Pissant ago

So who is funding Voat? Where did Atko and Putt disappear to at the same time as the Slimg owners the other year? Why is there a openly transexual autistic hewoman coding the back end of Voat? Why does v/Soapboxbanhammer brigade and threaten to doxx people and never get in trouble for it?

There are plenty of legitimate questions to be asking at this point, and people are asking them. Trying to act like we're crazy for asking those questions is not helping your cause.

Chiefpacman ago

He seems to have a few bros he likes to tag. He is definitely guilty of going into an autistic rage when people disagree with him.

That is why there are users like me here, setting the story straight. Sbbh is no better than rPV. Were not with any group; we just like to voat and don’t like people who try to control the site thru groupthink. They used to have more influence on the site. It looks like people have started to recognize their tactics.

Speakfree ago

He's brigaded and called in his buddies for multiple of my other / retired accounts. I thought that was pretty petty and not very productive.

Chiefpacman ago

Agreed. At least it seems to be well known now.

Crench’s attempt to use freshmeat’s unpopularity to garnish favor with the community, has thoroughly backfired. I think there is a handful of quality users who recognize sbbh/crench and gang.

Chiefpacman ago

See you I can have coherent conversations with.

Some aren't so bad, some (the ones who also spent time on SDBH and over at phuks) are the cancer you think they are.

Crensh and gang seem like autistic punks to me. They use all caps, they repeat posts, they tag eachother to carry votes.

Anyone who disagrees is shill/jew/alt.

Chiefpacman ago

Damn they downvoat you fast. I’m impressed with the level of hatred you’ve garnished.

I agree that he’s a spamming faggot. But that is a v/pv post, its a circlejerk sub. If that was another v/whatever post I would have had to start yet another voat argument.. i’ma bit worn out with voat today.

Went to an amusement park, very tiring. Was fun, rude minorities everywhere though

Chiefpacman ago

That’s what I had to do. But you see my point

Pissant ago

There are a bunch of useful idiots buying into it now, it's incredible.

Chiefpacman ago

It doesn’t help our argument man. Can’t give up our principles, would defeat the point.

Pissant ago

The principles that they're shitting all over by brigading people?


Look at them getting caught in the act, he created a brigading thread, was downvoated, deleted it and reposted it. No one bats an eye. No one gives a shit. I post about it and get Doxx threats. No one cares.

Yet oh shit, we want to hold them accountable for their behavior and "muh principles". Personally I believe in freedom of speech, and I believe that those who willingly try to subvert it don't deserve it and have forfeited their rights to it.

Chiefpacman ago

I sympathize with you, i’ve had the same issue. The system hasn’t failed yet though.

Chiefpacman ago

Just block him, he can post about his stupid bs in the troll subs.

When he does it in a general sub, he is more liable.

Chiefpacman ago

It is rPV vs SBBH bs.

turned SBBH into a nazi sub as a joke

I don’t know about the goings on in sbbh, it doesn’t really pertain to my argument that you turned them nazi. I’d like them if they were just nazis.

ed with you here and there for over 2 years. I can't believe you buy into the narrative being spun by the people who autistically attack @puttitout

Again, I don’t even know what you’re referring to. I have my issues with putt’s admin style but I still like him enough. Again, I’m not on rPV’s side. I’m sure they’ve done stupid things; isn’t that well known?

Of course you will dismiss everything I say because you evidently believe everything that crowd tells you.

My ‘narrative’ is my own. I don’t disregard what you say; I think you’re alright. You don’t make incoherent flame war posts like crensch.

I am not the only user who is fed up with sbbh. Anytime they get in an argument, they tag 5 people too bury opposition. They have made troll subverses in my honor. I had to ask people how to block the sub because they hid the block button. They’re trolls.

CrudOMatic ago

...and you got 13 downvoats. Smells like a botter to me.

Pissant ago

Nope, people are just sick of him whining about Freshmeat. There have been dozens of posts about the guy over the past couple weeks, and what can they really point to, a random comment he made about being Amalek? About being @She? If there was something actually happening the constant spam might be legitimate but Crensch and his friends are spamming Voat with this shit until everyone thinks the way they do -- and that's some SJW bullshit.

EarlPoncho ago

how much do you make per yr

Crensch ago

I could apply the obvious context here, but instead I'm going to go with this question:

Why are you asking?

Chiefpacman ago

Crensh is a faggot but if we shouldn’t start banning people

It’s up to the community

Le_Squish ago

He's been found out. He can no longer pretend it was just a handful of cliqish voaters going after him.

Have fun, brah.

Pissant ago

Everything everyone says on the Internet is true, and no one ever makes jokes or trolls people. You're right, I should just get in line with the information being spammed at me nearly every day by the same group of people. Just like you! Who cares that there's no proof, proof is for cucks!

Crensch ago

Watch this get downvoted just like all of these https://www.voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2448195

Chiefpacman ago

I downvoated it because no one cares about this sbbh vs rPV bullshit. Its drama, it’s pathetic, it makes us look bad.

You guys vote brigade. You whining about voat brigading with no proof; doesn’t inspire any pity. I rarely downvoat (unlike yourself), but this shit has gotten so old.

hmm this post got onto front page in under a half hour, possible alts at work

That’s how you sound. Just keep it to your troll subs and it wouldn’t bother anyone. You guys are leaking everywhere, getting v/pizzagate involved yesterday

Pissant ago

It's pretty incredible that they can't grasp the concept that people disagree with them. It's autistic to the max.

Crensch ago

You guys vote brigade.


You whining about voat brigading with no proof; doesn’t inspire any pity.

Let's give him a hand, ladies and gentlemen!


Pissant ago


Proof of voat brigading, happy?

Crensch ago

Isn't Reddit more your speed? You know that image isn't really proof of anything except that he deleted his submission and resubmitted it, right? Over on Reddit they might believe you, but Voat is a bit too reasonable for a drunk childfucker like you.

Chiefpacman ago

Classic crench logic. You’re reinforcing my point.

Why do you think it’s okay for you to accuse people of having alts; but no one else. I thought you admitted to having multiple accounts, or was that just you playing ‘4D chess’ and it went over everyone’s heads?

Crensch ago

Why do you think it’s okay for you to accuse people of having alts; but no one else.

You mean the guy that admits to having alts?

I thought you admitted to having multiple accounts, or was that just you playing ‘4D chess’ and it went over everyone’s heads?

Oh? When did I do this?

Classic crench logic. You’re reinforcing my point.

Attack me for accusing the guy of doing what he admits doing, then another accusation with no proof. /golfclap

Chiefpacman ago

It seems like you and freshmeat should realize how similar your tactics are, and appreciate the irony.

Think about that as you log into those other accounts.

Crensch ago

It seems like you and freshmeat should realize how similar your tactics are, and appreciate the irony.

That's a pretty obvious false equivalence there. I see you defending him by painting his opposition as being just as bad.

Think about that as you log into those other accounts.

Back at you.

EyeoftheChampion ago

13 is his lucky number