i_like_cheese ago


glassuser ago

What gun range?

Ina_Pickle ago

The problem isn't yoga pants per se. That chick's pants are a size or two too small and she's not wearing underwear. That's what is giving her the enormous wedgie look. It's indecent. May as well not wear any pants at all.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Why is the dude wearing a vapor/dust mask?

Also while the ass is tight, the grouping could be tighter. Idk if yoga pants play a role in the latter or not.

TheDaoReveals ago

Unconfirmed. It didn't show her grouping so it's hard to tell if they are proper tactical wear. Post more and maybe we can figure it out.

SweetChicken ago

She needs to bend her elbows a bit and lean forward at the hips to better handle the recoil.Shitty instructor for not correcting this.

Holonomic ago

This one of the many differences between Voat and [d]eddit.

This is what [d]reddit would find appealing.

HillbillyGoat ago

In this instance, yes. Yes they are.

zx1 ago

Nah, down with yoga pants.

Bigbensbathroomstall ago

Jesus christ no shame or modesty at all. That shit should be worn under something in public

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Only if you have the body to wear yoga pants. Otherwise cover that shit up.

If you are a shitlady by all means wear them. Try to find a range frequented by fat couples. The agreements you start will be more explosive then the rounds you fire.

bbqchipz ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

If you jog in yoga pants, and you concealed carry, you MUST train in yoga pants.

Fight like you train!

fartyshorts ago

How to conceal in yoga pants, though? Like drunks, children and computers, they don't lie.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

  • Shoulder holster with a light jacket over it.
  • Very light weapon like an LCR clipped inside the waistband
  • Flashbang bra holster
  • Fanny pack

Or maybe you decide you shouldn't jog in yoga pants!

There are lots of ways to conceal. If you go to the range in your jogging gear and can't figure a way out, you need to find different jogging gear!

Part of the reason you train as you fight is so you find where it FAILS and then fix it - without waiting for a deadly scenario to point it out to you.

Hall_of_Cost ago

My goodness! Bless her heart

BeefBourgignon ago

Depends on how much attention you're trying to get. If you want like, all the attention then you also make sure to hoist the pants up your asscrack like the chick in the video.

wtfeva ago


lord_nougat ago

Only if they really show off your massive etection.

Cuckbot ago

I'd fuck that but I would wear a rubber. Maybe two.

Awful-Falafel ago

It really does depend on a few (physical) criteria if it is proper attire at any time.

freedumbz ago

Yes, they are. Please, provide more of this.

Atsuki ago

For that booty, they are proper attire ;)

RedditisPropaganda31 ago


Bumblecherry ago

No faking it in a pair of those.

wtfeva ago

This should be da LAW.

tendiesonfloor ago

Seeing as how ~65% of women now qualify as obese, I think you should reconsider your proposal.

Cat-hax ago

He doesn't have too, the cows ware them anyway.

peacegnome ago

it would be a constant public shaming, and maybe they would put down the bonbons

3TrillionPotatoes ago

A portion of them already wear yoga pants all the time because they’re “comfy” (read as, the only thing they can fit their fupa in).

They get shamed and still haven’t put down the food.

Knife_Cat ago

I don’t get it. Yoga pants are for working out, or sleeping.

If you can’t wear pants (zipper, button), figure out your life, women.

(Chick, here.)