a cohesive plan. Look at Voat as a good example. I bet they can't even agree on a good name for a stray cat.

Warpig-034 ago

whites lack logistics, leadership, and even a cohesive plan

Coming from a shitskin that's just cute.

TheBuddha ago

How's that working out for ya? Not very good, now is it? I'm mostly Native and I'm pretty comfortable with my accomplishments and who I am. I've done well, son. If you were smart, you'd take a lesson. You won't, I'm used to it.

Warpig-034 ago


DieselBustersYes ago

It'll be weird when we are all just one race. Won't it?

Black and Mexicans will probably go away too, along with the Asians, and Native Americans. We are all just going to be one race. :/

Black guys really love fucking fat white chicks for some reason.

Are you looking forward to this? Or nah.. :p

TheBuddha ago

I don't care. It's not like they let me decide, so I don't even worry about it except to pick on the stupid people. They get all sorts of mad and then just get more and more angry - and this amuses me. It is awesome when stupid people think they're smart. Well, awesome to witness. It gave us, "Hold my beer and watch this..."

As for our species? We will go extinct, eventually. I don't make the rules and nobody would listen to me if I did. So, what more is there to do but laugh and watch it burn?

DieselBustersYes ago

How many years do you think our species has left? I'd say about a thousand but, it'd probably be a slow extremely painful extinction.

What would you do if people listened to what you said and you made the rules? Would you smite them with a guitar lighting bolt?

TheBuddha ago

I have no idea how long we have - but not too long, on a astronomical scale. Even if we somehow don't kill ourselves, the Sun is going to get really big and pretty much fry us as it expands during its final stages. I don't have much faith that we'll get out of this gravity well in any meaningful numbers. That's probably for the best.

Nah, fuck 'em if they don't listen to me. It wouldn't matter, we ebb and flow like the tide - though on a longer scale. Today is tomorrow's history.

475677 ago

Now you know how my beloved nation of Australia feels.

TheBuddha ago

Nah, I still have my balls!

Fambida ago

The server was already crashing before they got banned though...

voatuser1128 ago

Serious question, but can the Voat community buy more servers? Like what pays for the maintenance here?

Fambida ago

Well, afaik we're still in the middle of porting the code to not be reliant on Windows servers, so maybe after we're moved over to Linux (which should help a lot on it's own) Putt will look into that.

TheBuddha ago

They added to the load. They have to go back.

fusir ago

Remember the "have to go back" meme started with a professor who needed her safespace. Think about what's driving your motivation.

TheBuddha ago

You're a leftist shill! No to open borders!

fusir ago

No I'm not. I'm more anti-marxist than anyone here because I've actually studied Marx and Austrianism. I actually know what I'm talking about when I oppose Marx. The irony is that many of the concept on the far left are philosophically similar to Marx's stupidity.

I bet the adverage person here if they read Marx would fall for it and would not be able to tell me what is wronge with Base Theory. If you fall for tariffs you can't read Marx critically which means you can't be a true anti-marxist.

TheBuddha ago

You invested all that in what was obviously a joke response?

I appreciate that, but I just want you to know it was purely humor.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Voat is too serious and this is harming us.

We must have places to blow off steam, and we mist welcome the users who integrate.

There are more good people than bad, and bad people will always find a way in (and not be deterred by our abuse, since they are paid to be here).

Anybody who integrates should be welcomed!

MkC ago

Is always the same scenario. Digg, reddit, hacker news. First it's small and serious but not a ton of content. Then more people come in and we get more content and some fun. Then more people come and complain about the old ways. Then people compete to have the funniest comment, except it's not really funny it's just what the masses are capable of understanding. Then more people come and the bar gets lowered even more.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

One submission in the past 2.5 years?

Truly, you are an established voater.

modsrcuntz ago

simple indoctrination...they just need to know immediately upfront...they are faggots. the rest will sort itself out.

Kal ago

It seems like the right is forgetting that humor is, by and large, how the culture war is won. When this place is all serious all the time, I know I don't feel like coming here. I'm not emotionally invested in if the world burns or not. Make with the fucking jokes.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

check out /v/soapdoxbanhammer for a cool place to hang out and be silly

also get banned

Kal ago

lol gud 1

2mod ago

I need a voat account older than 30 days in order to create a new subverse, I am willing to pay $20 for it

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Voat doesn't operate like that.

Make some comments, post some submissions. Learn the ropes before you jump into the ring!

obvious-throwaway- ago

Anybody who integrates

This is the key. If they come in and we tell them they are nigger faggots who have been spending their time supporting a Jew propaganda site and they should all kill themselves, and they stay anyway, then they probably belong here (or are paid shills). Otherwise, it's just another opportunity for shills to sneak in with the crowd and establish Eddit 2.0 and start banning people for thoughts and opinions which we must


And, always remember, the amount of time on an account means nothing, as Sharia Blue buys aged accounts to infiltrate, so just because the clamhurt_legbeard account is 2.6 years old, doesn't mean he's not a Kike or Soy Boy trying to bring this site down.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

so just because the clamhurt_legbeard account is 2.6 years old, doesn't mean he's not a Kike or Soy Boy trying to bring this site down.

This is key. I've already seen an account that was over a year old (with hardly any SCP or CCP) make a post about gun stuff. Could be a coincidence, or could be a bought sleeper account activating.

Gotta carefully pay attention to what people say and see if they're meshing with how we operate.

obvious-throwaway- ago

The only thing we can trust in is that the dirty kikes would murder their own children for a handful of shekels, the things they would do to us is the stuff of nightmares.

PrettyBigDouche ago

Redditors are like Somalians. 99.9% don't want to integrate.

Chimaira92 ago

I agree with your statement as a whole but where is the proof that voat is being harmed by vetting it's immigrants?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh I never said don't vet. In fact, let me specifically say vet them.

But most people should pass vetting because most people aren't trying to sabotage us.

If your vetting excludes 90% of new users, you need to recalibrate.

Chimaira92 ago

Ok but there is no evidence to suggest that those 90% of users would have been a benefit to voat.

Quality over quantity.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Any random selection of users would have 90% end up as useful.

This group seems knowledgeable, easy going and active, and interested in a niche many users here are also interested in.

I'd estimate even more of these users than average would be useful, especially compared to other similar migration attempts.

Chimaira92 ago

Any random selection of users would have 90% end up as useful.

What about users from r/Shoplifting and r/Stealing?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Gundeals might be above average, and those might be below average.

And if you add then all together, the average will be 90%.

Chimaira92 ago

Or the average might be 30% and only 2% of them leave due to the vetting.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It's possible. I don't think two thirds of humanity is shit, but opinions differ.

Chimaira92 ago

Or the average might be 30%

aLegoInYourShoe ago

If you fill up Sweden with Africans, you get Africa. If you fill up a coffee mug with diarrhea, you get diarrhea in a cup. If you fill up voat with reddit minded people, you get reddit.

And fuck your integration, you are parroting shit you don't understand. Integrating something that is unwanted and unchanged will ALWAYS move the middle ground toward their side, this is also true for the leftists vs conservatives in a sense. The left ALWAYS attacks while the conservatives try to constantly defend and never pushes back, and for every small loss they get a new middle ground more to the left that they have to defend.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Nice 1.1 year old account. Why did it take you so long to join?

I can use all the same arguments to show that your account should have never been allowed, all the good users came over two and a half years ago.

But that's dumb. New, valuable people can always join. There's no cutoff. Most of these new users are probably all right.

and so it continues until the entire playing field is dominated by the aggressor

If your ideology is so weak it can't stand up to any competing ideas, it's no wonder you're so scared. That's the definition of cuck.

aLegoInYourShoe ago

Listen here you fucking low IQ knuckle dragging retard, and stop trying to deflect to something completely irrelevant:

Do you realize what integration is? You are telling us to be completely passive and non-radical when we have very radical opponents.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Not one person still on reddit is good enough for this website.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I notice you joined the same time I did. Convenient you draw the line right after you joined, instead of before.

What took you so long to join Voat? Reddit was trash for a couple years before you joined. Why do you think you get a pass but these people don't?

good enough for this website

What a trashy statement.

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

Wow, big fag, eh? They don't get a pass and neither do you. I'm not calling for legislation. I'm calling you faggots. You're faggots.

ToTheMoonAlice ago

Too serious? Have a fucking goat:

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Hydrocephalus ago

Open borders is the only way to ensure our future! rubs hands jewishly

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The good thing about voat is it's a direct democracy where we can shoot the niggerfaggots with downvotes if they get out of line.

HungryCrow ago

They're using day mode! THEY'RE USING FUCKING DAY MODE!!!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I know, I know, but we just mention how to turn on night mode and it resolves itself!

I had a guy a month ago talk about my CSS being unreadable white on white, he had to highlight every comment to read it, etc...

Eventually I figured out the issue, it was hilarious! I think he tried to marry me he was so happy.

Longstride77 ago

Volume runs the risk of diluting Voat. But there's nothing you can do about that. I'm just more worried about upkeep costs. I know there was that whole thing with hosting on Azure, which put Put in a bind.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Everything you say is true, but if nothing else, keep in mind that Putt wants to grow the site and worries about it becoming stagnant at zero growth!

Longstride77 ago

Stagnation is death for any organization.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

Anybody who integrates should be welcomed!

until you get taqiyah

clamhurt_legbeard ago

We're very good at calling out niggerfaggots.

Three months from now these users will all have accounts only three months old. If they're still being dumbasses and talking shit, they'll get flagged by our most vigilant users without issue. Then raineth the downvotes.

drunkjake ago

Build up a weekendgunnit tier swap sub?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

We have a lot of cool people here on Voat, and many came from reddit before that. A lot of people were only on reddit for that one sub.

With all the cool people we have, I think we could definitely make some awesome subs.

Erling2017 ago

r/gundeals, and the porn. Don't forget the porn.

Empire_of_the_mind ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

I love all goats, male or female.

No trannies, tho.

tendiesonfloor ago

Anybody who integrates should be welcomed!

How many redditfags are you prepared to personally take into your home? All I see is you opening other people's doors.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Does voat count as my home or yours?

Why did you only come to voat 9 months ago? What took you so long? Why does the door close after you instead of after me or a year before me?

You're a low-effort user anyway, all you do is repost and mistitle articles to scrape upvotes and sow division. I'm hardly surprised you're attempting to prevent more gun owners from joining us. We'd run you out of here.

olinneserpona ago

I disagree, there aren't more good people than bad coming over, that's why they have been on Reddit and kept away from Voat until now.

RacistJew ago

Literally the only reason I went to reddit was gundeals and T_D. Got banned from T_D for calling out Trump on his gun control BS and now Gundeals is gone. I came here when pizzagate got banned, and stayed for a while, but can't remember my fucking password.

So fuck off

olinneserpona ago

me me me, fuck off.

That's a heartbreaking story, really. Why should I not speak the truth just because 'you bla bla bla'? Self centered degenerate prick, everything doesn't revolve around you.

RacistJew ago

Well I am sorry they don't make statitistics on Reddit profiles, but I was attempting to give you a data point on the type of people coming over here. Most are only here to post and discuss gundeals. We are not that active outside the gundeals sub. If you don't welcome that then you are a freedom hating faggot.

If y'all are gonna crawl around telling bigger and faggot and joos everywhere, you ought to have thicker skin yourself.


I'd venture to say that most probably didn't even know about voat.

TerrifiedTyphlosion ago

Correct. This website never, ever showed up on my radar until I was reading a 4chan post that mentioned Voat in passing.

ForgotMyName ago

If only there were a search engine that would allow you to find an alternative to things...

SafeMushroom ago


Had I'd known a lot sooner about this place I would have fled ages ago.

Mr420Club ago

I didn't, I just heard about this today after some subs over there were banned, seems like a great place much better than Reddit

fusir ago

The only issue I ever have is reddit mod culture. That's the only way they need to assimilate. Other than that the definition of being a voat goat is that everything belongs here and nothing is banned.

olinneserpona ago

We have a filtering process for a reason. We should not 'welcome' anyone, we should give them the test and weed out the scum , as always.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Did you post on reddit?

Doc_Brown_Lives ago

Agreed. /r/gundeals was the ONLY reason I still checked in at *eddit as my wallet likes the pain. Now I can happily delete the hyperlink

asdfghjkl169 ago

In the same boat. Recently got a scorpion and was checking /r/gundeals religiously for accessory deals, looks like I'm a voat user now!

Hatetank ago

Me too.

Happy_Chemtrails ago

Same here.

I don't see a problem with more freedom loving people integrating into voat society. /v/gundeals has had more posts in the last few hours than it's had in the last year. As long as the heavy-handed moderation stays at reddit, there really isn't a downside for the rest of us.

At least we aren't getting the LGTBBQ faggots here yet.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Let's get The Red Pill Barbeque?

Haha, love it

AaronSWgood_Spezbad ago

you forgot the P. The left has moved onto promoting pedophilia now

UlyssesEMcGill ago

You forgot the R. They love Muslim rapists

Happy_Chemtrails ago

Thanks for the heads up!

Edited original to incorporate those faggots too.

Zen-Zinxe ago

That's one LeGiT RaP BarBeQue mate.

Obeastiality ago

I honestly question the wisdom of moving a sub that was banned because people saw it as violent - to a place that hates niggers, kikes, mudslimes, and unironically thinks hitler did nothing wrong. (he didn't)

They'll fracture in pieces by the end of the day.

chmod ago

Sadly he did. Opening up the Eastern Front. Shoulda waited.

voatuser1128 ago

He should have supported Rommel and taken the Middle East then planned with the Japanese to attack Russia from both sides. I'm on the fence of whether he could have taken the UK with how much weaker navy wise Germany was to the UK.

spezisafag ago

You list a regularly priced shockwave as a top deal. Are you guys just lazy or stupid too?

noimdirtydan ago

Sometimes both. Best deal usually shows up in the comments or a better deal gets upvoted, hope that will still be the case

herecuzredditgaynow ago

I am literally in the market for exactly that or something similar and legal. I got a 300blk out pistol build in the mail right now I am waiting for. You got some leads on something better lemme know.

ChosenUndead ago


fusir ago

Maybe we should be more like old voat and have a broader political spectrum here. Too bad 1:1000 of us is a covert right-shill and actively attempts to turn the place into a circle jerk.

Because we are right wing they go undetected but it doesn't excuse being a shill and making the place intellectually stale.

I am still advocating getting rid of the downvote button. The place was better when the vast majority of us didn't have one.

Norseman ago

This is for good reason.

It's because once you take a few red pills you realize it's not about left vs right, or R vs D, or even capitalism vs, when you keep searching for answers you eventually learn it's really everyone on earth vs the top jews and it's been that way for a very very long time.

We just boil it down here on Voat and get right to the point because we don't like to waste time fucking around pretending it's not.

The real discussion is how best to fight this and win, and inside that is a variety of choices. I think conservative libertarism has some good merits and is likely the best past. Throw in some light nationalism, populism, and ancestry centrist family pride and you've got a working plan.

Norseman ago

This is for good reason.

It's because once you take a few red pills you realize it's not about left vs right, or R vs D, or capitalism vs, when you keep searching for answers you eventually learn it's really everyone on earth vs the top jews.

We just boil it down here on Voat and get right to the point because we don't like to waste time fucking around pretending it's not.

Fagtardicus ago

I am still advocating getting rid of the downvote button. The place was better when the vast majority of us didn't have one.

maybe if we didnt have such a suspicious admin or or we didnt have reddits karma farmers