daskapitalist ago

If their mods can ban someone based on their ideology, the employer is the problem not the employee.

DreamcastVibes ago

Like true communism. Blame the others and call it "Not true moderating"

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Blames "faggoty SJWs" of mod team. Oh wait, they're all faggoty SJWs.

TheSeer ago

They are using AI to censor videos/channels. They must have cranked the dial up to 11, and as a result all conservative videos/channels got blocked. Google/YT realized there would be a mass migration if they weren't more subtle, but also if they admitted (at this time) to using an AI to censor content.

So they have walked it back. Or talked it back, at least.

StormSaxon ago

You can just imagine a room full of trannies, Jews, purple-haired feminists, and bugmen all on an ego-trip rampage deleting everything that offends them, can't you?

If these left coast techies want the internet treated like a public utility(so ISPs can't claim a share of their shekels) let's start regulating them, too. Transparency rules, government bureaucrats that have to sign off on bannings, etc.

aria_taint ago

Yes, blame someone else...

northportage ago

It's the SJW way.

Wulfgar ago

give ideologues power and they will abuse it